Long Distance Epilogue

A year later

A year didn't feel so long to Edward. He felt as if it had flown by faster than he'd thought possible. It was a year of growing, grants, research, trips, and dates. Something as simple as a date scared him far more than the idea of turning in proposals for new research grants ever did.

His mind played over everything that had passed by in the last year as he looked out the window of his office. It was a beautiful day out. Blue skies and not a single cloud in the sky. He idly wondered if Bella had the fortune of seeing the same feel-good weather as he was. He smiled at the thought.

Just the mere thought of her sent him into a happy mood. Though, to be honest, for the past few months, his moods had swung up and down. They'd had their stumbles, of course, but they both knew they wanted more out of what they were building. So they fought for it, worked for it just as hard as they did for their research.

All his worries about the two of them evaporated shortly after their first, true date. He had nervously waited for Bella to show up at his place, and at the agreed upon time, he heard a quiet knock at his door. He'd spent the hour before cooking roasted chicken and vegetables, something easy. Once he came to the door, opened it, and laid his eyes on Bella, he was taken aback. She looked beautiful in a modest black and blue dress, her hair pulled up. The way she smiled at him as he held his hand out for her, set his heart into a drumming rhythm.

It didn't take them long to fall into their usual banter, smiles, and laughter. It was so naturally easy with her, that all worries and nervousness flew out the window. The question of who would kiss who at the end of the date was answered soon enough. Edward walked Bella out to her car at the end of their date, his hand holding hers and not at all wanting to let go.

"Tonight was amazing, Edward. Thank you." Her eyes glistened with happiness, and he chose right then to kiss her. His hand let go of hers, and he soon found it softly crossing her collarbone, teasingly sliding up her neck as his left thumb gently brushed across her bottom lip as he leaned in to softly kiss her. He meant for it only to be quick and chaste, but the taste of her wasn't enough. It was never enough. It soon built up to a kiss neither of them were expecting, but once the kiss ended and he pulled away to catch his breath, he couldn't help but drown in her eyes and smile.

She made him feel things he never thought he would— true happiness, along with never wanting her out of his presence. He felt childish for feeling like butterflies had taken up residence inside, and made his heart pace that much faster.

It was addicting, the way she made him feel.

Those feelings she brought never lessened, not even months later. He knew he had things to do, reports to finalize, emails to answer, but all he wanted to think about as he stared out his office window was her.

She'd been gone for the summer. It was now early September and she was finally returning to Chicago. He was due to pick her up in a few hours at the airport. He had the flowers, and a gift ready for the second she met him at baggage claim.

Naturally, he'd supported her in leaving for France for a three-month research lab position that she was offered. It was mostly an internship, but it would gain her experience, and one more thing to work her dissertation around. She was, at first, reluctant to leave. She had so much she wanted to do at the home base lab, and things were strong with the two of them now that they had found a comfortable stride in their relationship.

Bella had moved in with Edward a few weeks prior to her finding out that she was offered the internship. She was over the moon, and seeing her face light with happiness made him just as happy and proud of her.

The day she left, he forced himself to walk away as she made her way to security, tears streaming down her face. He wanted nothing more than to go back to her, wrap her in his arms and kiss those tears away, but he kept walking and fought that urge. He knew if he gave in, he'd buy a ticket and go with her, consequences be damned.

Before they left that morning for the airport, they each promised to email, Skype, text, whatever, as long as they always kept in touch. She wanted to know what Edward's son was up to while she was away as well. Even though they rarely got time with him, they made the most of it when they did, and somewhere along the way, they formed their own family unit.

Edward turned away from the window and sat down at his desk. His eyes moved over the pictures that now adorned it. He smiled before opening up his email, clicking on the one that interested him the most—from Bella, of course.


I'm writing to you just as I head out the door to the airport. While I am happy for the experience, and have absolutely loved it here in beautiful Paris, I can't wait to get home to you.

Somewhere in between hours of lab duty, papers, and lab reports, I've found myself homesick. Not in the traditional sense. I don't necessarily miss Chicago or the food, or things you'd normally find you miss when you're homesick. I miss you. Just you.

I miss our place. Your arms. Your kisses. Hell, even the smell of you. I don't care if that makes me seem odd, or what have you.

I just miss you.

I love you.


Edward looked to the clock, took notice in the time, and hoped his reply would reach her before she shut her phone off after boarding. She was due to take off very soon.

My darling-

Never feel that you're odd, because you're not. Homesickness is not just one thing, nor does it have to adhere to what society deems it most always is. Homesickness is different for all of us. When I'm away, I'm the same. I don't miss the material things. I miss the two things that can never be replaced if I were to lose them.

You and my son.

You both are what keeps me going when I'm in a different country, state or city. You can even add a different lab to that as well. The both of you are constantly on my mind, even when I'm wracking numbers in my head, sorting proposals or trying to keep this lab afloat.

I find I miss you all the time.

Now hurry home to me. I believe I owe you some kisses and unlimited time in my arms, my bed and anywhere else we deem fit.

I'll be waiting.


Somehow, Edward lost himself in the piles of paperwork that demanded his attention. The hours flew by, and once his phone beeped with an alarm, telling him he needed to get a move on, he found himself excited.

He shut his laptop down and placed it in his bag, along with whatever necessary papers needed to follow him home. He made sure he had a long weekend with no interruptions for Bella's return. His son was due back the following week for a visit, but until then, he planned to be wrapped up in Bella for as long as he could.

Just before he left his office, he grabbed the flowers he had picked up just that morning for Bella, and pocketed the gift he'd had for her as well, and walked through the lab and out to his car.

He stood there waiting for what felt like hours, but once he caught sight of her long, beautiful brown hair moving through the oncoming crowd, he began to walk toward her, smiling. The minute she saw him, she picked up her pace as well. They met halfway to the main baggage carousel. She collided with him, holding on to Edward tightly as he gave out a surprised groan at her impact. He wrapped his arms around her tightly as she lifted her head, and he descended, kissing her soundly.

Once they pulled away, he presented her with the flowers. Her favorite. A bouquet of different colored irises. The smile that graced her face made all the sneezes during the car ride over, worth it.

As they waited for the bags to make their appearance in baggage claim, Edward squeezed Bella's hand three times. "I'm glad you're back home. A summer apart is way too long."

Bella turned her face to smile at him, laying her head on his shoulder as they waited. "Even with all I had to do, the hours still seemed to last forever. Even more so, when I didn't have you to go home to."

Edward asked about her flight next, and they continued to chat as they waited for her bags to appear. He held her hand, not once letting go, even when, finally, her bags made it onto the carousel. They quickly grabbed them and slowly made their way out of the waiting crowd and toward parking.

On their way to the car, they talked about anything and everything, too happy to finally be near one another after months of being apart.

Reluctantly, Edward let go of her hand to place her bags in the trunk. He then opened her door for her, waited for her to get in before closing it, and walking around to the other side. Just before he opened his door, he palmed the box in his right pocket, sighing and trying to quell the nerves he suddenly felt. He pulled it out just before he slid into his seat. He placed the small, square box on her lap before placing the keys in the ignition and starting it.

The silence in the car was palpable until Bella broke it. "Edward… you can't… are you... oh my..."

"I'm hoping your jumbled mess of words there is a good thing, love."

She didn't answer him, just kissed him as deep as she could, hoping to convey her feelings through it. She placed the box back in Edward's hand. "Well, are you going to put it on me, or what?"

Instantly, he smiled and did just that.

Never did he think an errant email would lead him to there, but he was glad it did.


Kris A/N: Wow! We're done. It's been great to work with MoH and to give voice to this Bella. I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for bearing with us through a bit of a hiatus. Much thanks to Betsy for the help.

MoH A/N: It has been a lot of fun to work with LyricalKris on this. I definitely worked out of my comfort zones in terms of PoV, but I'm glad I did. Thank you for having patience and sticking with us through the long wait for this Epilogue. I can't thank you all enough for reading. We hope you've enjoyed. Thank you.