HEY! So you guys got what you asked for, a third chapter. I actually had A LOT more people asking for me to continue this, more than I expected. Honestly, you guys deserved this chapter. I'm still on edge if I should just make this a full fledged story or not because of my other two current projects, but I might decide to just deal with it and continue it permanently. You guys will be the deciding factor. So keep up with the good reviews and stuff! I really appreciate them. They give me most of my motivation.

Anyways, enough rambling. Enjoy!


August 24th, 2014

I have to be honest here, the next few weeks have been well, anti-climactic. Marceline had come over a few times and offered to help me move in my furniture (finally) and finish up the rest of the unpacking. Considering I moved out of a small apartment where I was living with a friend of mine from a much bigger home, there really wasn't much to unpack, and I told Marceline she didn't need to help me but she insisted so hey, I wasn't going complain.

Marceline and Fionna also thought it would be a great idea to show me around town, and it was very helpful. By the end of the summer I had known my way around without getting lost, and I was grateful for that.

And thus, here we are, sitting in a family diner with Marceline and Fionna, preparing for my first day of being a science teacher. The three of us all start work officially tomorrow, so we decided to go t their favorite restaurant and have a 'last day of summer' meal.

"So, you excited for your first day Bonnibel?" Fionna spoke softly from across the table right before she took a small bite of her grilled sandwich.

"I think nervous would be a better word." I joked, taking a sip of my milkshake.

"What classes will you be teaching, exactly?"

"My first 3 classes are Biology, and fifth through seventh are chemistry. Fourth is my planning period, so I do not have a class at that time."

"Rad, same here. That's also the class right before lunch, so we could take extended lunches." Marceline beamed at the thought of an extra 50 minutes for lunch.

"I swear you think just like a teenager sometimes, Marceline." I laughed to myself, sipping the rest of my milkshake.

"Oh trust me, she's been living with Marshall and me for the past three years and it's like taking care of a child." Fionna laughed as she mocked Marceline.

"I'm still a child at heart, and at least I can admit that." Marceline smiled, gently elbowing me in the side as she turned her head to speak directly to me. "So Bonnibel, lunch in the band room tomorrow?"

"Sure, now that is on... the first floor, correct?" Marceline nodded in response to my question.

Minutes passed and we just laughed and joked to how immature and ridiculous Marceline can be sometimes, even she could admit it. She was almost proud of it, which isn't bad. I find it adorable how childish she is. Is that weird? Normally I find it irritating when people are immature and make awful jokes, but with Marceline it's... different. Her jokes are actually funny. She isn't distasteful with her lewd jokes and she has just the right amount of immaturity. I admire that in her, and is probably one of the reasons I like her so.

Our waitress gave us our bill for the meal, and bid us a farewell after mentioning to pay it at the front counter. I went to reach for my wallet before Marceline grabbed my wrist, stopping me from proceeding.

"Nope. It's on me. Put that away."

"But I couldn't-"

"I will not allow it. Now hush and put that away."

"You're really stubborn, you know that Marceline?"

"And you love it." Marceline gave me a toothy smile before grabbing the check and raising herself from her seat to go pay for the three meals. As she was walking away, I caught myself starring at her, my eyes wondering somewhere where they probably shouldn't. I started to feel the blush sneak itself on my cheeks so I quickly looked away and noticed Fionna staring at me with her eyebrow cocked and a small smirk was slapped across her face.

"That wasn't- I wasn't- ah damn."

"Totally called it." Fionna sat back in the booth, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You... what?"

"Marshall and I have been betting over it for the past few weeks. You totally have the hots for Marceline." Fionna smiled, taking a sip from her soda that was still placed in front of her.

"What? Pfft, no. Don't be silly... I don't have the... is it that obvious?" I hid my eyes and forehead in my hand with my elbow propped up onto the wooden surface.

"To Marshall and I, yes. Marceline? Not so much. I started to catch on because I saw the way you'd look at her while she talks and you always find her jokes funny. And besides, I think you would be good for her."

"Good for her?"

"It isn't my place to be talking about. We have this silent agreement to never speak of it, so I'm not really allowed to talk about it. Even if I were to, I don't really know much on the subject." Fionna looked out of the corner of her eye, noticing Marceline still waiting in line to pay for the meals. "Look, all I know is this, back in high school, she dated this guy. Ever since she's been all weird, which eventually led up to her disappearing for a few years."

"Well I won't pry. If it's not my business, then I shouldn't ask. Although I am curious." I finished off the last few sips of my milkshake.

"When I say you would be good for her, I mean you seem to have this effect on her. Ever since you have been around she has been smiling way more than usual. Like you are the light in her world of darkness."

"The light in her world of darkness, huh? Are you saying, oh how should I put this," I thought for a second, trying to figure out what she meant. "Oh Bonnibel, Marceline totally has the hots for you and you two will live happily ever after!" I mocked Fionna, laughing at the end of my sentence. "Because that seems very impractical."

"Oh shut up. I'm not saying she is in love with you, I'm saying it seems like she likes you. Even if she doesn't realize it yet, there is some sort of feeling there, I can sense it." Fionna let out a soft sigh, turning her head to see Marceline making her way back towards the table. "I bet if you two were to spend enough time together, your relationship can turn into something more, and I think it could be a good thing." She quickly added in before she slid out of the booth and stood up. I followed her lead and removed myself from the booth, just in time for Marceline to approach us.

"Your meals have been paid for, now let's get the heck out of here." Marceline smiled, making my heart flutter. I noticed Fionna out of the corner of my eye, smirking at the two of us.

When I had made it back home, it was around seven in the evening. I had just enough time to gather my things for the morning and take a shower before bed. I had prepared a small backpack filled with my curriculum maps for the two subject I would be teaching, the two teacher textbooks with possible homework assignments and projects to prepare for the school year, and a few notebooks of my own filled with notes I had taken about the school. I was told that my roster would be in my teacher mail box the following morning, both a paper and virtual copy. I guess I wouldn't be able to learn any of the named as quickly as I thought, considering I wouldn't even be seeing the names until the day of.

I left the backpack on the kitchen table so I could easily grab it in the morning. I went ahead and prepared my coffee for the next morning so all I had to do was turn the brewer on. I had no idea how long it would take me to prepare myself in the morning, so might as well plan ahead.

When in my bedroom, I went ahead and laid out my clothes I would be wearing tomorrow. I was told by Marceline that this school was rather laid back when it came to a teacher uniform. I was told as long as I avoided any revealing or inappropriate clothing, I could wear anything that I found comfortable. With that in mind, I set out a pink dress of mine that would rest just above my knees and a pair of flats. I pulled my lab coat out from my closet and lad it down with the dress. Now this was something I would have to make a habit of wearing.

Happy with what I would be wearing tomorrow, I prepared myself for my shower and headed to bed. It took me a little while to drift off into my slumber. I had to admit, I was nervous for my first day. I had always been the student, wanting to learn something new every day, but now I would be on the other side, teaching those who wanted to learn, and those who didn't. There was that phrase though, teachers can learn from their students. I guess I could consider this as a new learning experience, and that I was excited for.


Oh, by the way. I am going to start dating the chapters. I want to give them a timeline and stuff, I am going to try and line them up with current time, but i probably wont be able to since this timeline takes place a few months ago.