Sup yo. So if you guys follow my story Opposites Attract, you may have noticed the absence of updating. I have a totally reasonable excuse that I will explain after this story.

For those new around here, You should read my other story.

Anyways, this is a One-Shot I wrote literally in an hour. So I apologize if there are any errors. I proof read it, so there shouldnt be, but ah who knows.

I needed to get my gears running again so I can get back into writing.

If I get a lot of good feedback from this, I will most likely come out with another chapter. But if everyone hates it then yeah, it will stay a One-Shot. Anyways, enjoy!


Thank You, Neighbor. ~

"You have reached your destination."

My GPS rang loudly, notifying me that I have indeed reached my "destination". Not that I wasn't already in the driveway or anything. I shut off my cars ignition, relieved as the GPS finally shut up. For the past 10 miles it has not shut up, telling me to turn here and telling me to stop there. Sometimes I think using an old fashioned map would be much easier than those stupid things. Less annoying, in my opinion.

I just graduated college last month, achieving my masters degree in chemistry. I then decided to move into a near by town called Neptr after finding a job as a high-school Chemistry teacher. I know, a high school teacher, how horrible. It wasn't my first choice, but it was my easiest. I figured, hey, why the heck not? If I don't like it, I can easily get a job in a laboratory and become a chemist. My parents left behind a lot of money so I could also open up my own research center. For some reason though, my gut was telling me not to do so just yet, and to wait a few years to further my knowledge and understanding of the field of science. Not like I didn't understand everything already. I've been conducting my own experiments since I was able to walk.

I peered through the windshield of my mini cooper, glaring at the new house before me. God knows why I didn't just get an apartment. I would probably feel more at home this way anyways. I sure wasn't complaining. I exited my vehicle, slowly walking up the front stairs of my new porch. The outside of my new home was painted a pale blue with white trimming and window shutters. The front yard was small but nice, surrounding it was a short white picket fence. The grass had been well kept, and was a beautiful green color. Honestly this house was giving me a whole stereotypical "American Dream" vibe. It was kind of ironic though, considering I am 26 years old, single, and gay. I would most likely never have children of my own, or a pet dog, or even be married. Oh well. I didn't mind being alone, I preferred it actually.

After unlocking the front door, I took my first steps inside my house. Looking around, I concluded that I already loved it. A small, one story house was all a single woman could ever want. The walls were painted a sandy color, and the floor was made of wood. Straight ahead was the kitchen, floored with tile. To the left was what I assumed would be my living room, with a blueish gray carpet, similar to the outside of the house. To my right was a set of double doors which had been held open. Looking inside the room was the master bedroom with a rather large walk in closet and bathroom.

After a few minutes of roaming and exploring my new home, I decided to start bringing in boxes and unpacking. I made my way back outside, opening the trunk to my car. I sighed, not looking forward to all this heavy lifting and what not, I reached for the first cardboard box.

"Hey." I heard a voice call out from right behind me. I set down the box I had just picked up and wuickly turned around, startled to find another girl standing behind me.

"Oh shit, you scared me." I spoke, examining the girl in front of me.

"Oh, Sorry! I didn't mean to, I just, it uh, looked like you needed some help." I watched her as she spoke to me. The woman was tall and thin, but not too thin. She looked rather fit. Her pale skin shined in the sun, almost glimmering. Her hair was long and black and fell just beneath her breasts with bangs that framed her face perfectly. She was wearing gray skinny jeans that weren't to tight, which rested on her waist perfectly. She had been wearing a red flannel that was unbuttoned, revealing a gray tank top that formed to her figure perfectly. Her sleeves were rolled just above her elbows. I had to admit, she was absolutely stunning. "I live just across the street, the gray house." She pointed to the house diagonal from mine.

"Don't worry about it, I just am spooked easily. Not really your fault." I laughed nervously, itching the back of my head.

"Cool. I'll keep that in mind. I'm Marceline, by the way. Marceline Abadeer. Looks like we will be neighbors?" Marceline stuck out her hand as I shook it. Her fingers were cold but ever so soft. "So you want some help?"

"I would love some help, thank you. And my name is Bonnibel Bennett. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Abadeer." I gave Marceline a smile, turning back around to pick up the abandoned box once again to bring it inside.

"Oh no, I'm not married, it's just miss. But please, call me Marceline. No need to be formal." Marceline laughed, reaching for a a box, following me inside and in to the foyer.

After a few hours of my new neighbor helping me move all my boxes inside and unpacking some, we decided to take a break and have some sandwiches she had made prior.

"So, Bonnibel. What brings you to the town of Neptr?" She sat down on the loveseat swing attached to my new front porch.

"I graduated from Advent University last month with my masters degree in chemistry. Decided instead of getting a top notch job as a chemist, that I would become a chemistry teacher. Starting this coming school year I will be a eleventh grade science teacher at Neptr high." I spoke, biting into my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, taking a seat next to her on the swing.

"Looks like we will be co-workers then, Ms. Bennett. I am currently the music teacher at Neptr High." She grinned, flashing me her white canines. Just at that moment I started to get nervous. I was about to become a teacher in a high school I've never even been inside before. I don't know what the kids are like around here. I don't even know the other teachers around here. What if the students are terrible, and rude, and mean, and hate me?

"Since you work there already, I must ask. The students..." I trailed off, worried what the answer might be.

"The student body are little shits, I can tell you that much." Marcelines laugh was almost music to my ears.

"I should not have expected anything else from high schoolers." I sighed. The raven haired woman and I both laughed together, scarfing down the rest of our sandwiches. "So, if you're not married, do you live alone, or with a boyfriend of some sorts?"

"Hah. No. I live with my brother Marshall and his wife, Fionna. I needed a place to stay for awhile so they let me crash there. My brother always tells me though, as soon as I find a steady boyfriend he's kicking me out." She snickered to herself. "Hey, you should join us for dinner, I'm sure they won't mind it. Besides, I'm sure it's better than getting lost in an unfamiliar town trying to find some food. Oh, and Fionna is the fitness teacher and basketball coach. So I think it would be nice for you to get to know another co-worker so you aren't a complete stranger."

"Well, if you insist. Thank you." I couldn't help but smile. This woman was being so kind to a stranger that just moved in. I noticed the slight smile and blush coming from Marceline, and I think she noticed too because almost on queue she hopped off the swing and adjusted her shirt.

"Cool. I should leave you to unpack your belongings in peace then. See you, lets say around six?" I soon followed her actions and stood on my feet.

"Six it is. Thank you for helping me carry everything in, it was much appreciated." I smiled, shaking her hand once more before I walked her down the short driveway.

"Chivalry is not dead, my dear." I felt the blood rush to my face as the woman bowed down like a gentleman. Phew, was it hot out here. I watched as Marceline turned away and walked across the street to the inside of her own home.

In that moment I concluded that I made the right decision. I was going to like it here.


Okay so, my excuse.

I have been focusing on my newest story, which still has yet to be named. I am already 22k+ words in. And Guess what? I've only written 7 chapters so far. So yeah, it's gonna be a big one. I'm putting a lot of effort into it, that's why I haven't updated Opposites Attract.

I hope you guys enjoyed this though. Leave a review and stuffff. Favorite/follow if you want a second chapter to this, cause if a lot of you do I will totally do it.