Penelope was ready to kill again, it was fair to say. The more she thought about the situation, the more she really analysed the idea of this man waltzing into her Freakshow and not only wrongly taking over, but also brutally murdering every single freak there honestly made her stomach churn. She had to rip his throat out, she wanted to do it slowly and as painfully as possible. But she didn't want to get back into that feeling, not after finishing Maggie off in the same way.

The twins were still in Dandy's possession. They were trapped with him, they certainly couldn't escape. Little did they know that Desiree, Jimmy and Penelope were about to come to their aid. Penelope climbed through the garden window one evening with Selina on her hip. Yes, it was dangerous bringing the baby but she couldn't risk giving her to anybody else. Both Bette and Dot were in the bedroom, sitting on the bed helplessly whilst Dandy was in the shower. Bette saw Penelope first, gasping sharply and alerting Dot to look at what the big commotion was. "Shhh," Penelope hissed quickly. "Could you take Selina, please?" The girls got up immediately and took the baby from her arms so that she could swing her legs over properly and land in the room.

"What are you doing here?" Bette whispered sharply.

"Saving your ass and I would appreciate if you lowered your tone," Penelope snapped back. "Where is the killerboy himself?"

"Taking a shower," answered Dot. She looked desperate to get out. "Who else did you bring?"

"Jimmy and Desiree are downstairs already, preparing what we need to carry out this…task," Penelope told them quietly. "I need you two to play along, as best you can. Got that?" The girls nodded eagerly. Suddenly, the water stopped running. Penelope grabbed Selina carefully and rushed to the bedroom door. "Bring him downstairs. Dinner is served," she hummed before disappearing completely. Once she had reached the kitchen, she saw Jimmy and Desiree in their outfits, preparing the 'drinks'.

"Thank God you're okay!" Jimmy gasped, kissing Selina's soft hair and then Penelope's lips. "Did you tell the girls?"

"I did indeed. After all this time the Dot one is still getting on my nerves," Penelope grumbled back. Jimmy sighed and looked her in the eyes.

"Babe, we have one enemy remember? Don't start making more," he mumbled. Desiree nodded in agreement on the side.

"He's right. This guy is turning us all against each other, exactly what he wants to do," she told a reluctant looking Penelope. Before Penelope could even begin to think of an answer, she heard Dandy pull out a chair in the dining room. Either Bette or Dot gave a sharp cough implying it was time to carry out the plan.

"Here goes nothing," Jimmy muttered under his breath. Desiree grabbed the tray with the drinks and sashayed into the dining room. She placed them on the table and Dandy grabbed the one closest to him.

"Cheers," he raised his eyebrow cheekily before gulping it down. Bette and Dot held their breaths and waited for something, anything, a reaction. Penelope passed Selina to Jimmy and came out of the kitchen quickly. Dandy's eyes widened as he recognised who she was.

"YOU!" he managed to splutter out. Penelope smiled and waved to him before he dropped, unconscious, onto the table.

"Fantastic," Penelope beamed. "Let's get the little prick to the Freakshow."

Three Years Later

"Mummy, look I got ANOTHER dollie!" Selina smiled widely, shaking the doll in Penelope's face to Jimmy's amusement. Penelope sat on the comfortable sofa next to Jimmy and beamed at her beautiful little girl's antics as Jimmy placed an arm around her shoulder.

"Oh wow. Beautiful baby! Make sure we call Aunty Elsa later to say thank you!" Penelope giggled back. Selina nodded and stuffed another piece of turkey into her mouth before going back to her brand new dolls house.

"How did we get so lucky?" Jimmy asked his wife with a grin on his face. Penelope shrugged and leant on his shoulder.

"I don't know," she sighed contentedly.

"And another one on the way," Jimmy continued on. The dreamy look faded into his eyes as he rubbed her slightly growing stomach gently. "Little Jimmy Jr."

"No!" Penelope groaned. "We're not calling our second kid after you!" Jimmy gasped, pretending to be offended.

"How rude!"

"And how do we even know it's a boy yet? It could be another girl," Penelope smirked.

"I hope not," Jimmy frowned. "I need a little man here to help me with you girls." Before Penelope could retaliate, little three year old Selina let out a squeal of delight and pointed her little finger to their television screen.

"Mummy, daddy, LOOK!" she giggled toothily. "Aunt Elsa is singing on the TV!" Jimmy and Penelope stared at the screen in wonder, seeing the one and the only Elsa Mars singing a beautiful slow Christmas song on what they guessed was live TV.

"That's my girl," Jimmy grinned proudly. Even Penelope found herself smile as she stood up from the sofa again.

"Okay! It's Christmas so…who wants some more ice cream?" she asked her family. Selina's eyes lit up and she jumped up and down in excitement.

"Ice cream, ice cream!" both Selina and Jimmy cheered loudly, high fiving each other. Penelope let out a laugh and turned to go to the kitchen to get the ice cream bowls. Once she had them in her arms ready to bring back, the house phone began to ring through the home.

"I'll get it!" Penelope called to them and picked up the phone. "Hello, Darling Household?"

"Penny, how are you?" came Elsa's quiet voice. Penelope's eyebrows shot up.

"Elsa! Merry Christmas," she smiled. "What a surprise. We just saw you on television and everything. Oh and Selina loved her dolls." Elsa gave a pleased chuckle on the other line.

"Good to hear. Well I have some news for you too," she whispered.

"Go on…" Penelope frowned.

"They're going to re-open your father's murder case," Elsa announced brightly. Penelope felt the floor crumble beneath her and saw darkness in her vision. The bowls crashed to the floor and she let out a whimper. "Penny?"

"Why would they do that? He died years ago…an animal did it," she whispered into the phone. Jimmy and Selina both poked their heads around the living room door.

"Mummy you dropped the bowls," Selina frowned deeply. She looked exactly like her mother when she did that. Jimmy could see something wasn't right and Penelope just let go of the phone like it was a hot cake, leaving it to swing on its chord. She was in a state of shock.

"Baby girl go back in the living room, Daddy will come back in a minute," he murmured to his daughter. Selina let out a huff but listened and went back to the living room. Jimmy picked up the phone and spoke into it whilst Penelope tried to catch her breath. "Right...yeah okay I'll tell her. Thanks. Bye." Jimmy placed the phone back on the holder and pulled Penelope into a hug. "Okay babe, you have to explain to me why them re-opening your dad's murder is a bad thing…cos I gotta admit I don't get it." Penelope couldn't be bothered to hide anything else from her husband. She had hidden this for too long now and it was ripping her apart.

"It wasn't an animal that ripped out his throat," she cried into his shirt. Jimmy tensed, unsure of where this was going. But he had to stay calm, if he panicked, she would panic, and that could harm the newborn baby.

"W-what do you mean?"

"It wasn't an animal that ripped out his throat, Jimmy. It was me, I did it, I ripped my father's throat out with my own teeth. It was me."

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! I had to do a little chapter…in terms of this story I need you guys to tell me if you want me to carry this story on or if I should end it here? It's up to you, I don't mind…have a lovely holiday everyone (:

J x