Beautiful full harvest moon out tonight. The stars are shining so bright. Soul was laying in the grass with Maka by his side star gazing.

They had been with their friends, but Black*Star and Tsubaki decided to go for a walk together and Kid, Liz, and Patty had to go home because Kid was freaking out about how asymmetrical all the trees were.

So Maka and Soul ended up here, star gazing alone. Maka would point out all the different constellations she knew while Soul just smiled at how dorky she really was. They were enjoying the calm night until Maka decided to check the time.

"Soul, it's already past 11. We should head home."

Soul loved moments like these, just him and Maka enjoying each others company and he didn't want it to end. Not just yet.

"Nah, not yet Maka. Let's enjoy the night a little more."

She didn't like being out at night, but as long as Soul was there then she didn't mind. She just sighed in defeat as he smiled his sharky smile.

"Fine, but you have to push me on the swing. Please Soul."

She looked at him pleading with her big, beautiful emerald eyes. How could he ever say no to her?

He smirks as he stands up and offers her his hand. She has a big goofy smile on her face, and she all but tuns to the swing set. He watches her as she fixes herself on the swing and looks at him signaling that she's ready to be pushed.

He stands behind her and puts his hands on the small of her back and pushes her slowly, but hard. She giggles as she gets higher and now Soul has a big goofy smile just watching her have fun.

He goes around to her front and waves at her. She tries to wave back, but almost falls off the swing. Soul freaks and waits for her to come back to the front and makes a grab for her. He holds the chains that hold the seat and stares Maka straight in the eyes.

"You need to be careful tiny tits!"

She just stares him down before saying, "If you hadn't waved first, i wouldn't have felt compelled to wave back Soul!"

"Hmm...Maybe your right, but still you need to be careful. Okay. I don't want you to get hurt." He blushes as he says this and just looks down.

Maka looks at him bowing his head and before she knows what she's doing she places her hands under his chin and lifts his head so she can stare into his beautiful ruby eyes.

He looks at her with pink tinted cheeks that she sees perfectly in the moonlight not only his usual coolness and handsomeness, but beautiful. That's all she can think.

"Im sorry Soul. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

"I just worry about you Maka. I don't know what I would do something happened to you."

She could definitely see his cheeks blush bright red in the moonlight, She smiles at him, a big cheeky smile. "Oh no Soul Eater! You won't be able to get rid of me that easily. Looks like your stuck with me."

He smirks and as he pulls himself down close to her face, foreheads already touching, he says,

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

He closes the gap between them and places his lips on her's. His eyes are closed in sweet bliss, his heart is beating so fast.

Maka is first surprised at his sudden kiss. It's the first time for them both, and she doesn't know what to think, but she closes her eyes and returns the kiss. She's so relieved she is sitting on the swing because her legs feel like jelly.

Their first kiss is sweet, but passionate, and they each let out a little moan. Soul finally pulls away for a breath and just gazes at Maka.

"I'm sorry Maka. That was so uncool of me."

Maka just smiles at him and grabs the collar of his shirt to pull him closer and before she kisses him she whispers,

"Took you long enough."

He smirked into the kiss and thought how glad he was that they stayed here in the moonlight.