Darkness surrounded the students as a single warm glowing light was in the center of them . They decided to help clean up after the festival but ended up telling ghost stories .

Sakura : It was a rainy evening after school , just like this one...Running down the stairs, the kindly teacher lost her footing , she tumbled , fell and died .You've all heard the stories , no ? Before Kisaragi Academy was built here , there was another school on this Host Elementary School, it was called. Such a horrible thing to happen...The principal was completely cared for the school almost as if it were his own child , you one thing led to another after the incident...and ultimately, a decision was school was to be shut down .The principal was so stricken with grief over losing his precious child that on the day of its closure...he climbed up to its roof and threw himself to his death , or so the story goes...

Satoshi : *gasp*

Sakura: People thought heavenly host was cursed , you see . This was just the latest of many deaths to occur there . That's why it was torn down...However! They say the teacher who fell down the stairs still has no idea she's dead , even to this very day...And on rainy evenings like this , after our school day's come to an end...some claim she roams these darkened hallways...Still believing them to be her own ...In fact! it's almost time for her to make her rounds! just after seven o'clock...That's why she appears, always accompanied by a sudden blackout that leaves the entire building dark as night...'knock knock,' you'll hear from the blackness...followed by the sound of the classroom door ssslowly sssliding open...As a pale white face cuts through the stillness, her soft voice always echoes the same question: 'Is Anyone Still Here ?' And then...

* Thunder and blackout *

Satoshi : Yaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

The girls : Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!

Satoshi: *backs up and falls back * it's..a blackout!

Naomi : Satoshi ! pull yourself together! Don't scare us like that !

Satoshi: but ! it was scary !

Sakura : i don't like this...This shouldn't be happening...

Yoshiki: Not bad Sakura , You had me going there for a minute.

Sakura : it wasn't me! i've been standing right here the whole time! this is a real black out!

Ayumi : no freaking way ...

*an errie sound *

Mayu : does...anyone else hear that?!

Ayumi : What is that sound !? its hurting my ears !

Morishige: sounds like it's coming from the music room .


All present:...!

Sakura : no way ...

Mayu ( first the blackout..and now the door...)

Satoshi : ..Hnnnnnng...


Satoshi: Ack! sorry , sorry ! i couldn't see where i was grabbing!


The girls : ...!

Satoshi : i told you it was a bad idea to stay here so late and tell ghost stories!

Yoshiki : hey satoshi , aren't you gonna get the door ?

Satoshi : what ?!

Yoshiki : the girls are all trembeling in fear . Doesn't it break your heart to see them like that?

Satoshi : why don't you get it ?

Yoshiki : Well it doesn't break my heart

Satoshi : That's cold dude .

satoshi went and headed to the door and reached to open it , but it opened on its own and i backed up and fell on my rear and screamed and everyone jumped alittle in fright . Alittle girl stood in the door way holding an umbrella , she had light blue eyes and medium short brown hair (with a visible hue of purple). She also wears a simple pink headband

Little girl : Oniiiiii-chan!

came behind her and they both walked in . :Whats up ? i wanted to come check on y'all ! i knew y'all were telling ghost stories !

Satoshi: yuka?

Yuka: Brottttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeerrrrrrr! She somewhat hopped alittle to satoshi and held out an umbrella and told him she brought it for him .

Satoshi : oh thanks yuka! he high fived her and they both laughed .

: i was coming here and ran into yuka and she told me she was bringing you an umbrella .

Yoshiki: you really like your big brother uh? He asked and grinned alittle.

Yuka: uh-huh! She replied with somewhat bright eyes and smiling too .

Sakura : sorry , we were doing ghost stories and got stuck on them..

: it's fine , we can just clean it tonight and head home.

We all decided to take a group photo not just for mayu , but for everyone too. We wanted to keep a good memory , of everyone together , to remind us of this night.

After we cleaned the classroom we all were about to head home but our friend sakura stopped us for a sec . " Hey you guys .. i was wondering , wanna do a friendship charm ? " she asked nicely as we all looked at her holding a paper doll in her hands .

" Why not ? seems like fun . "

We all agreed to do it and stood close to eachother ." Alright , the first thing to do is to say " Sachiko we beg of you " um... let me see ... seven ..? eight .. ? no .. oh yeah ! you say it nine times in your head and we all grab onto the doll , you have do it right or we have to redo it all over agin okay?" Sakura explained it while looking at us with a determined look.

" Alright lets do it "

" Is it alright to do this ? what happens if it fails ?"

" yeah , this thing seems alittle sketchy to me."

" failure is not an option ! just it all you got !"

" Eh!? Alright.."

" Alright ! everyone understand the charm ? lets do it."

Everyone closed their eyes and said ' sachiko we beg of you ' nine times like we were told to , The doll looked kind of sketchy for some reason . We finished saying it after a few minutes as everyone opened their eyes she held it out , everyone grabbed onto it tightly like they were told to .

" Alright , on three everyone pull got it ?"

" yes !"

" Alright ."

" Alright , one . "

" Two . "

" Pull!"

As the paper doll ripped into many scraps thunder and lightning roared outside catching our attention to the windows . It was raining like hell outside , like it has been doing for the last few days .

" So thats it ?

" yup! you hold onto it for ever and we will always be friends no matter what , no matter how far apart we are from eachother ."

Suddenly an earthquake started shaking the school violently.


" Yuka hold my hand !"

" Everyone stay calm!"

" I think i just pissed myself!"


Pieces of the floor started creaking and shatterd inseconds , leaving gaps in the floor showing nothing but holes in the classroom. Desks were knocked over and windows shatterd along with the lights too , Glass was everywhere , We all lost our balance and fell to the floor in a group kinda , as the earthquake stopped we heard a crack underneath us the floor we were on shatterd and we fell screaming to the top of our lungs . We grabbed onto the closets person to us .

[ Naomi Nakashima's and Ayumi Shinozaki's Dimension ]

We both were walking and talking down the hallway . It was dark , we could barley see anything . The outside was dark , barely any source of light . We used our cellphones to guide our way safely , luckily we didn't trip on anything or find anything harmful . This place is creepy , the atmosphere here is really dark .

" Hey class rep , " she wasn't sure what to ask , but naomi wanted answers . " hmm?" ayumi replied ." So is this the one from your story ? heavenly host elementary ? " she sounded skeptical alittle . " Yeah , it is . It's so ... so dark and creepy , this place .. alot of souls are trapped here . They are in pain , crying and dying to escape from this hell.." she sounded unsure of what to say but she was the class rep , the horror rep . I never really doubted her but i can't help but feel like i should but why ? She is never really wrong about this sorta stuff so ...

" Hey naomi lets go in here , maybe we can find something useful."

" Yeah ."

We both enterd the principal's office . There were tallismans plasterd everywhere . On the desk , walls , floors , windows , the door , the book shelves , books themselves , the chair anything in here basically had lots and lots of tallismans plasterd all over it . " It's safe here , we can look around for abit." The class rep was already digging through the scatterd papers that were on the desk and some that were on the floor. She seemed determined to found whatever it was that she needed to find . " What exactly are we looking for ? anything specific ? " naomi asked politely while looking at her . " Anything really to tell us more about heavenly host .. This place it seems interesting ... seems ... different , especially in here .. this room is safe from being protected by the tallismans . so we won't be harmed in here , at least we shouldn't be harmed .. " she replied .

" Alright .. i'll look around too.."

" Alright ."

First , i searched the desk that had the messy pile of papers . It was alot of them , i found some papers on heavenly host meetings and events held by the staff that took place on days after school. There was one article that cought our attenton , it was called " Heavenly Host Elementary Murders " It was about four children that were kiddnapped and killed , it was dated 30 years ago . The killings took place here , in the article , it says " The police searched the basment of the school . They called it " Dark and Grusome . " the police found piles and piles and piles of bodies and lots of buckets filled with blood , tongues that were cut from each victim and found their hands in many buckets too . Their was one large bucket filled with nothing but eye balls . The number of victims were definitely more than 500 hundred . The police said the moment they entered the basment , the atmosphere felt dark and gloomy , worser than that . It felt like they were being watched .

After we read the article she folded it twice and shoved it in her skirt pocket ." Come on nakashima , what should we do first ? should we look for our friends or find a way out first then look for them ?" Ayumi asked as we both left the room and went back into the dark hallway . " Look for the others of course!"

" Alright , lets go . I hope mochida is alright ."

" huh ... ( That's right ayumi likes satoshi too . But he doesn't like her like that , only as a friend. He told me so himself , but like usually ayumi is hardheaded and doesn't understand what so ever.. so should i just tell her like it is ? or not ? she is gonna cry if i do , but if i don't she won't stop thinking about him .. which its not wrong but .. i can't stop but get upset by this ... so i guess for now i'll just keep quiet .. maybe atleast ..) - Im sure he's fine , they are all probally fine." i replied .

As we kept walking down the hallway with our cellphones in our hands for light again , the school shook violently like earlier , except this was more worser . We both couldn't stop screaming , the floor creaked , giving off an errie ear hurting screech . It made my ears die inside somehow . We both tried to keep our balance but fell down to the hard wooden floor and after it started calming down , a floor bored from above must of got loose and fell inbetween my legs in seconds making me scream more . The loose board could have hit me by just a few inches but luckily it didn't.

" You okay ayumi ?"

" yeah you naomi ?"

" yeah ... "


" ! That sounded like yuka!

" yeah ! come on ! "

We both got to our feet and followed yuka's screams , we just kept running , ignoring everything else . I don' t exactly know how long we were running to her but we kept hearing her cries , her heart breaking screams . It made me upset that someone would actually be cold enough to hurt her or satoshi or anyone for that matter. It felt like we were running for hours , eventually we came to a classroom , no .. it didn' t look like one , it just felt like it . It was really a science lab room , it was a large good sized room , cabniets were in the back against the wall near some book shelves . There weren' t any gaps in the floor which was good i suppose since we didn't have to worry about falling or anything. We didn't see yuka any where or anyone. The green chalk board had a kids drawing on it , it was some children holding scissors , a man that had red chalk scribbled all over him showing that they killed him , it was a weird creepy drawling , in my opinion atleast .

'' Why ?''

'' huh ? Class rep ... ? are you okay ? ''

The class rep was starting to act weird . She was acting as if i had killed her , or left her to die for some reason . '' WHY !? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME SIS !? HUH ?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! AREN'T I IMPORTANT TO YOU !? DON'T YOU LOVE YOUR LITTLE SIS !? '' she was acting weird like never before . ( What's with her !? ) '' Class rep .. ? ''i tried to talk to her but she didn't seem to be listening .Her eyes weren't widened , she kept looking at me with her deep dark filled blue indigo eyes , She just kept staring at me , starring at me with a hatred filled stare , as if she wanted to kill me . I felt uneasy in my stomach , i felt like i should leave her , like i should just let her be .. But should i ? she didn't seem like herself at all .

'' Class rep ? ''

'' huh ? what is it naomi ? ''

( She is herself again ? was she just trying to scare me ? no .. she wouldn't do that just to do it ..) '' Nothing , it's nothing .. come on class rep let's go look for the others.'' i replied as i headed out the room and she followed behind me . ''Okay .''