I got all caught up in the AWESOMENESS THAT IS MYSTERY SKULLS. As you tumblr people probably know of. Yeah.

Anyway! So, I have finally gotten this thing started! And I will go through with it! I hope. This will end up being a big story, and I know I will have to write all of it while listening to Touhou House Sets or else inspiration will fail.

Alright, let's get this show on the road!



It was cold. Dark. Damp.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty castle, a lone figure making its way into the main room. The sound was ominous and empty as they continued inside the throne room.

"We are almost ready, mistress."

A small woman sat atop the throne, her head resting gently on her hand. A sinister grin spread across her pale face as her red eyes glowed in the darkness of the evening.


In the real world…

"HAHAHA! That's a good one, Norge! HAHAHA!"

"I wasn't telling a joke, you moronic drunk."

"OK, then what did you say?"

"Just shut up."

It was just after the latest World Meeting, and our protagonists had just made it home. Of course, the ever-so-boisterous Denmark had suggested a night out, and had summarily gotten himself drunk in their fun.

...Which, of course, meant that his best pal Norway had to suffer for it. The nation's dull eyes rolled to the ceiling in exasperation as Denmark continued his drunken banter, only wishing he would pass out already so he could get some peace and quiet.

His eyes scanned the bar and rested on the other three Nordic countries, who were also enjoying themselves. Finland was talking animatedly with Sweden, who was half-listening and half-glaring at Denmark with an aura of contempt. Norway's little brother Iceland was running his finger across the edge of a glass, wondering if he could make a sound with it.

Denmark gave Norway a playful smack on the back. "Come on, Norge! Snap out of it! I'm telling a really great story! OK, so I was in Copenhagen, and this sexy girl comes up and I say…"

Norway immediately tuned out the rest of conversation and instead considered whether he should make a grab for that tie of Denmark's. After deciding against it (for once), he glanced at his watch.

9:00. The bar was just about ready to close.

Norway mentioned this fact to the others, and after a vigorous amount of effort to drag Denmark out the door, the countries marched back to the car and made the drive back to their shared home in the tree-covered hills.

"Norge, I'm tired…" Denmark whined as Norway and Sweden attempted to tug him up the stairs and into bed.

"Shut up," the two disgruntled nations said in unison.

Eventually, Denmark had been thrown upstairs, and the rest of the crew decided to relax and watch TV until bed. After much channel-surfing, they settled on a cop show and relaxed in the various chairs scattered around the room.

Norway could already feel himself falling asleep. The day had been it's usual, what with the normal chaos of the World Meeting and Denmark's tangents at the bar. Nothing changed much anymore. Norway sort of lamented that as he gazed boredly at the TV screen.

Just as he could feel his eyes start to shut closed, he felt a tiny tug at his sleeve. He woke himself up and looked down to see a tiny fairy with blue and silver hair and white wings pulling at the edge of his sleeve. "Hm…?"

"Mr. Norway! Mr. Norway! Come quick! It's an emergency! A big emergency!" the fairy squealed in her soft voice.

Norway glanced at the other Nordics. They were indeed giving him curious looks.

"Something wrong, Norway?" asked Finland, tilting his head slightly.

"Uh…" Think of a quick alibi, Norway. "I forgot something in the car. I'll only be a moment." Norway stood up and hastily left the room, sensing the others turn back to the TV. The fairy followed him out, riding on his shoulder.

Once outside, the fairy flew off his shoulder and began blubbering nonsense in a panicked, high voice. Norway felt a little sorry for her, and said calmly, "Shh. Calm down for a moment. Take a deep breath. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

The fairy did as told and took a breath before stuttering, "S-s-sh-she's b-back! She's b-b-back, Mr. Norway! Oh, the Queens are so frazzled, you wouldn't believe it...I can't believe it..."

Norway raised an eyebrow. "Who's back?"

"She," the fairy hissed. "Dracona!"


Norway visibly stiffened at the name. No way, she had been sealed away more than a few centuries ago. I remember assisting the queens in that one. So...how?

"OK, tell me everything. Right now," Norway said seriously.

"We don't know why or how, Mr. Norway, but Dracona has broken the seal," the fairy explained hastily. "Dracona's unsealed her sisters, too, and it's awful, the queens are so worried…" The fairy took a moment to compose herself again and continued, "She's got a new plan as well! The queens know what it is, they wouldn't tell me, but we need your help! We desperately need your help, Mr. Norway!"

Norway folded his arms, letting everything sink in. This had to be a joke of some kind. Dracona and her sisters, planning another conquest of the magical world? What would he do?

But he had to help. He had helped save the magical world from Dracona all that time ago, he could do it again if he had England and Romania's help. Besides, if Dracona was planning something huge and succeeded, who said she wouldn't go after his world, too? Too many risks.

"Alright," he said finally. "Tell Terra that I'm coming soon. With backup. I'll be there by tomorrow, don't know exactly when. But soon. I promise."

The fairy's eyes brightened with hope at this. "Oh, thank you, Mr. Norway! We can always count on you! Be quick, this might be a more dangerous adventure than you'd imagine!"

I bet, Norway thought as the fairy flew off into the night sky.

After the fairy left, Norway stood idle for a moment.

Was I just...recruited? Again? Hmm...so I have.

With that in mind, he quickly planned out his departure: he needed all his magic things, and needed them quickly. He wouldn't let the queens wait for him, if this was going to turn out like he imagined it would. Nodding to himself, he started trekking back to the house.

...Before it occurred to him. What about the others?

He sighed with annoyance. He'd figure it out. He charged inside, striding past the other three nations with clear purpose.

"Where in the world are you off to?" Iceland asked, caught a little off-guard by Norway's sudden appearance.

"My room," Norway answered shortly.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Finland asked curiously.

"No," said Norway, "I just have something very important to do." Then he went upstairs without a word, leaving the other three to ponder the meaning of such a rush.

As soon as he was in the sweet seclusion of his bedroom, Norway got to packing. He got out a backpack and whisked his spellbook and wand off the desk, as well as some of "blending-in" clothes and other necessary items. Then, going to the small cabinet under his bed, he opened the drawer and took out his mace. I might end up needing this.

"What are you doin'?"

Norway jumped and whipped his head towards the doorway, only to see a drowsy and very confused Denmark standing in it.


Little piece of trivia: for those who did not read the Halloween adventure, Norway's actual weapon of choice is a mace (according to some concepts by Himaruya and TV Tropes, at least). So...yeah, and I think maces are cool.

Norway: I can't believe you weren't being lazy this time.

Shut up, onii-chan. OK, see ya next chapter!

Finland: Review, please! ^^))