A/N: Okay brain...WHAT DO YOU GOT FOR ME!

Okay quick recap of the crazy shit that happened in my life in the last two weeks.

I drank expired milk, found that my wallet was lost 'briefly' , and then well I got shot. then was saved by a girl who I am now her boyfriend/property [still don't know how to feel about that.] and am now living in a house of killers of a bunch of different colors and shapes as I recovered.

Heh and you probably think you've had crazy weeks.

I walked down stairs, I looked at the back of my right hand seeing that the 'J' Jess made was now a scar. Thanks to Miss slender's healing, it was quick, though I swear I heard screaming coming from underground while she did it. I didn't ask about details.

I walked into the kitchen and scowled a Jayne as he did the same. It seemed every time I was near the guy I had a sudden urge to kick his teeth in, but I repressed it. I grabbed some waffles that Tami made and set them in the plate as I sat down on a couch, opposite arm from Jacklyn. She was watching 'Game of Thrones' and some white haired girl eating a heart, Jacklyn acted like she was watching a cooking show.

I started to rip up the waffle into small pieces while checking to make sure that Tami didn't try and roofie me, there has been two attempts so far.

"If your so concerned why do you even bother eating them?" Jacklyn said as she began to carefully dig into her own breakfast.

"Well when they doesn't contain drugs their quite good." I said now eat the waffles after deeming them safe.

"Hows the hand?"

"Fine I guess, but..." holds up my right hand "... is this common?"

"Only if she thinks it could be serious." I raised a eyebrow at this comment. "So something I've been wondering." She paused and looked at me with hallow black eye sockets.

"And that would be?"

"What was this doing in your stuff?" She then held up my chest holsters holding my two pistols. I started to choke on my waffle and try to grab them from her but she holds a scalpel to my throat stopping me. I didn't even gulp fearing I'd get cut, I backed up but she kept her implement ready.

"I know how to use a gun. so what?"

"There's two and three pockets on each side holding two clips in each."

"Why were you rifling through my things?"

"I wasn't..." I was about to ask who when.

"I was." I them felt two pale arms wrap around my neck as I head Jess. " there's a few practice dummy's outside and we wanna see what you can do."

"I'm do really feel like it right now okay?" I could feel a smirk creep on to her lip as she leaned closer to my ear.

"Pweety pwease..." She said in a cutesy tone, but then got very sultry "...I can be very persuasive." she then licked and nibbled on my ear making my face heat up to boiling point. I quickly jumped up and grabbed the holster slinging it on.

"Come on everybody!" I said quickly going out the door as I heard teasing chuckles of Jess as she followed.

I walked over to where I saw the dummies and grabbed a marker and marked them randomly from one to nine. I stood in the center of them and everyone stood and I walked closer.

"Alright everyone pick a random number from one to nine and then go stand by the dummy with that number." They were skeptical at first by then did so and stood by the dummies telling them to call out their number whenever they want.

I undid the straps and pulled out the pistols and held them at my sides switching off the safety. I took a deep breath and my eyes narrowed into a cold focused stare.

(BGM-Prodigal Son-Lincoln Durham)

"Seven." I heard Jayne saw in almost a whisper and I sent a bullet right into the forehead of the dummy.





I let loose a bullet into the heads of each dummy from where I heard the number staying in my spot but turning and staying in motion as I hard the random number. I let off bullets simultaneously until both clips were empty.

They all looked at me in surprise, and I saw Jayne looking annoyed as I reloaded.

"Big deal he just aimed next to where he heard us." He leaned against a tree as his comment annoyed me.

I aimed and fired shooting bullets around him and right next to his head, I smirked as I walked back to the house.

Jayne POV:

"What the hell was that?!" I glared at him for daring to take a shot at me and the asshole wasn't even able to hit me, whats he so smug about? I moved from the tree and looked at it and my eyes widened as I saw a out line of where I was. just above where my head was a arrow and above it spelled 'ASS HAT'.

"I'm gonna kill that guy."


Martin POV:

I reloaded once more glad I still had plenty others stashed away.

"That was hilarious!" I heard Jess say as I was suddenly pounced on by her, nearly knocking me over but I kept my balance. " Jayne's a dick so he deserved it..." I waited as she leaned close to my ear "...Where'd you learn all that?"

I turned around and smirked leaning in very close to which our lips were basically a centimeter apart. I saw her breathing quicken slightly.

"Secret." I said as I moved up from her lips to give a small peck on her nose before smirking and moved back.

"Is this payback for when I didn't tell you my name?" I nodded my eyes half lidded with my smirk. "Fine but you have to tell me soon, because secrets can be as bad as lies."

" Understood, wanna go see if there's anything interesting on T.V.?" I held out my hand and she took it and we went back into the house.

Benny POV:

I'm so happy for Jess she seems to have found someone she really likes.

"Benny?" I turned and saw Jayne.


"Could you look up that guy, something about him rubs me the wrong way"

"yeah sure, I was going to do that anyway."