Disclaimer: Don't own anything apart from my own writing.

AUTHOR/S Notes: A crossover between Gravity Falls and Over the Garden Wall. There are poems and songs from OTGW included here. (More notes on the bottom)

Summary: As Dipper and Mabel continue their search for the author. They end up getting lost on a forest over the waterfalls. Meeting two Brothers who seems a bit too out-dated.

Chapter 1: Over the falls

Dipper didn't want to admit it, but they were lost, and it's all his fault.

When the boy found leads to the author, he practically ran out of the door. His mind filled with excitement, knowing that this might be it and they could finally crack the case. Seeing his sister, he immediately called out her name.

"Mabel! MABEL!" Dipper panted, he looked like he ran a marathon.

"What's up, Dipper?!" Mabel replied cheerfully as ever. She was rolling around the grass with Waddles.

"I might've found where the author's hideout is." He said grinningly.

"Wasn't it the one with the creepy shape-shifter that tried to kill us?" She said lifting Waddles up with her arms.

"What- no- er- well, yeah. But that was his previous hideout! Plus the journal said he left something there!" Dipper replied, holding his book while flashing a violet light on it.

"Well then let's go dum dum! Let's call Wendy." They ran into the shack bumping into Wendy who was about to leave.

"Whoa, there slow down a bit" She said as she backed away a bit.

"Wendy! I think I found where the Author is hiding" Dipper grinned giddily

"pss- sorry dudes, but I got to go. My dad called saying that we're going on this big family trip" She waved her hand sarcastically. "Maybe next time,tell me what happened when I get back" She waved and said goodbye to the twins while walking out of the shack.

"Well that's that" Dipper said sighing a bit "-and Zoos is visiting some relatives, so he can't come too. I guess its just me and you." He said while smiling at Mabel. "Well we are the Mystery Twins" She grinned nudging on Dipper's shoulder. Dipper replied with a small laugh.

"Grunkle Stan, we're heading outside for a bit!" Dipper shouted heading out the door who was followed by Mabel who was shouting. "-And, oh, Take care of Waddles for me! Don't let him outside like the last time!" She gave Waddle's a big hug. Waddles replied with a great big oink and Mabel giggled in reply.

Dipper gave a small smile seeing this. Mabel lets go of Waddles and went to Dipper. "You ready to go?" Dipper asked. He was happy that his sister agreed on going with him since she was with her friends and Wendy all the time, which made him a bit jealous.

"Yup" Mabel replied as she gave a small punch on Dipper's shoulder, who rubbed it after.

"Then let's go find that author!" Dipper said with a determined look as they head to the forest.

Stan went down the stairs hearing those kids leave. "Ugh those kids, always running around" he complained, directing his attention to waddles who stared at him. "What are you looking at" Stan shooed him away. What he didn't know was the kids left the door open and Waddles rushed out.

"Not this Again" pinching the bridge of his nose while heading out rushing for Waddles. He already learned his lesson once about letting Waddles outside and he's not going to, again.

"Let's see here…" Dipper flipped pages in the journal. He heard laughing from his sister but was too engrossed on finding the page of the book to look at what she's doing.

"Aha! Found it!" Dipper said in triumph. "Mabel, I found it! Let's go!" Dipper searched everywhere within his vision for Mabel. "Mabel?" He called out her name.

Just then a hand was placed on his shoulder causing him to scream in surprise. Mabel laughed at her brother's reaction. Dipper just grunted in reply crossing his arms. Mabel gave him an apologetic look but was still grinning.

"So where are we going?" She asked, clearing out her throat from laughing.

Dipper let out a small sigh followed by a smile, and forgave his sister since he was in a good mood today. "Somewhere on top of the falls, there should be a sign there " He answered as he glance towards the page on the book. "There should be a rock there that looks different from the others." Mabel walked over to Dipper and looked at the book which shown a rock that looks like an Arc.

"But how are we going to find it?" Mabel said giving her brother a confused/funny look

"I don't know but we'll think of a way when we get there."

They went ahead. Mabel grew bored of the long walk and decided to sing a bit, which Dipper didn't complain too, because he too was growing bored.

The walk didn't take that long but it was longer than they expected. It took about 30 minutes

They rested for a bit and refreshed themselves when they finally reached the sign. There was a poem on the sign:

"No ship to get across.

I paid 10 shillings

For a blind white horse,

I was up on his back

And was off in a crack,

Sally told my mother

I would never come back."


"Beware the beast" was painted on bright red full of exclamation points. The beast he read that name somewhere before. He flipped pages on his journal but nothing said about it. He remembered that a few pages were missing from it, that maybe it included one of them.

Then suddenly murmurs filled Dipper's ear.

"Did you hear that?" Dipper exclaimed.

"Hear what?" Mabel asked who was still looking at the sign

"Nothing…" Dipper denied

"Are you hiding something from me?" Mabel put her hands on her waist thinking that his brother is trying to get her back from earlier.

"It's really nothing!" Dipper said making a poker face.

"If that's so let's go!" Mabel went inside the forest

"Mabel WAIT-" Dipper rushed in and followed her.

A black triangular figure shadowed the entrance.

"Led through the mist,

By the milk light of moon,

All that was lost… is revealed."

Notes: Kinda short! sorry. Next chapter would be longer and about greg and wirt. Review and Fave if you liked it ~Redvelvet113