Adam's P.O.V.
I felt Martin's breathing even out and looked down. Sure enough, he was asleep.
"Good night, love." I whispered, picking him up carefully as to not wake him.
"Don't go, Adam..." He mumbled in his sleep. Aw, he's dreaming about me! That's adorable!
I held him closer to me. "It's okay, Martin. I'm right here. I'll always be right here."
He seemed to hear my words and let out a sigh of contentment, snuggling into my chest. He really loves cuddling with me, but hey, I'm not complaining. I think it's sweet.
I carried him to the car and put him in the passenger seat, then quickly ran over to my side.
I looked over to the sleeping Martin and smiled. I know I'm completely obsessed with him, but that doesn't bother me. I love him. I want to be there for him, to be his shoulder to cry on. We're way too young to get married - Heck, we haven't even graduated yet - but I still want to be able to make him forget about all those bad times.
I drove quietly, looking back every now and then at him to make sure he was asleep.
Once we finally got home, I scooped Martin up, to which he let out a small squeak and wrapped his arms around my neck, still sleeping.
I unlocked the door somehow and put him down on the couch, hoping that no nightmares would plague him. Smiling, I went over to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water when my cell phone rang. "Hello?" I asked, answering it.
"Hello?! Where's Bodil?! What'd you do with him?!" A voice demanded. I was confused for a moment. "Bodil...You mean Martin? I haven't done anything to him!" I said disbelievingly.
"Who are you?!" The voice replied. I noticed that he had a Bulgarian accent as well. "Calm down, buddy. I'm Martin's boyfriend. Who are you?" I asked. The voice took on a more scared tone.
"M-My name is Simon. Please tell me that Bodil is okay!" He pleaded. I smiled. "He's fine, don't worry Simon. He's sleeping right now, but if you want, I could get him for you." I said.
"Thank you." Simon replied. I smiled. "No problem, Simon. Just a sec." I said, going into the living room and walking over to the couch where Martin was sleeping.
"Martin, baby, someone on the phone wants to talk to you." I said softly, shaking his shoulder gently. He yawned and sat up. "Who is it?" He asked. I smiled. "Someone named Simon." I replied. He let out a high pitched squeal and smiled brightly.
"Simon?! Gimme the phone!" He said excitedly. I chuckled and handed him the phone.
Martin's P.O.V.
"Simon?! Is that really you?" I asked. I heard the voice of my childhood friend. "Yeah, it's me. Are you alright? Does that guy abuse you? I've heard the horror stories about abusive partners." Simon fussed.
I chuckled. "Oh, Simon, always such a mother." I joked. I could see his childish smile. "Well you're my best friend, why wouldn't I worry? So, how ARE you doing?" He asked.
"I'm better than okay! Adam saved me from my dad, and I...I love him." I said, smiling. Simon laughed. "So he doesn't hurt you, does he?" He asked. I gasped. "Of course not! He's the sweetest person I've ever met!" I exclaimed.
"Aw, that's adorable! Hey, I gotta go. Promise me that you'll call me soon, okay?" Simon replied. I smiled. "Yes sir! Bye, Simon." I said, listening to him hang up the call.
"So who was it?" Adam asked once I came back into the room. I grinned. "An old friend." I replied, smiling.
Adam smiled. "Hey, I need to go somewhere. Can you handle being alone for a little while?" I whimpered a tiny bit. "Why can't I come with you?" I asked. "It's a surprise, baby. I promise I'll be back in just a little bit." He said softly. I nodded.
"Okay." I mumbled. Adam leaned down, kissing me. "I love you." I smiled shyly. "I love you too." I said softly. Adam smiled, kissing the top of my head before exiting the house. I curled up on the couch, covering myself with a blanket. But no matter what I did, I couldn't fall asleep.
After what seemed like an eternity, even though it was probably just an hour or so, I eventually decided to just play Minecraft. But it was so dark in the hallway, and my laptop was in my room. I quickly ran into the hallway, darting into my room and grabbing the laptop. But when I turned around, I yelped a bit. A man was in front of me. And I recognized him.
"Miss me, SON?" The man said darkly.
"H-Hi D-Dad..." I whimpered. My dad pushed me against the wall, pinning me to it. I cowered beneath him, trembling. "Your little boyfriend can't help you now, can he?" He snarled, pulling out a large knife that he must have gotten from the kitchen. It glinted in the pale moonlight. I began to cry.
He lifted one of my wrists, slicing through the delicate skin. I winced, trembling. My dad repeated the action with the other wrist, then let me fall to the floor before spitting on me and exiting. I began to sob quietly, curling up into a ball. Just when things were getting better. My only regret, however, is that I won't get to see Adam again.
I had just accepted my death, when a miracle happened
"Martin, I'm home!" Adam's voice called out. "A-Adam..." I said weakly. Adam entered the room, and quickly got to his knees, crawling over to me. "Martin, what happened?!" He asked. I began to sob. "D-Dad..." I cried softly.
"Your dad did this?!" Adam asked, eyes wide. "Mhmm." I said, flickering in and out of conciousness. Adam scooped me up in his arms, kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes, feeling him running. I drifted out of conciousness, feeling safer in his arms.
Adam's P.O.V.
"Someone! Please! I think he's dying!" I yelled, racing into the Emergency Room. A nurse looked him over. "Suicide attempt?" She asked. I shook my head, tears running down my face. "N-No, his father..." I sobbed.
The nurse got a gurney, placing him on it. Martin looked at me with desperate, scared eyes. "Don't go, Adam..." He whimpered, seeming to be fading in and out of conciousness. I nodded, taking his hand tightly. "It's okay, love. I promise, I won't go." I said, following them.
I sat down in the chair in the room, watching with teary eyes as they hooked him up to a life support machine and began trying to stop the bleeding.
"Please, do whatever it takes!" I sobbed. One of the nurses - a girl with purple and pink hair - smiled at me. "It's okay, we'll do all we can."
I nodded. The girl put her hand on her shoulder.
"Are you together?" She asked. "Yeah." I replied. "That's nice. My name is Dawn, what's yours?" I smiled a little. "My name is Adam."
Dawn laughed a little. "That's a cool name."
Martin's heartbeat returned back to normal, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "If anything goes wrong, just call us. Okay?" Dawn asked. I nodded. "Yes maam." I replied.
The nurses left, and I walked over to his bedside. Martin's wrists were bandaged, and he was out cold. I kissed his forehead carefully. "I won't leave you. I promise." I mumbled.
Anyways, My name is Glitter the Sorceress, and I'll see you nurds later!