Chapter 45

8 Months Later:

"John's on his way right?" Kadence said laying on the OR table.

"Yes. He's landed and he is hauling ass to get here." Harmony told her sister.


"Mrs. Cena I need you to relax OK?" the nurse said.

"I know it's jut he can't miss this. My husband he's on his way ... can we wait please?"

"Kadence we talked about this we really can't wait much longer."

Kadence was holding in tears. The last 8 months had been the best of their lives. John and Kadence were happily married and living their life. John recently lost the title to Roman Reigns which set up a good feud with all three former members of the Shield. John was taking sometime off to spend with Kadence and the new baby. However Kadence went into labor a few weeks early and John was gone doing charity work for the WWE. He promised he wouldn't miss the birth of the second child but it wasn't looking good.

"I'm sorry Kadence we can't wait for your husband. I need to deliver the baby." The Doctor told her.

"Kadence?" A voice said.

"John!" Kadence said with a smile as he kissed her cheek.

"I made KC!"

"Better late than never." She said holding in her tears.

With in a half an hour crying filled the room.

"Congratulations it's a girl!" the doctor said.

"She's beautiful KC!" John said still holding her hand and he kissed her lips softly.

"She's OK? The baby is OK?"

"She's perfect." The nurse said motioning for John to walk over. He took many pictures as they put a matching pink bracelet on John and Kadence.

"Does baby Cena have a name."

"Ella May Cena." John said with a smile.

A few hours later:

"She's perfect isn't she." Kadence said holding their daughter in her arms.

"She is just like her mother and her sister."

"So umm when can we try for a boy?" John said with a smile looking down at his daughter.

"When she's out of diapers?" Kadence winked.

"Mommy Daddy!" Emerson said coming into the room. "Is that my sister?"

"Yes this is your little sister." John said picking up Emerson so she could get a better look at the baby.

"Ella is so small." Emerson smiled.

"She is you were that small once." John said with a smiled. "I like your shirt."

"Yep I am the big sister!" Emerson said proudly showing off her shirt.

A few days later:

Many people called and stopped by to see Kadence and the baby. John was in the nursery rocking Ella and singing to her.

"Isn't she lovely , Isn't she wonderful , Isn't she precious Less than one minute old , I never thought through love we'd be , Making one as lovely as she , But isn't she lovely made from love! Isn't she pretty , Truly the angel's best , Boy, I'm so happy , We have been heaven blessed , I can't believe what God has done , Through us he's given life to one , But isn't she lovely made from love." John sang softly. "I love you Ella. I never new how much I wanted kids until your sister and your mom came into my life. I was a man who never wanted to get married again or have kids and now I have a hot wife and two beautiful daughters. I am a lucky man."

"Not as lucky as we are." Kadence said in the door way.

"I thought you were in the shower?" John asked.

"I was." Kadence smiled as she walked into the room.

"How ... How long were you standing there?"

"Isn't she lovely , Isn't she wonderful , Isn't she precious , Less than one minute old , I never thought through love we'd be , Making one as lovely as she , But isn't she lovely made from love." Kadence sang. " She is isn't she. John I love you and you know I never thought that we would ever get here. You mean and two girl later here we are."

"Me either. I never thought a one night stand in Florida would lead to all of this."

"Ha Ha. Well I am glad it did. I know things aren't perfect and they wont be but you know I wouldn't want to take this journey with anyone else." Kadence said as they were looking at the baby.

"Not even Ambrose."

"John Cena!" Kadence said with a laugh as she hit his shoulder.

"Hey now my daughter is sleeping."

"You know Ambrose and I are just friends."

"I know but I am not gonna lie it still bugs me he's seen you naked." John said.

"Well don't worry stud you are the only one who see's me naked now."

"Good! Kadence I love you and our daughters more than anything and I will try my damnedest for the rest of my life to prove to you and these girls just how much."

"We love you too John and we are the lucky ones. I love you."

"I love you too Mrs. John Cena." He said as he kissed her softly.

John and Kadence came a long way from that night in that Florida hotel room and even if it wasn't an easy road they found each other and fell in love. They were now a happily married couple with two daughters. No one knows what their future holds but as long as they are together they new they can get through it together.

"I can't believe what God has done , Through us he's given life to one , But isn't she lovely made from love."

THANK YOU so much for your comments and reviews on this story.

Thank you to all who have favored and followed this story.

I know the ending seems rushed but I was honestly running out of ideas and I am currently working on two others. But thank you so much for your interest and I may do a squeal when the ideas for these characters start to flow again.