An Uncomfortable Dream

Percy covered his reddening face with his hands even though he was alone in his cabin. His eyes fluttered open and he swallowed thickly. It was just a dream but the image burned brightly in his mind. It was just a dream but it left him drenched in sweat. It was just a dream but it felt so real. In the distance, the breakfast bell sounded.

"Fuck," Percy jumped up and noticed that his sheets were wet. Of course. That would make sense. His boxers were uncomfortably tight. That also made sense.

"Fuck," he said again and muttered the Pledge of Allegiance to himself quickly as he changed the sheets on his bed and tossed the soiled ones into the hamper with the rest of his dirty laundry.

Percy pulled his jeans on and tugged a shirt over his head, nearly tripping over a discarded textbook. Patting down his hair, he opened the door to see Annabeth with her hand raised in a fist, about to knock on the door. And all the memories came flooding back.

The weight of her on top of him, the rubbing, the grinding, the sweet release. The tightness of it all as it went down. Her skin was so smooth and he remembered Dream-Him sucking and kissing every inch of her. He could still hear the panting and moaning and feel her wrapped around him.

"You alright?" Annabeth snapped him out of it, "You look a little out of it."

"Y - Yeah," Percy lied, "I'm good."

"Are you sure? Because - " Annabeth's eyebrows knit together.

"I said I was fine." Percy snapped.

Annabeth looked shocked and slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry," Percy explained, "I'm just a little tired."

He clenched his jaw and pushed the dream as far back in his mind as he could.

The couple walked to breakfast in silence.

After scraping the majority of his food into the fire, Percy sat down alone at his table and tried to focus on anything but the dream. He'd had much easier experiences dealing with nightmares. Sex dreams? Not so much. The dream squirmed in the back of his skull and taunted him throughout breakfast. Once he finished with his plate, Percy got up from the table and headed towards the lake with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, wait up!" Annabeth called out. Percy slowed.

"Hi, Annabeth," he said her name with an awkward tongue, thinking about the excessive amount of times he'd panted her name in his dream

"Percy, I'm serious," Annabeth's gray eyes bore holes through him, "What's up with you?"

"It's really fine," Percy assured her, "Nothing to worry about."

Annabeth scoffed, "Oh, don't pull that one on me. What was it? A bad dream?"

Percy hesitated, "Something like that."

"C'mon, then!" Annabeth pleaded, "Tell me about it. It'll make you feel better for sure."

"Annabeth, you know I love you, but I really just don't want to talk about it right now."

Annabeth seemed to understand but a glimmer of hurt flashed in her eyes, "Alright, well, if you change your mind you know where to find me. And you also know that you can tell me anything."

Percy nodded took a deep breath, "I know. It's just that, this one was really, uh, personal."

"Okay, then. See you later, babe," Annabeth pecked him on the lips and hurried off to teach her Mythology II class. Percy began making his way towards the arena, where he was practicing sword skills with the Hermes cabin.

The lesson dragged on and when the majority of the Hermes cabin mainly understood the defense-block, Percy left them to practice on their own. He sat on a crate and rubbed his eyes.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Jason appeared next to him. Percy had forgotten that he had told him to come help teach the class.

"Nothing." Percy mumbled, taking his face out of his hands, "It's nothing."

Jason's electric eyes were inviting, "You completely sure? It doesn't look like nothing to me."

Percy's eyes scanned over the sword fighters, making sure no one was dead or dying. Maybe it was better to tell Jason. He should tell someone.

"It's about a dream I had last night," Percy choked out.

"A nightmare?" Jason seemed genuinely concerned. He sat down next to him and leaned forward. His golden glasses gleamed in the morning sunlight.

"No. Kind of the opposite."

"So a good dream? Sorry, but, I - I don't see the problem here."

"It was a sex dream." Percy blurted with gritted teeth.

"Oh. Oh!" Jason blinked, "With Annabeth?"

"Yes, with Annabeth!" Percy yell - whispered, "Ugh." He returned his face to his hands.

"No offense, Percy," Jason said, "But isn't that a good thing?"

"No! No it's not! Because now I can't get it out of my head! And I feel like a shitty person because I could barely look at Annabeth at breakfast. I don't know what to do."

"You have to talk to her about it."

"Oh gee, thanks, Jason. What would I do without you?" Percy rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious. The same thing happened to me."

Percy's voice lightened, "You had a dream about Piper?"

"Yes, and the next night I told her about it and it stopped bothering me."

Percy cocked his head to the side, "What happened next?"

"Nothing. We went to sleep." Jason's expression turned cold.

Percy raised his eyebrows, "Oh, really?"

"Alright, she gave me a handjob but it was over after that."

Percy cracked a smile. "So what? Now I've got to wait all day to talk to Annabeth? It's not like I can just start a conversation at lunch like, "Oh! Guess what I dreamed last night? You fucked me."

"I guess if you're really desperate you could do that."

There was a moment of silence between the boys while Percy scanned the arena once more. Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

"Dude," Percy breathed in a slight panic, "You have to answer me honestly. And please don't laugh."

"What?" Jason leaned in.

"What does this mean? Does this mean I want to have sex with Annabeth? That's what it looks like, doesn't it?"

"Chill, dude. First of all, why wouldn't you want to have sex with her? She's your girlfriend and you're eighteen. Secondly, it's a dream. You can't control what happens."

"But what if that's what Annabeth thinks? How embarrassing is that especially if she doesn't feel the same way?"

"I don't know, bro. But she's your girlfriend and I don't think she'll judge you for it."

Percy nodded, "Thanks, dude."

A small hand tapped Percy's shoulder and he turned.

"Percy?" a girl who must have been eight asked, "I need help with the new move."

"Alright, let me show you." Percy led the girl into the corner and showed her the proper skills. His dream was momentarily forgotten.

The rest of the day dragged on. Percy missed every target in archery, his mind reeled and spit images during his classes, he burned himself several times during welding, and he avoided Annabeth as much as he could during the day. He hung around Jason during lunch while Annabeth chatted with Piper.

"Something's up with Percy today." Annabeth noted.

"I've noticed." Piper simply stated.

"He's been avoiding me all day and he's acting so strangely."


Annabeth paused, "Do you know something I don't?"

"Look, Annabeth," Piper bit her lip, "I have a general idea of what's going on but it's really not my place to tell you."

"What is it?" Annabeth begged, "Please just tell me!"

"It's nothing to be concerned about, it's actually really adorable."

"How can you tell?"

"My Aphrodite senses are tingling."

"Just tell me!"

"You'll find out at the end of the day. Don't sweat it."

Annabeth's mind fidgeted and jumped with curiosity.

"Don't push it, Annabeth. Let time take its course."

"I'll try."

After what felt like eons for both demigods, it was time for the campfire. Percy's mind was sore with images of Annabeth's naked body and Annabeth was contemplating all the things Percy could possibly be so worked up about. Percy caught Annabeth's eye from across the fire that was burning red on his side and nodded towards the cabins. Annabeth stood up followed him. Holding hands, they strolled towards the cabins. Annabeth was about to say something about Percy's mood when she remembered Piper's advice and stayed quiet.

Percy, remembering Jason's advice, took a deep breath and squeezed Annabeth's hand, "We need to talk."

Annabeth squeezed back, "You can tell me anything, Percy. I love you."

"I love you, too." Percy smiled and kissed Annabeth now that they were out of sight of the campfire. He quickly pulled away when the memory flashed in his eyes.

Annabeth squinted slightly but didn't say anything about it, "So, what was that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Not here." Percy nervously looked around, "We need to go somewhere private."

The last word sent shivers up Annabeth's spine. What did he need to tell her?

"Your cabin?" she suggested.

Percy contemplated and prayed that his dad had better things to do than snoop into his love life, "Yeah, let's go."

Percy and Annabeth sat on his bed in awkward silence.

"Percy," Annabeth placed her hand on his knee, which didn't help much on Percy's part, "You know that you can trust me. I'm not sure exactly what you want to tell me, but I want you to know that I'm here for you."

"Annabeth, it's really nothing bad at all. Jason actually said it was good and that I needed to talk to you about it. It's just so fucking embarrassing, I can't stand it."

Percy scooted away slightly and readjusted himself.

"Go on. It doesn't matter what it is, you can tell me. I promise."

Percy licked his lips and stared at the floor, "In my dream last night I um - " his voice faltered and he took a deep breath and tried again, "Annabeth, I had a sex dream about you."

Annabeth's heart skipped a beat and she tried to control the redness that was spreading to her face.

"I'm sorry," Percy apologized, "It's been bothering me all day and Jason said it would help if I told you. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, I'm a jackass."

Annabeth looked him in the eye, "Tell me about it."

"Excuse me," Percy croaked, "What?"

"Tell me about the dream. I want to know everything that happened," she moved on top of him so she was on his lap, straddling him, "I want to know every move, every word, every detail about this dream. Don't be shy."

"Annabeth, I don't know if I can - "


Percy shifted uncomfortably as Annabeth slowly grinded against him. Annabeth's core throbbed at the perfect friction. She could feel his erection through his jeans.

"Let it all out, Percy," Annabeth whispered in his ear before nipping at it, "Tell me everything."

Percy cleared his throat. He didn't want to disappoint Annabeth. He also didn't want to embarrass her or himself. But at this point, Annabeth didn't look like she could be easily embarrassed. Truthfully, Percy didn't know why he was so nervous. He had been in the same position, his girlfriend grinding on top of him with her arms around his neck, more than once. She had given him handjobs before and he'd had two fingers inside of her and had heard her panting his name. He'd felt her tighten and come multiple times. He'd felt her hand around his dick, pumping faster and faster before and through his orgasm.

But suddenly, having sex involved, he was freezing up. Both he and Annabeth were legal. His hands shook and his mouth went dry. He didn't want to fuck things up with Annabeth. What if he just wasn't ready for this?

"Let go, Percy," Annabeth purred and grinded harder, "Stop thinking."

Percy would have reprimanded her about that but she started kneading the growing bulge in his pants.

"Just focus on the dream."

Percy swallowed and placed his hands on her waist.

"We were in my cabin. It was really dark outside. We were lying on my bed and you started kissing me."

Annabeth gently sucked his bottom lip and dotted pecks around his mouth.

"I put my hands under your shirt and felt under your bra."

Annabeth took Percy's hands and guided them under her shirt and rested them on her breasts.

"And I did this and this."

Percy squeezed and pinched Annabeth's nipples and massaged her breasts. Annabeth swallowed a moan.

"Then I took off your shirt and threw it on the ground."

Annabeth forced a wad of her shirt into Percy's hand and he pulled it off. Annabeth reached to take her bra off but Percy stopped her.

"Your bra stayed on. And then you started kissing my neck and sucking all over."

Percy cleared his throat. Annabeth obliged to the story and left several hickeys. Her lips grazed gently over his collarbone and her tongue traced random patterns.

"Then you were on top of me and you unbuttoned my pants."

Annabeth pushed Percy so he was flat on his back and his legs were hanging over the edge.

"But we were like this."

Percy adjusted himself so his head was on his pillow. Annabeth prowled back over him and popped his jeans open.

"And then you were - uh - just like, rubbing me. But that was with one hand and the other hand was next to my waist."

Annabeth continued kneading his dick and felt his erection grow and press through his open fly. Percy grunted softly and shifted his hips.

"Holy shit, Annabeth," she was pressing so hard it was unbelievably pleasurable. Percy's voice was husky and dry-sounding, "And, uh, and then, ungh, you pulled my jeans down to my knees. And you took off your pants and underwear."

Annabeth made a show out of unbuttoning her pants and seductively pulling down both her jeans and her panties in one go. Percy's dick throbbed. It occurred to him that they were most likely going to have sex since that was where the dream led, after all. He shot up and pressed his lips together, "Annabeth," he whimpered nervously.

"Percy, it's alright. We don't have to do this. We can skip the main act if that's what you want." Annabeth cupped his face with one hand and kissed him gently.

"No, I want to do this. I mean, maybe we should wait. No, no, we should do this."

"Shut up, Percy. Don't be nervous around me. Please. After everything we've been through and you're scared to have sex with me?"

"Not scared. Just . . . nervous."

"Then I'll show you that there's nothing to be afraid of. What happened next?"

"You took off my shirt."

Percy's shirt came off.

"And then you started fingering yourself. And I sat up and kissed you."

Annabeth slipped two fingers into herself and pumped in and out as Percy attached his lips to hers. He bit her bottom lip and let his tongue explore her mouth. She kissed him back and moaned into his mouth as she hit her sweet spot.

"Then I did this."

Percy replaced her fingers with his own and swirled them inside of her. She grunted loudly and dug her head into his shoulder. Percy pumped in and out faster and faster, hitting the same spot she found before and causing her to climax. As she came into his hand, he continued pumping until she was panting into his shoulder. She placed her hands on his neck and exclaimed, "Where the fuck did you learn that?"

Percy responded by kissing her passionately and tangling his fingers in her long hair. Annabeth had recovered from her orgasm by the time Percy grabbed a condom from the drawer of his nightstand. An open box was spilled out inside.

"Where'd you get those from?" Annabeth's voice was gravelly.

"Jason." Percy answered.

Percy wiggled out of his boxers and opened the condom with his teeth. He rolled in on expertly and positioned himself under Annabeth.

"Are you sure?" he asked her.

"I am. Are you?"


Percy's dick reached deep inside Annabeth and caused her to gasp. Annabeth was in control on top and she swiveled her hips and forced Percy deeper and deeper. Both demigods found a rhythm that gradually grew faster and faster. Percy muttered "Annabeth" with lust in her ear as Annabeth moaned and gritted her teeth.

"Holy shit, Percy," Annabeth panted, "Holy fuck."

After almost three minutes, both demigods felt the hot buildup fill their bodies and explode as they saw spots. Percy's stomach burned and his dick pulsed inside of Annabeth. Annabeth's hot core tightened and her nails dug into Percy's shoulders as she came.

Once they'd both recovered, Annabeth pushed herself off of Percy and pulled the blanket over them.

"Was that as good as in your dream?" Annabeth teased.

"Oh, shut up." Percy grinned.

"I can't believe that's what you were so worked up about all day."

"Hey, I resent that. You wouldn't understand. All I saw were flashing pictures of this."

"You think I've never had a sex dream about you?"

Percy sat up, "Wait . . . you have?"

"Of course," Annabeth sat on top of him like she'd been doing before.

"Oh," was all Percy could think to say.

"What? Do you want me to tell you about it?"

"Yes!" Percy's green eyes sparkled.

"It was pretty basic. It started out with a handjob and escalated to a blowjob with resulted in you eating me out to return the favor. Then, next thing I knew, you were on top of me and I was screaming your name. But we all know that you can't."

Percy laughed, "Is that a challenge?"

"Tomorrow night. Same time, same place. Make me scream."

The following morning, Jason and Percy were down by the lake. Percy had told Jason that they needed to talk. Jason was concerned.

"What's all this about?" Jason inquired.

"I told Annabeth about the dream."

"Really?" Jason was surprised, "What did she say?"

"Not much. But she did fuck me."

"No. Fucking. Way."

"Yes! She made me tell her about the dream and then we fucking acted it out."

"That actually sounds really kinky."

"It was! And then, she told me that she wanted to do it again tonight! So, anyway, when are you gonna get it on with Piper?"

"Oh, uh, I don't know."

"You're lying. That's your lying face. Holy shit, you had sex with her!"

"Percy, shut up! There are people here."

"When?" Percy bounced on his heels like a puppy.

"Last night," Jason whispered, "In her cabin."

"Weren't there campers in there?"

"We did it in the shower."

Percy burst out laughing, "Oh, Jason, that is fucking awesome."

"Just, don't talk to anyone about it, alright?"

"Yeah, of course."

There was a stretch of silence.

"So, like, was the shower on or?" Percy questioned.

"Can it, Jackson."

There was another stretch of silence.

"It was off in the beginning but I accidentally turned it on."

Jason was blushing. Percy laughed.

"I really do enjoy our 'bro time,' Jason."

The rest of the day, Percy struggled not to smile or think about the night before. It was burned into his brain. But in a good way, this time, because he knew that others were also struggling with the same thing. He could tell when he looked at Nico burying his face in his hands after looking at Will.