Author's note: Blaise Zabini in this story is white, with brown hair and green eyes. As is the way I first imagined him(by that time, in the book there were not specifications so I envisioned him like that(maybe brown eyes). I've read some female versions of Blaise, I'm not the only one who visuallized a diferent Blaise). Maybe I'll change him if you guys do not like it. It can still work fine.

In response to HermyLuna I didn't planned to add Blaise's POV, only small parts of his feelings and inner thoughts at the begining of some chapters. I might reconsider, depending on your comments.

Rated T (PG 13) contains the ''F'' word a lot.

Reviews are the pilars of fics. Your reviews will give me a lot of hope. Do you like how the story is going? Please review.

Disclaimer: characters, places, creatures and spells belong to JKR. The plot belongs to me.


Ch.3 First night. Until sunrise


I closed my eyes hoping I might never get to open them again.

I didn't like the plan they had for me. I wanted to die but they brought me back again and again. Without her I didn't have a reason to fight anymore.

Sirens and police signals surrounded me. In my ears a guitar song was playing over and over. Music, please, fill my heart. I felt my blood drenching my clothes. A cough of blood splattered my face. We'd had to leave the country again.

I wished that in dreams I'd got to see her one more time. But I never dreamt about her. We were never meant to be... she and I.

All I'm meant to be is a god forsaken devil. And I swear to whatever is up there watching, that's what I will be.


I'm in the Quiddich field. A letter in my hands and a nasty burnt in my arm. Fucking Vince has fucked me up. And potato-brain Greg has given a new definition to the word fucktard. Proving my suspicions that he is indeed a crossbred of a trol and a wizard. I'm fed up with them both. I'm sore and I honestly don't want to go back to the Dungeon. I'm tired of those people. Its exhausting. Also I don't bloody want to see Greg and Vince. Tonight they can sod off toguether, if they are so kind please. Father won't forgive me this time. His punishment is going to be excruciating. And for what? Only ten galleons, what does it matter to Father? We are oh-so-bloody-loaded! Or that's what people think. That I must swim naked in money. But Father has already send me a letter to schedule my punishment. The burnt in arm with tomorrow's date is still painfull. Aunt Bella will be there. I can see what awaits me. A scalding Whip in my bare back. For ten bloody miserable galleons. So yeah, I don't fucking want to see Vincent or Greg faces right now. Am I a great friend or what? Hope those two wankers kiss the floor where I walk on.

A shrieking scream wakes me up from my dream state. Someone in one of towers of the castle. A girl is falling from the top of the tower, unable to control her broomstick. Screaming helpless. I see how she dangerously speeds up more and more. At best she's going to break all of her bones. I run towards her as fast I can, because I'm a fucking good person tonight. I murmur a decelerating spell at her. She falls on her ass, scratching her trousers in the process. I stop startled. The girl is Granger. Perplexed I stare at her. She massages her achy rear. I hear her moan quietly. For some weird reason I'm paralized. Looking at her. Standing in front of her, doing nothing. Draco, wake up. I start walking towards her. She still hasn't even seen me. What the hell was she doing riding a broom? Alone at night, to top that. No Weasel or Potty in sight.

-''Did you hurt your ass, much?''- I mock her. Because it'll be weird if I didn't.-''My, my, that was one lousy fall, mudblood.''- as I speak she gazes at me surprised. She looks kinda funny like this. This must be my reward after a shitty day.-''May I assume you forgot how to speak?''

-''What are you doing outside the castle at this time, Malfoy?''

-''I can ask you the same. And in addition, since when do you ride a broomstick? Or try to...''

-''Sod off, Malfoy. Don't want any of your idiocy tonight.''-she snaps. I can't stop, thought.

-''You look so fetching with all that mud on your ass... No joke.''

-''I can't stand you, asshole!''-She gets up and points her wand at me.-''If you donĀ“t go back to the castle now, I'll hex you!''

-''Go ahead, I'm not going to complain... Mudbutt''- I chuckle arching my eyebrows. Her expression is priceless.

-''Expelliarmus!''- she screams. Shit! My wand flies out of reach.-''Depulso!''-I barely dodge her hex. She's getting ready for another one. -''Herbifors!''- If that hits me I'll be growing plants from my ears. Hell, the goodie-two-shoes seriously wants a fight!

-''Acci...''-I try to call my wand in a hurry, but before I can finish she shots another spell at me.

-''Flipendo.''-Her hex hits me in the chest. Blasting me to the ground. I flip in mid-air and hit the floor with my back. Then I see her kicking the floor and flying away. It takes my stupefied brain a few seconds to process that she's beaten the shit out of me and left with my wand.

-Accio Nimbus 2001!-I call my broom. Thankfull for the first time on my wandless magic lessons. I catch the broom and hit the floor. I speed up behind her. She's still far away. Man, I swear god I'm going to get my freaking wand back and she's going to pay. Big time. And that's the only reason I'm chasing after her like a madman. Not because she's going towards the Forbidden Forest. Not because she's about to crash against a tree. And she started doing somersaults trying to avoid branches. Shit! Don't use a broom if you don't bloody know how to ride it!

-''What the hell, Granger! Do you want to break your neck?!''- I scream at her. She gets a quick glance at me but then keeps getting in between the branches. Stupid mudblood! To make things worst it starst to rain.- ''Stop it, dimwitt!''

-''I can't stop!''- She says turning her head to me. A big branch hits her in that moment, ripping off her sleeve. She screams and swings dangerously on the broom.

-''For God's sake, Granger!''-I watch how she finally crashes against an uprooted tree. And she falls at least four meters to the ground. I manage to brake sharply, although I cannot avoid a few scratches on way down. I've got a mass of mud and wet grass all over my clothes, but taking that away, I'm not really hurt. She's lying on the ground. The broomstick is a few meters away. She's hunched over against the tree's roots. -''Accio wand!''- My wand flies to me from behind a bush. When I get another look at her, she's already getting up. She looks terrible. Well, it's not like I care...

-''Mud suits suits you fine, mudblood.''-I say at her. That old Cleansweep's handle is broken. My Nimbus 2001 also got damaged. It could be fixed on a store but I don't think it will be wise to fly on it now. Bugger. Well have to go back by foot...


-''Mudface, suits you too, cretin.''-she says as the ball of dirt hits my hair. It slides down droping on my shoulders. She's pointing her wand at me. A daring look on her face, ready to keep quarrenling.

-''E-ve-ry-thing suits me, Granger.''-I say. This wicked night is not going to end, isn't it?

-''Expeliarmus!- She starts. I cast a Shield Charm on myself before she can do anything.

A beat of wings stirs some sense onto me. Some animal have just passed over us. I'm suddenly conscious of the Forest and its inhabitants. We're in the Forbidden Forest! I still don't want to imagine what creature could we run into... Even thought I'm a sixth year already, I can't stop a shiver. It's still freaky as hell.

-''As much as I'd love to hex your ass off... I ought to inform you that we are in the forbidden forest, Granger... And I'd prefer to be having tea with that Semi-giant Hagrid than this. I'm going before something decides to eat us...''

I'm painfully aware of the night sounds and all the noises surrounding us. We are walking silently. The castle is still far away. We've almost reached the end of the forest.

-''My stomach hurts...''- I say and almost as I finish my stomach growls. I didn't eat last night.

-''Who cares about you stomach, Malfoy. My arm hurts too!''- she says.

We walk side by side, with the horizon behind us. Dirty, exhausted and holding our wrecked brooms in our hands. As if we've fought a battle. The first lights of the day starts shining behind us. And I'm invaded with a extrange feeling of acomplishment. We are within a short distance to the castle.

-''By the way... Hell of a ride, Granger''.- I say on impulse. I suddenly panic at whatever that has possesed me to shmooze with her.

She shakes her head in denial. But a proud smile appears in her face.

-''No way I'm ever going to ride this thing again...''- she brushes her dirty hair back while she looks at me. That was hot. I catch myself thinking that her face right now is a mixture between 'pissed off' and 'having a blast.' And that she looks really good like this. Almost cool. No fucking way.

In silence we keep on walking. Only a few footsteps to the castle. The morning air is cold in our faces. I feel a bit dissapointed that the walk cannot last a bit longer.

end ch.3

What do you think? Is the rating correct? I've used a lot of cuss words, so maybe I have to change the rating...

I don't know if I'm doing a bad or a good job here. My perception of the story is off. Review if you are so kind. I want other opinions aside from mine, that is the main reason why I'm publishing the story here.

I'm feeling brokenhearted... Man, I wish I could put a Draco in my life right now.

see you next chapter.
