Hey everyone! ChibiGohan's back in the house! (silence) Obviously no one likes me. I'm so mad! Oh well, I just wrote this to keep me from dying of boredom. Look at me! I don't even have a muse! All right, I'll create a muse. Presenting... Son Chihan! (listens to THE MIGHTY CORRECTOR's boos) Well boo to you too!

Chihan: Yea!

CG (me): She doesn't talk much does she?

Chihan: OH YES I DO! Just try me! I like totally blahblahblahblahblahblahbl-



Chapter 1: Forgiveness Is A Lie

"Dinner everyone!" Chichi screamed.

Two nearly identical saiyans, besides the fact that one was younger than the other, rushed to the table and started wolfing food down. But one other saiyan walked slowly towards the table, not seeming to care that half the food was gone.

Chichi shook her head. This was the way he had been acting ever since her husband had came back from the other world. But she refused to believe that there was a connection between the two. "Gohan, aren't you going to eat anything?"

Gohan looked at his mom, who stood, staring at him sternly, yet intently, as if trying to probe his mind. "Um, no..." Quickly he thought of an excuse. "I was just... thinking about Videl!" he blurted out.

Chichi immediately melted. "Oh that's so sweet!" She gushed. "Don't let me interrupt you, keep thinking about her!" *Grandchildren! * Her mind screamed.

Gohan sighed with relief. That would keep Mom from thinking about his attitude for a while. He might as well eat, though. No sense in wasting food over anger. He attacked the mashed potatoes.


"Bye Goten! Have a good time!" Chichi waved as Goten took off with Trunks and Vegeta. Goten was having a sleepover at Trunks's house. Obviously Vegeta didn't like the idea, but oh well.

Goku and Chichi walked in on Gohan, who seemed to be in deep meditation. Both of them knew by now that he was talking to Videl in his mind. Chichi automatically smiled blissfully, but Goku couldn't help noticing Gohan's face held some anger. Then Goku lost his trail of thought, because Gohan's eyes snapped open. His conversation was over.

Gohan seemed to ignore the fact that his dad was standing right in front of him. "Mom, can I go to Videl's?"

Chichi started to nod, but then she thought of something. Why hadn't Gohan said 'Mom, Dad, can I go to Videl's?' Why was the question directed at her? Chichi took a deep breath. If there was anytime to ask, this would be the time. "Gohan, I can't help but notice... you've been ignoring your father lately."

Gohan's icy stare switched from his mom to his dad. "No," he said coldly, "I haven't."

Goku stared right back at his oldest son. "Yes you have, Son Gohan. Don't lie to us."

Gohan was starting to lose his patience. His ki level slowly started to rise. When he talked, there was an edge to his voice. "No I haven't..."

Chichi made Gohan make eye contact with her. "Oh yes you have! Now tell us why!"

Gohan's patience barrier collapsed. He was suddenly surrounded by his own huge ki flare. "LOOK! FIGURE OUT FOR YOURSELF! HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND!"

"Gohan, calm down! Please tell us why!" Goku tried to calm the furious half- Saiyan down.

"Don't touch me! How dare you call yourself a good husband and father!"

Goku was shocked by Gohan's words.

"You were never there, haven't you realized that? You died when I was 4! You died when I was 11! You left me to care for Mom and Goten all by myself! I had to be Goten's father, because you didn't want to be wished back! I WAS 11 YEARS OLD! You didn't care! I never was a kid! I lost that chance years ago! You never spent any time for us! You never did anything for us! You never even went out to try and get a job! You were always so obsessed in fighting! DON'T YOU GET IT?" His voice rose, and his ki was so high that it surpassed Goku's when he was in his SS3 form.

"How dare you talk that way to your father!" Chichi exclaimed shrilly.

Goku was still speechless.

"NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND!" screaming with pure rage, Gohan ran through the door and flew off.

"GOHAN! Get back here!" Chichi tried to go after him, but Goku pulled her back.

"He's out of control. Don't worry, he'll be back."

Chichi wept on Goku's orange gi. "Oh Goku... I'm sorry for what he said... I'm sure he didn't mean it..."

Goku's face hardened. "No." he said softly. "He's right. I never did anything for us."

Chichi looked up at her husband's face. "That's not true, Goku! You've done everything you possibly could have for us!"

Goku shook his head. "No. He's right. Gohan never did get a chance to be a kid. I never was a good father."

"Darn right you weren't." Goku and Chichi were surprised.

"Vegeta! What are you doing here?"

Vegeta smirked. "I felt his ki rising, so I decided to come here to see what was going on. He does have a point. I could see it in him ever since you died the second time."

"Vegeta get back here right now!" A shrill voice screamed out of nowhere, causing Vegeta to wince.

"Darn woman. Made me wear this stupid watch so that she can track me down." He flew off, still muttering.

Goku shook his head. "Vegeta was a better father than I was."

Chichi couldn't stand it anymore. "Goku please don't say that! Please don't say anything about this anymore!" She started crying.

"Ssshhhh, Chichi..." Goku kissed her forehead.

They went back into the house to do something, anything, that would keep their mind off of their troubled son. *He'll be back, he'll be back...* Goku kept thinking.

Videl got up. Why was Gohan's power level so high? Oh well, she'd find out. Unlocking the door to her balcony, she stepped out into the crisp air and took off. She would meet him halfway.

Gohan didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to get away from his dad. He had finally told his parents what he thought, and he was afraid of their reaction when he returned.

Gohan was torn away from his thoughts when he felt Videl coming towards him. For the first time that day, he smiled a genuine smile. Speeding up, he raced to meet her.

Videl stopped abruptly and waved cheerfully. "Hey Gohan!" she yelled to the speeding blur.

Gohan laughed and hugged her tightly. "Hey Videl!"

Videl hugged him back, then asked him, "Gohan, why did your ki rise?"

Gohan sighed. "It has something to do with what I told you earlier."

Videl's eyes widened. "You mean you told them?"

Gohan nodded. "And their reaction wasn't the best... Videl, I'm afraid to go back."

Videl stared at him. "You mean you beat Cell but you can't face your own parents?" She ducked a punch from Gohan. "OK, I know what you mean. I've felt like that too when I had to face my dad. Gohan, just be strong like the guy I know you are."

Gohan still wasn't sure, but he nodded. "OK. Thanks Videl!" He hugged her hard. Then, before he was about to release her, she kissed him. They stayed that way for a long time, hovering in the air, holding each other, and kissing. Finally they broke apart. "Good night Videl."

"Good night Gohan."

Gohan looked into the distance where his house would be. No, he wasn't ready yet. He'd go when he was ready. But for now, he'd have to do something. Maybe he could go spar with Krillin or Piccolo or Vegeta or something.


So what did you guys think? I really need reviews! If you give me just THREE reviews I'll go on! Without three whole reviews I refuse to go on! PLEASE!

Chihan: You heard the author! Now go click that gray little button at the bottom of the screen!