Chapter I

Valor's feathers felt incredibly soft under my gloved hand as I gently stroked his back, the way I would on the rare occasions when he would be perched upon my right arm. Sometimes, that bird is just showing off, but you would be surprised to see just how calm he is after a good battle.

"I doubt we would ever see the day Demacia's army will fall." Said Fiora as she walked up to me, her stride straight and proud. At the sight of her, Valor let out a short shriek of annoyance, which had gone somewhat unnoticed. "The glory of battle is known by us better than it is known by anyone. Would I not be right?"

"Fiora," Shyvana's voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere, "stop filling Quinn's brain with your nonsense." She was walking in the middle of Fiora and I. "I swear there is not one person more arrogant than you."

I tried my best to hold my laughter in as Valor whistled in approval.

"I do beg your pardon!" Fiora responded, a small chuckle hiding at the back of her voice. She comically turned her head away from Shyvana. "Well at least I am not a barbaric brute."

Their conversation stopped as we saw all the soldiers around us come to a sudden stop. I didn't have a clear view because of a row of heads in front of me, but I could just make out a tall figure walking in front of us.

"Get ready." I heard Fiora whisper.

The figure cleared his throat.

"The blood spilt by our kinsmen was in no way in vain." His booming voice washed over the crowd. "Today, I have seen bravery I never knew existed in our troops, and I must congratulate each and every one of you for that!" He paused for effect. "Soon, Noxus will bow to our command!" With that, the crowd went into a frenzy as soldiers cheered in approval before scattering.

As the my view cleared, I could identify the figure.

"Jarvan, prince of Demacia." I heard Shyvana say. "The very man that helped me avenge my father."

"The very man that leads us." Fiora chuckled rudely. "I would never listen to his orders if I hadn't sworn to do so."

I watched as he straightened his armour, its golden colour gleaming in the fading sun. He had a straight posture, his back seemingly robust and rigid. His head was held high, possibly a sign of his status. And his eyes were of an ocean blue.

I felt Valor's sharp beak poke my skull.

The crowd around us had disappeared completely and Jarvan was leaving too.

As I looked back at Shyvana and Fiora, I noticed that Fiora was still deep into her explanation of how she could slice everyone in two, while Shyvana shortly followed my gaze before looking away, smiling.

The Dragonborn sighed heavily.

"What?" Asked Fiora, clearly offended that she was interrupted.

Shyvana looked at me, then at Fiora, then back at me. Her sassy smile widened.

"Nothing." She replied plainly.

"Very well." The duelist straightened her back. "I have some things to attend to." And she walked away, the air of proudness around her never diminishing.

"I think I best be going too..." I said as I turned to go, but was stopped by a strong grip on my arm.

"You're not getting away with this one." She said boldly.

Valor let out a shriek, signalling that he knew what Shyvana was on about too.

I sighed.

"You can tell me anything. Plus, you can trust me to not let this fall into the hands of that accentuated woman." She said.

I laughed. "I don't think you used the word accentuated right."

Shyvana shook her head quickly, disregarding my comment. "Anyway, so you like Jarvan."


Valor beak punctured my skull once again.

"Maybe." I corrected myself.

Shyvana tilted her head to one side. "Aww. Demacia's Wings is losing feathers..." She said sweetly.

Valor shrieked. "Feathers in the winds of love," was what he said.


End of Chapter I
I don't know if I'm pleased as to how it turned out, and I've no idea how the plot unfolds without making things complicated, but just trust me!

I do hope I got Fiora's personality right. XD