Author's note: Here's a new chapter~! Please enjoy! I'm sorry it's a few days late, I needed to iron out some stuff that I didn't like about this chapter. And I still don't like it very much.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke.

Chapter 6

"Ojii-san, someone sent you a message." Seiki walked over to Kuroko and handed him the folded piece of paper. Kuroko scanned through its contents quickly, then reached for the stationary he kept on his bedside table and carefully wrote a reply. Folding the paper into a neat square, he handed it to his grandson. "Take this to Yuumi-san, or if you can find her, Tetsuna-san. They will both know what to do."

"Alright, Ojii-san. Will you tell me about it later?"

"Of course. Once you return, I'll fill you in." Kuroko fingered the note that he received, smoothening out the creases as he read through the words again. The paper, though plain, was of high quality, and the words neatly printed upon it were in a hand he knew well.


Come to the hospital gates at 2pm. I will be waiting.

It was not signed, but the handwriting was unmistakably Akashi's. That, as well as the high quality of material of the ink and the paper used left no room for doubt as to who sent the message. It was possible that someone had taken Akashi's stationary to send him a message, but there was something about Akashi's handwriting that was impossible to replicate. And if the message wasn't from Akashi - well, that's what he sent a reply for.


Seiki headed straight for Akashi's rooms after Kuroko had dismissed him. He understood that there was a possibility of someone trying to kidnap or harm his grandfather, and thus it would be unwise to entrust anyone else with this message. The nurse who had given him the message was Yuumi, the same nurse who attended to Akashi. While such a fact increased the probability of the message being from Akashi, humans were fickle creatures and were susceptible to bribes or threats. The amount of times that someone whom they thought trustworthy had betrayed them was too numerous to count, thus extra precautions had to be taken.

It was Thursday, and over the past two weeks, he had managed to figure out most of Tetsuna's schedule. If there was one thing about the Akashi family - or any well-established, important people - it was that they were slaves to habit. (This was especially so of important people. They had specific schedules that were terribly easy to take advantage of.) And as all good spies knew, habit was something that could be exploited, for good or for bad.

9.15am. Tetsuna would arrive by a black sedan in five minutes exactly. Completely unremarkable, and inconspicuous - exactly the traits needed for the protection of the young heir. She would then sign in at the front desk within the span of one minute, wait for the elevator for up to two minutes, and walk to Akashi's room. En route to the room, she would first make a stop at the vending machine to buy a cup of tea or coffee, then proceed to the ward.

The best point of interception would be when she was buying the drink, he decided; she would assume that he was on his way to visit Kuroko. Any earlier than that would be too suspicious - it might tip her off that something was amiss. She might decide to question how he knew the direction she was headed in, and he would not be able to lie. Ojii-san's blunt manner of saying things has rubbed off on me.

Rounding the corner to Akashi's room at exactly 9.23am, he saw the female redhead already at the vending machine, waiting for her drink to be dispensed. He padded up to her, and greeted softly, "Good morning, Akashi-san."

To his surprise, she didn't jump away at his sudden appearance as many others had. However, she did look shocked, eyes widening as she took a step backwards. Realising who it was, she let out a small breath and smiled minutely.

"Good morning, Kuroko-kun. You are here to visit your grandfather?"

Seiki nodded, then bent down to retrieve the hot drink from the machine. The target snapped it up, hook, line and sinker. Shut up, idiot, she's not a target. Quit thinking in assassination terms so often, will ya? He silenced the internal argument as he straightened, and passed the cup to Tetsuna, slipping the piece of paper into her hand at the same time. She cocked her head fractionally at the feel of the foreign object, but he shook his head so slightly that she almost missed it. "Please give my regards to your grandfather. I am already late, so I will take my leave first. It was nice meeting you, Akashi-san."

Tetsuna looked at his retreating back curiously. Shrugging to herself, she went on her way as if nothing unusual had happened. She knocked and entered Akashi's room, placing the cup on the table before speaking in a nonchalant tone. "Ojii-san, I met Kuroko-kun in the hallway."

"Hmm, is that so? What transpired between you two?" Akashi looked up from the newspaper briefly as she sat beside him.

"He slipped me a piece of paper and asked that I say nothing about it. And that was after he sneaked up on me." She pouted. He's so rude. "If I thought Kuroko-san was an assassin, then Kuroko-kun must be his apprentice. Or perhaps shinobi."

"Assassination is one part of a shinobi's work, so there may be some truth in that. However, is it not possible that he is simply being cautious? It would not do to have someone targeting the young Akashi heir, now, would it?" She nodded begrudgingly, and he patted her hand. "Now that that's settled, let's have a look at that paper."

Tetsuna handed the small slip to Akashi, who scanned its contents quickly with a smile. "Ah, Tetsuya. Careful and thorough, as always."

"What is that, Ojii-san?"

"A reply to my request this morning. Perhaps I should find a time to ask Tetsuya about that assassin theory of yours. It is beginning to pique my interest as well." Akashi smirked and tucked the slip inside his pocket. "Tetsuna, you will spend the afternoon with Seiki. Find out what you will."

"What about you, Ojii-san?" Her face showed concern, and her tone betrayed nothing, but Akashi did not miss the way her nose wrinkled slightly at when he mentioned Seiki.

"I will be talking to Tetsuya. Fret not, little one. We will be quite safe. And do not look down on Seiki just yet. The Kuroko household has a way of exceeding expectations when you least expect it." He winked at her, then turned back to his newspaper, not noticing her growing discontent.


Two o'clock rolled around lazily, and when Kuroko hobbled up to the hospital gates, he found a lone car idling by the sidewalk. He approached it slowly, and saw the window wind down. Akashi's faded red hair appeared over the top of the tinted glass, and he waved Kuroko forward.

The door slid open smoothly, and automatically shut itself after the cerulean-haired man hoisted himself in. As he reclined on the plush seats, a mechanised male voice greeted him. "Good afternoon, Kuroko Tetsuya."

Kuroko shot Akashi a look. "You programmed the car to recognise me?"

Akashi folded his arms smugly. "Of course. It's your getaway car as much as it is mine. You can use this any time you wish."

Kuroko shook his head lightly. "You plan for all eventualities, Sei. Thank you." He leaned over and rested his head on Akashi's shoulder.

Akashi took Kuroko's hand in his, knowing that the blunette was too shy to initiate anything that would show his affection for the redhead. Kuudere. "Take us to the park. The unmarked one on Rakuzan grounds." He commanded the car. The vehicle immediately began to move, pulling away cautiously, as if there was a human driver manning it.

Kuroko shifted positions to look out of the window. They were moving fairly quickly, though it could not be felt within the vehicle. "Why did you decide to get an automated car, Sei? It's as easy, if not easier, to hijack than bribing a human driver."

"That is true, but this car is only programmed to work within hospital grounds. The moment someone tries to adjust its programming, it will break down and send a distress signal to the hospital. Also, human drivers are more expensive, and are more easily bought over with the right sum these days."

Akashi felt a finger poke him in the side, as if in exacerbation. "How then is this a getaway car if it can never leave hospital premises?"

"There are many hiding spots and underground tunnels scattered around the hospital. I would draw you a map, but that's dangerous in enemy hands."

"So we're going to walk through them instead?" Kuroko's voice was faintly amused.

Akashi smirked at him. "That was not the initial plan, but I think we can scope out one tunnel today. It's within the area that we are headed towards."

"Are you going to tell me about this unmarked park? Or do I have to wait in suspense until we get there?" Kuroko's curiosity was piqued, but he tried to keep it hidden.

"That's a good idea. You can wait to see it. But I'll tell you one thing about it - it's Shintarou and Kazunari's favourite spot. At my request, they have kindly vacated it for our use today."

Kuroko pouted momentarily, then looked thoughtful. "Did they vacate it willingly, or did you threaten them?"

"I'm hurt, Tetsuya," Akashi put a hand over his heart. "Do you have that little faith in me?"

"Maybe." Kuroko conceded. Akashi really did look hurt now, and he hurriedly backpedalled. "I'm just joking, Sei. Midorima-kun would give way to you any day."

"That's not particularly true," Akashi stated drily. He was clearly over his brief stint with dejection. "Shintarou has grown a backbone since Kazunari came into his life. I can't say if that's a good or bad thing."

Kuroko snorts quite uncharacteristically. "You have become softer as well. There is more than just one variable to take into account if you want to compare it that way."

"True enough." He was about to say something else when the mechanised voice announced loudly, "We have arrived at our destination. Shall I activate camouflage mode, Akashi-san?"

Kuroko looked out of the window again. Their surroundings did not look any different from where they had departed from, but that was probably the point of an unmarked park. He vaguely registered hearing Akashi activate the camouflage exterior, and felt the barest jolt as the car began moving again.

The car rolled along the path at a leisurely pace, before coming to a stop some hundred metres into the dense shrubbery. "Remain here, and go into sleep mode after we leave."

"Very good, Akashi-san." The machine answered, and the door slid open, allowing the men to step out. Akashi extended his arm to Kuroko, and together, the two of them began following the small dirt path into the trees.

"How long would we have to walk, Sei? I'm afraid my legs aren't very strong." Kuroko said quietly.

"It's not far. Do not worry."

Kuroko tried to keep an eye on his surroundings as they wove through the vegetation, and though he knew exactly how many turns they took and which direction they were headed in, he could not find any distinctive landmarks after a while. Akashi chuckled from beside him. "Don't stress yourself out over remembering our route. I will show you the markers on our way out."

"How did you know I was trying to mark our path? I could have been looking at the scenery." Kuroko allowed a little frustration to leak into his voice, glaring at the forest which looked completely the same. He didn't seem to notice his slip-up, and Akashi stored away that information to interrogate him with in future.

"Your grip on my arm has been increasing in pressure since about twelve turns ago." Akashi told him. Kuroko immediately loosened his grip, flashing the redhead an apologetic glance. "My apologies, Sei. I have not felt this irritated in a long time."

"I figured as much, which is why we have been walking with no direction."

"You're kidding, right?" Kuroko's monotone held an edge of steel, his words more of a statement than a question. And after I told you that I was not capable of walking for long periods.

"Who knows? Ah, here we are. After you, Tetsuya." Akashi pulled aside a curtain of money plant roots, allowing Kuroko to duck under them. There was a tunnel behind the plant curtain, and Kuroko placed one hand on the wall to steady himself. Smooth yet rough, gritty and sandy. What an interesting texture. He could hear Akashi breathing as he followed after him, but was too captivated by the unusual situation to say anything. There was a faint green light just ahead of him, and he moved towards it eagerly, curious to see what was on the other side. He pushed aside the drape of money plants, fixing his eyes on the scene before him.

It was not the largest plot of land, but one could see that a lot of planning had been put into the remodelling of the clearing. The border of the meadow was ringed by tall, thick trees, effectively blocking the path of anyone who attempted to enter. The crowns of the trees interlocked here and there, allowing light to shine through at random areas. Despite that, the space was surprisingly well-lit, and had a cheery atmosphere. There were large brown logs scattered haphazardly around the clearing, but on closer inspection, Kuroko realised that they were actually long chests, crafted into the shape of logs. What an excellent design. At first glance, no one would realise there was anything special about this place.

Long fingers laced themselves through his, squeezing gently. "Would you like to take a closer look?" Kuroko nodded absently, awe plainly evident on his face.

Akashi smiled and tugged him forward, heading towards one of the chests. He let go of Kuroko's hand briefly, pulling a key out of his pocket and unlocking the trunk. Pushing the lid upwards, he retrieved a bulky bundle of cloth, as well as two bottles of water and a packet of dried fruit. Then he shut the lid and sat on top of it, patting the space beside him as an invitation.

Kuroko sat down beside him, still admiring the simple yet beautifully structured garden. "How did you find this place?" Akashi draped the blanket over the two of them, tucking in the edges neatly before answering.

"It was Kazunari who found it first. We were searching for more hidden tunnels, and he had followed one to the surface, leading him to this clearing. Back then, it was completely covered with vegetation, but he saw the potential in the ring of enclosed trees. He begged Shintarou to convince me to allow the remodelling of this area, and while I was skeptical of its usefulness at first, it has proven to be a good investment." Akashi tilted his head upwards to look at the green canopy, sighing in contentment. "The hollowed-out tree that we passed through took them a long time to complete, but I am impressed with their results."

"You mean that they hollowed out that tree on their own?" Kuroko was shocked.

"Of course. No one could know about the tunnel project, and this space by extension. To this day I still wonder how they achieved it, but every man has his secrets." Akashi shrugged lightly. "It was their hard work, and it was only fair that I gave them this portion of the grounds for themselves. Even after I pass on, this area of the Rakuzan grounds will always belong to the Midorima and Takao families."

Kuroko smiled softly at the redhead. "Sometimes, Sei, your brilliance and kind heart show even when you try to hide it."

"I am absolute. I do what I want. Stop making it sound like I am a soft-hearted fool."

"But you are, Sei. And that's why I love you."


Tetsuna huffed and puffed as she hoisted herself up the tree, using a rope to help her walk up the tree trunk. Seiki was already sitting on one of the larger branches, scoping out the area with the binoculars that hung around his neck. She finally reached the branch that he was sitting on, and clung to the trunk in relief, breathing deeply. She was not exactly unfit, but climbing trees was not a normal occurrence in her schedule.

"Tell me again, Kuroko-kun," she mumbled, brushing her hair out of her face. "Why are we stalking our grandfathers?"

"Because I want to practice, and Akashi-sama left you in my care - meaning you have to do what I do. Besides, learning a bit of espionage will serve you well in the future. Everyone, especially someone of your social standing, needs a contingency plan." The cerulean-haired boy was still scanning the area intently, and she was about to interrupt him when he froze.


"Shh," he shushed her. "I can see where they are now. We must be on Midorima-san and Takao-san's land."

"Why do you say that? Which Midorima-san are you talking about?"

"Midorima Shintarou-san. Ask your grandfather about it later. Here, take a look." He passed her the binoculars, guiding her enhanced vision to an innocuous gap in the leaves. A small gasp almost escaped her, and she bit down on her lip to silence herself.

Sitting side-by-side on a log were the unmistakable figures of their grandfathers, talking and sharing a bag of dried fruit. They looked like they were enjoying themselves. At one point, Kuroko looked up, and his eyes seemed like they were fixated on her. Her breath caught in her throat, and when his gaze slid over her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The binoculars were plucked from her hands as Seiki took his turn watching the men's interaction, then he dropped them back on his chest, a smug smile on his face. "Alright, now we have to get closer."

"Closer? Are you nuts? Kuroko-san almost saw me!" She squeaked angrily, but Seiki just reached around her to untie the rope from the trunk. "Hey, are you listening to me?!"

"Akashi-san, you can't honestly believe my grandfather saw you. First of all, his eyesight is beginning to fail him. Secondly, we are too far away to be able to be seen. Thirdly, we are well-camouflaged, which is saying something, considering to the colour of our hair." He looked at her pointedly, and it was all she could do to stop herself from turning away and pouting. Doing that would only reaffirm his suspicions that she was a spoilt brat. (It was not completely untrue, but he really didn't need to know that.)

Taking her silence for agreement, Seiki stood up and hopped to a branch on the adjoining tree. "Come on, Akashi-san. We have to finish this quickly, or we won't be able to return to the rooms in time to change out." Tetsuna glared at him, muttering under her breath as she stood up and tried to jump as he did. It would be easy to make the leap – the branches were relatively close to each other. She bounced onto the bough, wobbling a little as it shook under her weight. Then she straightened up and began picking her way towards her companion, so focused on keeping her footing that she didn't see the wet patch of moss. The moment her foot made contact with the slimy surface, she slipped forward off the branch, a scream forming in her throat.

Strong arms shot forward and grabbed her, yanking her back onto solid ground. Her face was pressed into soft cloth, effectively muffling her scream. She gagged as her air supply was cut off, but held on more tightly to the person who had saved her, revelling in the familiarity of a surface beneath her feet. Tetsuna turned her head to the side, trying to steady her rapid breathing, and inhaled the faint scent of vanilla tinged with rich soil and crushed leaves. Ah crap, what am I doing, clinging on to this person?!

She tried to push herself away from Seiki slowly, knowing that she would fall again if her actions were too violent. However, she found herself unable to move, despite her best efforts to pull away. "Are you sure you want me to let go, Akashi-san?" Seiki asked softly.

"I am alright now. Thank you for saving me." His grip did not loosen. She wriggled one hand free from where it was crushed between them, and tugged at his arm. "Kuroko-kun, let me go. I'm fine."

"Maybe I did it too fast. You're not ready for this." Seiki murmured quietly, his blue eyes fixed on a point far away, unseeing. Tetsuna slapped his arm, trying to catch his attention. "Oi, let me go. Kuroko-kun. Kuroko-kun!" There was still no reply. She sighed in vexation. I'd never thought I'd have to do this. And may I never have to do this again. Forgive me, Ojii-san.

Turning her head upwards so she had a clear view of Seiki's face (the clearest view that was humanely possible, since she remained in his cage-like hold), she called out to him gently. "Kuroko-kun. Sei. Ki. Kun~"

His eyes immediately snapped to hers, a stunned expression on his face at her pseudo attempt at seduction. His arms relaxed their vice-like hold, and she took the opportunity to rip them off her and scoot a ways down the branch. Straddling the bough, she blew her bangs out of her face and gave him the most bored look she could muster. She didn't expect him to be still leaning against the trunk, eyes wide as he stared at her unabashedly.

"Honestly," he flinched at her voice, as if waking from a trance. "You know all these espionage techniques, yet are not immune to psychological attacks?"

Seiki wiped his face of emotion and answered her in a dead voice. "My training has not extended that far. I am unused to this sort of combat." His face had a curious pink tinge to it, and she grinned. Combat? He calls it combat? Really?

"Oh? So you are an assassin-in-training?" She teased. Her tone was light-hearted, but her eyes were sharp.

"Bodyguard-in-training, not assassin. They have similar jobs." Seeming to realise what he said, he started walking towards her. "Great, now I have to kill you, since you know."

"Uh-uh. I don't think so." She smiled at him bemusedly while thinking of a way to deter him. "I'm the Akashi heir. I can just hire you to work for me once you've completed your training, no?" Ack, I hope he doesn't take that seriously. Like I need to see more of him.

Unfortunately, Seiki looked like he was taking her suggestion to heart. "You have a point, Akashi-san. I'll discuss this with Ojii-san." Suddenly, he whipped around to look over the tops of the trees, scanning the area with his binoculars. His abrupt change in attitude is a little unnerving.

"Crap, they've left already. We're going to be in so much trouble."

He hurriedly tied the rope around the trunk of the tree, letting its full length unfurl, then extended a hand towards Tetsuna. "Let's return to the hospital, please, Akashi-san. I don't want you to get in trouble."

Tetsuna hid a grin. I know I shouldn't, but it's just one more time… Standing up and stepping towards Seiki carefully, she lightly placed her hand in his, grabbing the rope in her other hand. "Aww, Seiki-kun. You care." She turned around and gave him a coy smile, looking at him from beneath her eyelashes and blinking a few times to seal the effect. Then she set her feet to the trunk of the tree and began descending, leaving the flustered and blushing blunette behind.