That Saturday morning, the house lay quiet. Dave had popped out to see Ian Hawke, Zoe (who had come to visit them for a few days) had gone out for a jog, and the boys were still in bed.

But the girls weren't.

Eleanor was stood on the large kitchen table, covered in flour. Jeanette was throwing around streamers and paper chains, decorating the living room until it was bursting with colour. Brittany was fiddling around with an iPod, selecting all of the boy's favourite songs.

'This is going to be such a rocking party!' she squealed, slotting the iPod into the dock. 'Oh, we're going to have so much fun! I think we should get all dressed up too; you know, give the boys something fun to look at!'

Jeanette spluttered. 'Britt! You know the boys like us dressed naturally.'

'Maybe you, but I know that Alvin likes me to look glamorous.' The pink Chipette preened in the mirror, dabbing at her hair. 'I know Theodore doesn't like Eleanor wearing too much makeup, but I think Simon would appreciate you looking classy.'

The second-eldest Chipette pondered in her mind. Granted, while Eleanor was making breakfast, she had time to spare. Why not let Brittany pretty her up? At least it would keep her quiet in the long run.

'Fine,' Jeanette said. 'I suppose we have a bit of time left over. If I let you do my hair or something, will you stop pestering me about it?'


'Then okay...'

Giggling like a maniac, Brittany dragged her little sister up the stairs to their room, trying (in vain) to get Jeanette excited. Brittany flung open the door to their bedroom, throwing her sister onto the stool in front of the small, pink vanity.

'Ooh, I'm going to make you look gorgeous!'

'I'm looking forward to it...'


Simon stumbled over something as he pulled his hoodie over his head. After shoving his glasses on, he saw that it was a skateboard.

'Honestly, Alvin, how many times do I have to tell you to put away your toys?'

'Hey, bro! That is not a toy! That board is a collector's item!'

'It's a bit of wood with your face painted on.'


Theodore fluffed up his tail, tutting impatiently. 'Can we go downstairs now? I can smell food!'

'Do you think they made us a cake?' Alvin asked excitedly. He yanked on his own hoodie, and in a rush to get out of the bedroom door, tripped over his skateboard.

'I warned you,' Simon smiled smugly.

'Very funny, smart guy!'

'Guys, please don't fight! It's our birthday!'

'We're sorry, Theo,' Alvin said. 'Come on! Let's go see what your little girlfriend made for us!'

In the kitchen, Eleanor hummed softly as she arranged strawberries in a bowl. Satisfied with their positions, she grabbed some sugar from the jar and threw it into the bowl. On the kitchen table, several stack of pancakes lay on several different plates, accompanied by grape, apple and raspberry jam. Two cans of squirty cream sat next to a platter of toaster waffles, and there were cartons of strawberry and chocolate milkshake as well.

'You really outdid yourself this year, Eleanor!' Alvin cheered, scampering up to the table. 'Whoa, look at all of this food!'

'Toaster waffles!' Theodore yelped, eyes growing wide. He scooped Eleanor into a tight hug, making the chipette giggle breathlessly. 'Ellie, you're the best!'

Simon stared from his seat on the table, feeling overwhelmed. 'I must say, Eleanor, you really have pushed the boundaries for us! But where's Jeanette?'

'Oh, she's just finishing off getting ready!' Brittany breezed, turning up out of nowhere. 'She'll only be a minute! Happy birthday, Alvie!'

Alvin gritted his teeth at the nickname, but smiled back all the same. 'Thanks, Britt.'

The boys were all looking hungrily at their breakfast, eagerly awaiting Eleanor's signal to start.

'We must wait for Jeanette!' the youngest chipette ordered. 'We can't eat a birthday breakfast without all six of us!'

'What's taking her so long?' Alvin yawned. 'I'm starving!'

As she opened her mouth, Brittany's ears picked up petrified calls for help from the stairs. 'If you'll excuse me, boys,' she said, fleeing from the room.


Jeanette paced back and forth, wringing her paws, mumbling to herself. Brittany grabbed her shoulders, jerking her to a standstill.

'What's wrong, Jean?!'

'I can't do it! I can't go in front of Simon look like...' she gestured to herself, 'this!'

'Of course you can, Jean! You look gorgeous, and Simon needs to know it!'

Jeanette took a deep breath, and walked bravely to the doorway, only to stop and falter again.

With a fed-up sigh, Brittany shoved her little sister through the door. 'Honestly, Jean, just show 'em!'

Simon looked up from his glass of milkshake, which Eleanor had allowed them, to see his (somewhat secret) girlfriend.

'Jeanette!' he yelped.

The middle Chipette blushed, holding her hands in front of her. Her hair was washed and rested over her shoulders in dark, glossy waves. In the end, Brittany had only put on a bit of mascara and eyeliner, as Jeanette refused any blusher or lipstick. She wore a lilac and royal-blue summer dress with a matching pearl bracelet.

'Whoa, Jeanette! You scrub up nice!' Alvin whistled.

'Nice?!' Simon spat. 'She looks astounding!'

Jeanette blushed even harder, making her way up onto the table. Eleanor joined her, pulling Brittany up with her.

'It is with great pleasure that I give you your birthday breakfast! It took me a while to make, and I really put my heart into it.' Eleanor took Theodore's paw, smiling lovingly at him. 'So I hope you all enjoy it!'

Brittany clapped her paws, and the Chipettes burst into a merry round of "Happy Birthday".

'Happy birthday to you!

'Happy birthday to you!

'Happy birthday to the stupid, the smart and the sweet one!

'Happy birthday to you!'

'Hey!' Alvin yelled. 'Why is Theodore stupid?!'

Simon slapped his face and groaned. 'You're the stupid one, Alvin!'


'A-Anyway!' Jeanette beamed. 'Let's eat!' She grabbed a sugar-coated strawberry, dipped it in some squirty cream, and took a large bite out of it.

Brittany grabbed a toaster waffle, chewing on it as she jumped over to the iPod and switched on the music.

The rest of the morning was filled with yelling, singing, dancing and chomping. At one point, Alvin whisked Brittany off to show her some trophy he'd won, and Eleanor had led Theodore away to find a cookbook.

Jeanette lay on her back, eyes closed, stuffed from the food. 'Ah, this was such a great birthday.'

'You three certainly make them memorable,' Simon chuckled, glugging down some chocolate milkshake. Very quietly, he stood up and padded over to Jeanette, pausing briefly. After a moment, he started to rake his fingers through his girlfriend's shiny fringe.

'You're such a softie, Simon,' Jeanette whispered.

'I know,' he whispered back.

'I love you for it.'

'I love you too.'