
''Draco is not worried about Granger. Not Jealous. Not bloody pissed off. Doesn't want to know if she's been bullied or what has been done to her. A dark bodyguard, fights between Slytherins, drama, snake kisses, corny jokes and... a cursed key.''

Leads: Draco, Hermione, Harry, Zabini.

Time period: sixth year.

PG 13 (minor rude language/slightly suggestive adult scenes for 13 and older) Romance/Drama/Adventure/Fantasy

Follows the Cannon until Order of Phoenix(fifth year). Except that Blaise Zabini is a transfer student from Durmstrang. I've tried my best to keep the leads in character. Crabbe and Goyle personalities are a bit different, thought.

It will have several chapters. Update weekly.

I'm trying my best to incorporate humor, thought I'm doing a poor job T_T

Disclaimer: characters, places, creatures and spells belong to JKR. The plot belongs to me.

Writting this was harder than I expected. I'm still a newbie. Reviews will make me really really happy! What do you think of it?Do you like it? Is it boring? Do you want more romance?Is the humor really cheesy?

So if you are feeling extra nice. Don't keep me in the dark, I'd love to hear your opinion!

I hope you enjoy it.

Beru :-)




My days before Hogwarts are a bitter memory.

Well, maybe not all. My life until I turned ten years old had been okay. I had been a normal girl. But the year before I discovered that magic actually existed, everything... changed... abruptly. Back then, I wasn't the bossy know-it-all that everybody calls me at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron won't believe that, thought. I've never told them anything. And I won't, this is my second chance.

When I was a kid I didn't had many friends. I was the 'good girl'. I feared dissapointing my parents since I can remember. That hasn't changed.

New students arrived at my muggle school then. And I learned what bullies were for the first time.

My friends were overly excited right after the three new faces stood before us. I guess because one of them was pretty handsome. Yeah, I wasn't going to admit it if they asked me. It was the first time I saw a boy like that. Blue eyes, almost gray, very pale and... features so elegant. Aha, why should I bother denying it, he was VERY handsome. Later on, I'd cursed myself for having thought that. And also for picturing how would it be to have a date or just invite him to my birthday. For blushing while he introduced himself and said his name. A name I'd never forget and I'd hate for a long time.

-''Blaise Zabini.''-he said. Brown hair, calm voice and a distracted posture. He melted the hearts of all the girls in the classroom.

Beside him, stood the other two boys. One of them lanky, with dark rings under his eyes and a sickly pale skin, Adam. The other was a dark haired brute called Clint or... Clive, maybe. I still feel sick at them.

From what I've heard from Harry, I'd say the years he spent before Hogwarts were similar. But I'll be damned if they find out about mine. I don't want anyone know about it, specially them.

All that... it's behind me now. I've never set foot near that school after that year. Actually, I dissapeared from that world for good.

My parents moved to the outskirts of London. And I discovered that I was a witch. A witch! I'd never been so happy, or had better friends. I walked with my head held high.

Until he came back. He came transferred from Durmstrang.

Zabini, Blaise.

His name was written in black letters in a parchment hanged in the Great Hall. My heart was beating so hard that my ears were throbbing painfully.

He is going to chase me forever.


Ch.1 Snake nest and broken shirts.

Sixth year September 1


I see her walking in the hallway of the second floor. Granger, the muggleborn that outshadows me in-every-DARN-subject. Saint Potter's best friend. Not a day has passed by and I have to come across the Wonder-Trio. On second thought, better, I was starting to get bored anyway. But I realize that she, for once, is alone. She's reading a heavy book while she's walks. Behind her there's a group of other Gryffindors. Golden-boy and ragged-weasel are not anywhere in sight. I look at the self-importance look in her face and I can't freaking stand it. I don´t know why. Wait, I do know why. Because she's a second class witch, from a family of worthless muggles, and walks like she's better than the rest. Yeah, a tragedy, isn´t it?

-''Diffindo''- I mutter pointing her from the side. I think I already have a smirk in my face. I wonder if her cape will break or maybe even her uniform. Instead, she dodges just in time. Bloody muggle reflexes can pair up with cockroaches. Really. The spell crashes against the wall. It wrecks an old painting.

-''¿What do you think you are doing, Malfoy?''- she says furious with that definitely annoying voice. (Welcome to Hogwarts, Draco.) I think to myself.

-''I was just doing the students a favor, Granger. It was hard to breathe, you know? I don't want to be rude but... you must have left that stinky cape too much time near your muggle parents.''-I say. She helds her wand very hard. (Oh, lovely...)I think delighted.(She's flipping out.) The Slytherins around me chuckle.

-''Don't you think I won´t inform professor McGonnagal, Malfoy.''- says her with that avenger Gryffindor attitude.-''And... you'd better tell your father to just pay with money, we don't want to redecorate Hogwarts to look more like a dark wizards school.''

Now the Griffindors are laughing. My intention is to retaliate but the girl's face goes dead white all of a sudden. And she's showing a terrified expression while she looks in this direction. I deduce professor Snape has just arrived and listened to her. But when I turn arround to check, only my Slytherin classmates are there. I turn back to discover that she's leaving already. Visibly anxious. I can't help but check again. Nothing here that could shut that smart-arse's mouth like that.

-''What the hell is wrong with the mudblood?''-I ask looking at Vincent and Greg. They simply shrug their shoulders in response.

-''Maybe she remembered that they were giving away free books in the library or something like that.''- mocks Greg.

¡Bum! Someone bumps into me.

-''Can't you look where you're going? It's a Malfoy you've just hit, you stupe!'' -howls Greg irritated in my behalf. Greg is kinda like that. I don't say anything. But I turn with disgust painted on my face. I want to see who's the one who's bumped into me. Zabini, Blaise. The guy that came from Durmstrang last year. We should be impressed with him for some reason. Her mother is rich and very beautiful they say. Maybe it's just me, but the son looks like an annoying schmuck. Sadly, Slytherin is full of them.

-''Sorry, Malfoy''-He says slowly. -''I tripped.''- He apologizes. (Tripped, my balls) I think. That arrogant expression of his face slightly ticks me off.

-''You should walk more carefully, Zabini.''- I say. I'm not going to start the year fighting with Slytherins. He bows his head a little. Greg keeps staring at him with a sullen face.

We finally enter the Common Room. Greg is complaining again. Gregory Goyle has been my best friend since I was eleven. So many things I could say about him... Last year he sent christmas cards of his biceps to all of his friends. With that I can sum it all up. And ,by the way, the biceps... were singing. Carols.

-''My dad hasn't given me anything.''-says Greg. Almost two meters tall and the spitting image of a whining baby gorilla.-''Not even a stingy sickle... for all year. Even the Weasleys could have more money than me.''

-''That's because you keep buying those shitty ass muscular potions, Greg. Do you really think that being increasingly closer to look like a trol attracts the ladies?''-I tell him, almost fed up. I'm dead sure he's got his bag full of ' Dr. Flavio's Hunky Potions'. -''Muscle buried in fat, but nothing over there.''- I say pointing to his head.

-''You'll stay dateless for another year, Greggy.''-adds Vincent. He should be in very high spirits. Normally he doesn't open his mouth. Vincent Crabbe. Vinny C. to his friends. Not a bad guy, easily underestimated.

Shortly after we step in the dungeon, I feel how the people stare at us. They keep talking to each other, but they can't take their bloody eyes off us. I look around me. Old familiar faces, some girl that... isn't bad at all, and Theodore Nott. Displeasure shining in his face. He's got a girl under his arm, and he's walking towards us. I realise two young Slytherins following after him. I smell trouble...

-''Malfoy! Welcome to Hogwarts.''-spits Theodore. He looks like he ate spoiled food. The girl, (his girlfriend?) doesn't raise her eyes from the ground.(Do I know her?) I wonder. She looks rather familiar, but I can't remember her.-''Gladys was dying to say hello to you. Right, sweety? She didn't stop talking about you. All day long.''-says Theo. Wow, one of his veins is going to pop out his forehead.

-''Hello Draco.''-says the girl. She looks at me blushing noticeably. Oh... now I get what this is all about. Give me a break, I've just arrived.-''We met in Gales this summer. ¿Do you remember? The Holyhead Arpies' match. My uncle is Ragmar Dorkis, the coach.''

-''Oh... Yeah, Gladys? Yeah, yeah... Now I remember you. Pretty nice green dress you were wearing. ''-I say. She giggles quietly. -'' It looked fabulous on you. Quite revealing.''-I said that just to piss off Theodore. I can't believe the jealous bastard wants to have this conversation with me. Needless is to say I don't remember what she was wearing, but I guess I got it rigth. Green is the colour or the Holyhead Arpies.

-''I-it wasn't a dress. It was a shirt.''-she looks nervously at her boyfriend. She's blushing even more than before.

-''Malfoy, maybe you don't know about it, but Gladys and I have been going out since last year.''- conveys Theodore. He's close to explode any minute now.-''This time I won't say anything. But you better carve on your mind, that flirting with girls with boyfriend can get you a blackeye or two.''

-''I apologize, Nott. You are a lucky man. Congrats.''-I say just that. And I should not say any more than that. (You don't want a fuss, right? Have a peacefull day for once.)I think.-'' Take good care of her. I don't think you'll ever catch a girl like her again, not with that monstrous face you have. You can't blame her for waging her tail when she looks at me. But don't worry, I do not go for easy girls.''

Theodore opens his eyes furious. He puts aside his girlfriend without any delicacy. The other two Slytherins step in. They all point at me with their wands. Vince and Greg have already placed themselves in front of me.

-''I should shut your annoying mouth! Don't think everyone here kisses the ground you walk on!- Theodore roars. He throws a Pimple Jinx that hits Greg on the arm. Two Incendio, three Impediment Jinxes, and a Incarcerous spell, and the fight is over. Vincent, Greg and I are still on our feet. Greg has a nasty outbreak of ugly pimples in his right arm. Vince and I have our tunics burned and our shirts broken. Definetly a sight I should charge for. Theodore and his friends are on the floor, a mess of ropes and knots.

-''Welcome to Hogwarts you too, Nott.''-I say before leaving. ( Oh yeah... I've missed this nest of bloody snakes.) I think while we walk off.-''Thanks Greg, that was suppossed to hit me.''-I say, grateful. I look at his arm.-''Those zits look painfull, man.''

-''I scratch your back and you'll scratch mine.''-He says simply. And that's why he's a great guy. People can say shit about him, but he's a loyal friend. A good one.

I spend the rest of the day semi-irritated. In Charms class we did nothing but copying spells for two hours. And the History of Magic class was a royal pain for my butt. Now we have Transfiguration class with Gryffindor. Potter and his loyals haven't arrived yet. A pity, I wanted to have a bit of fun.

-''Place yourselves in pairs for the class!''- says professor McGonagall, stepping out of the classroom.-''Come on, young boys. You are five minutes late. Hurry up into the class.''

I look at the Gryffindors savouring the idea of Potter and his merry friends being late. It doesn't last long. I see them appear at the end of the hallway. Running breathless.

-''¿What the heck has gotten into you today, Hermione?''-I hear Weasley say.

Inside the class I pair up with Greg, without thinking. A habit. Damned. I'm afraid I'll have to do all the work by myself again. Next time I should pair up with with Vincent. Let's face it. Greg is a good friend, okay. But Vince is a bit more evolved than Greg and it shows.

-''Miss Granger, ¿Could you help to hand out the questionaries?''-ask proffesor McGonagall like she usually does. Because Granger can't stop being a pretentious smart-ass.

-''Excuse me professor, couldn't it be done by someone else? I'm not feeling good today.''-she says. Weasley and Potter and half of the class look at her starled. And, heck, me too. Looks like today's a cold day in hell or what.

-''Of... course miss Granger, if you are not feel well...''-professor McGonagall is as surprised as the rest.-''Miss Brown, would you be so kind to hand out the questionaires yourself.''

Potter's friend must be feeling bad, certainly. She didn't raise her hand not even once, nor she did answer any question. Moreover, she did not take off her eyes of her paper for the whole class. It must be an eerily cold day in hell. The class is over and she doesn't stays to ask doubts. She dashes out of the room before anyone has time to pack their things. I notice Potter and Weasley pass by my side.

-''What's the matter with your little mudblood friend? Did you show her a picture of your house, Weasel-Bee? I understand her then. She must be traumatized.''-I say without even thinking. God, mocking Weasley is second nature now.

-''We should be the ones asking you that, Malfoy! I'd bet you are the one to blame for this.''-acuses Ron Weasley. Then he charges towards me, thug style. So I simply look at Greg, who gets in between Weasel-Bee and I. Vincent arrives shortly, snapping his knuckles, a silent menace.

-''Do you want to fight, weasel? I don't mind watching Gryffindor lose points. I could make it my favourite sport.''-I add harsly. He throws a look to professor McGonagall's desk. She's looking at us reproachfully.

-''This one, Malfoy... you get away. But if you bother Hermione again I'm going to whitewash your albino ass.''-he rumbles. (Pathetic mock, weasel.)I think pleased. Draco 1 ragged-boy 0.

- Leave it, Ron. -utters Potter. He turns to face me.-If I were you I'd leave Hermione alone. That is unless you'd like me to make your head look like a gnome. But, on second thought... maybe I'd be doing you a favor. You look like you are prematurely white-haired, with that head of yours.-remarks Potter. Scar head never fails. He must spend the day reading the ''101 ways of kicking the balls of a Malfoy'' Manual. He just ruined my afternoon.

Besides, It's not my fault this time. Or is it? I remember how she suddlendly freaked out for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, Potter, it's not a merit of mine. Who knows. Maybe someone slapped a house elf in front of her or someone put rats in her backpack... Mental note, Draco. Acquire rats before christmas and also a new anti-grayhair shampoo. Bloody Potter has pissed me off.

I go to the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. Still upset about the gray hair stuff. I sit at the head of the table. For better or for worst, everyone here respects the hierarchy. My place has not changed in years. The king of the bloody snakes. Right after sitting at the table I feel it. the sensation of being watched. I look at her. Granger looks down right away. I wouldn't have given too much importance to it. But Granger keeps shooting furtive glances towards my table all dinner. Until she drops the soup on her uniform for not taking her eyes off here. (Hahaha... making a fool of yourself, Granger.)I think amused. She leaves the Great Hall, running embarrashed. And now I can really feel how Potter and Weasly pierce me with their killing gaze.

Next morning we share Potion class with Gryffindor. I've got to prepare a simple Peppermint potion. My instinct, for once, has failed me. I think Greg is infecting me with his stupidy. My potion looks terrible. In Gryffindor's side Granger has came back to her smartypants ways. She's helping Potter and Weasley getting a score they don't derserve. Luckily, professor Snape catches my eye and inmediately sets foot to her.

-''It's a bit unfair that only mister Potter and mister Weasley can take advantage from your particular lessons. Isn't it, miss Granger? May I take all your points?-asks professor Snape.-Seeing how much you enjoy doing someone else's job, why don't you also make the job of the rest of class?''-threatens professor Snape. This is lifting up my mood.- ''During the next two days, until your potions are ready, you'll be seated near to... ''-starts saying professor Snape, while examining our cauldrons.-''There are at least five persons here, that will benefict from your help, miss Granger. He points five cauldrons, one of them mine.

Quickly she goes to stand beside Neville Longbottom. He still has less magic talent than a cave trol. There's a possibily that a trol would even hold his wand better than Longbottom.

-It's rather alarming your predisposition to help students of your house first, miss Granger. Is it discrimination towards Slytherin? Mister Longbottom will be on my care, his potion is a lost cause, anyhow. Cero points for Gryffindor, I'm afraid.- sentences professor Snape. I see how angry Granger is. She purses her lips all worked up. And without anymore contemplation she goes towards... me? I hear Pansy Parkinson's scared cry. Bam! Granger slams her Potions book into my desk. I jump, startled by the noise. I think I'm staring at her wide-eyed. I suddenly look at the window. If I see you-know-who(my father's boss) over there, waving at us with a bouquet of flowers I won't be as surprised. Well... who am I trying to fool, of course I'd freak out, It's the dark lord with a flower bouquet for god's sake.

-Very good, miss Granger. And don't try to sabotage mister Malfoy's potion or I'll make you change it for yours.- says professor Snape.

-Tell me that they haven't designated Weasley's father as the new Minister of Magic... Althought nothing should surprise me anymore.-I tell her.-Did you start to take a liking to my insults? I've got to say, I'd never wanted a mudblood drooling over me. Truth be told, I can't blame you, it's not everyday you can be seated near a...

-Yeah, I know, Malfoy. You're like a goddamned shooting star!-she says just that and looks like she's about to cry. She doesn't make eye contact or say anything again. I watch her hands trembling while she tries to fix my potion. I'd sweared it was because of anger until I saw her face. Panic. Fear. Im confused. Why is she scared? Because of me? It would be understandable that she's angry, I'm always upsetting her. But not to be scared like that. She's freaking overreacting. I feel infuriated at her for showing that expresion. It's like she's screaming for people to pick on her. Mental note, Draco, forget the bloody rats and kiddy stuff, give the mudblood reasons to be crying.

Ch1 end.

Author's note:

This is my first fic, and I've just realized that it isn't going to be a walk in the park. I want to improve it. Bad or good, tell me what do you think so far.

Like you've already seen, English is my second language. I apologyze for the mistakes. I promise the story and my English will get better in the following chapters.

I hope someone enjoyed this. I'll be posting next chapter soon.

Review. Please?

ó_ò Beru