Hey its PremierGoldPineapple here! This is actually my first story so go easy on me :)

(But if you have any complaints or reccomendations be sure to let me know)

so here goes! *fingers crossed*

Chapter one: The End

(Lucy's P.O.V)

"How could you do this to your own nakama!" Erza shouted, storming into the room. Everyone looked at her as she stomped into the centre of the guild. Normally they would just ignore it but this was Erza and no one in their right mind would ignore her. She glared at the crowd, seemingly looking for someone when her eyes rested on me.

A week before this announcement Fairytail had been its bright and cheerful self. However, a new dark guild called "Griever's pain" had risen. The Magic Counsel, trying to kill two birds with one stone, had immediately pitted Fairytail against this new and dark threat. Fairytail, thanks to the help of Lucy and Levvy, had pinpointed the location of there secret base on top of Mt Hakobe. The fight went on for days because, though inexpirienced, Griever's pain was actually a very powerful guild. Both sides had many losses before Fairytail finally defeated their leader at the hands of Mirajane.

Although they had been victorious no one felt happy for there was a new memorial near the entrance to Fairytail. It belonged to Bickslow, who went missing. A wounded Lisanna had limped through the makeshift camp and informed the Master of his demise before passing out. Although many search parties went out to look, the body was never found. Lisanna had been one of the people who was seriously hurt, and with 7 cracked ribs it looked like she wasn't going to get better soon.

"How could you kill your family!?" she shouted, eyes glaring deep into mine.

"What are you talking about?" I said bravely.

The whole guild froze. It was eerily quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then there was an uproar. People started shouting at me and Erza.

"How could you say that to Lucy?" yelled Gray over the noise.

"Yeah, she's our nakama!" Natsu added.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Levvy asked from behind Gajeel, who was doing his best to protect her from the crowd.

"What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on! Lucy has killed Bickslow!" Erza screamed in rage. I froze. This could not be happening. It was just impossible. I hadn't killed anyone- I had been with Natsu and Gray the whole time! How was this happening? Everyone turned towards me.

"I thought better of you, Lucy" Master said, getting up from his vantage point on the balcony.

"Master! I swear I didn't do it! I swear on my life!" I gibbered, hoping someone would believe me.

"You disgust me, Lucy!" Carla spat, openly growling at me. "How could you be so cold?" She flexed her claws, ready to fight. In the end it was Freed who saved the day.

"Have you got any proof that this is the case?" He asked from on top of a chair. At this moment Lisanna shuffled into view from the infirmary.

"Yes, I do" She said. Everyone quietened down in fear of disturbing her fragile soul.

"I can explain!" I started. "I never went with Lisanna! I was with-"

"YOU KILLED BICKSLOW!" Lisanna interrupted then buried her face in Erza's arm.

"Murderer! You are not manly!" shouted Elfman. I was about to reply when Lisanna detached herself from Erza's arm and stood up on a table. Her eyes were red and puffy and a trickle of blood ran down from her lip.

"I w-ww-was fighting with Bickslow and L-llu-lucy next to a c-cc-cliff. We w-ww-were outnumbered 3 to 7. We defeated the first 6 relatively quickly. The 7th was the m-mm-most powerful though. He c-cc-carried a giant war hammer. H-hh-he used Weight magic. He m-mm-made his hammer really h-hh-heavy and caught me off guard when I was changing to my t-tt-tiger form, hence the ribs. Bickslow quickly knocked h-hh-him out with his babies, though. He r-rr-ran over to help me. By then m-mm-my vision was getting fuzzy. I d-dd-did see Lucy pick up the hammer though. She started walking towards us. I h-hh-had never trusted Lucy because from the first moment I had met her I s-ss-saw right through her. I t-tt-tried to warn him but I was in too much pain. Lucy k-kk-killed him! Then she kicked his body off the edge and knocked m-mm-me out. She killed him!" at this point Lisanna burst into tears and the trickle of blood became a flow.

"There, there, Lisanna. Everything will be fine" Erza murmured while glaring over her shoulder at me. I could feel tears welling in my eyes. Did our friendship mean nothing? How could they give up on me this easily? I had not even spoken yet!

Master walked into the middle of the guild, next to Erza.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" he muttered. He took a deep breath. Then looked me straight in the eye.

"Lucy Heartfilia, You are hereby banished from Fairytail because of Murder, attempted murder, betrayal and many other evils we probably don't know about. Remove her mark!" Makarov said with absolute certainty. His face was hardened and it was impossible to tell what he was feeling.

I tried to scream. No sound escaped from my lips. It turned into a gagging motion. Tears ran freely down my face as I slowly proccessed this new piece of information. I merely whimpered when my beautiful fairytail mark disapeared in a puff of pink sparkles.

The Guild members shuffled to one side, making a pathway to the door. Every member was present, each looking at me with hatred. I procceeded to walk down the isle of shame. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground. No one ran to help me up. Slowly I picked myself up and shuffled down the aisle, looking at every face for someone who cared. No one. Even Natsu had and unreadable expression on his face. When I exited the doors no one ran to call me back, to save me from this nightmare. I slowly looked back. Fairytail's mark rested at the top of the doorway. Somehow it was not warm and welcoming anymore, but seemed to glare down at me like I was the devil itself. Something snapped inside me. I started running. I didn't care who looked at me or who tried to stop me. I ran down the streets of Magnolia, desperate to get away. I had nothing except my keys and whip, but I had no intention of stopping. I ran into the train station and along the tracks. I think I was nearly hit by a train once or twice, but the tears blinded me and they wouldn't stop coming.

4 days later

I don't know how long I had been running for. Two, three days? All I know is that I was cold, parched, hungry, tired and running in the snow. The tears had never stopped flowing so I was also soaking wet. But I didn't care. I only cared about getting away. I could see a frozen lake up ahead. I didn't stop to consider a safer option. I ran straight onto the ice. It was slippery but I was determined, planting my foot down heavily so as to not lose my balance. I was around the middle when it suddenly cracked. I skidded to a stop. There were alarm bells ringing in my ears as a crack slowly slithered towards my feet.


I could feel the ice braking beneath my feet.


I held my breath. Lucky I did because immediately after I fell in.


I couldn't see anything, It was completely dark. I tried swimming but I conked my head on the ice. Blood started trickling out, staining the ice above my head. I didn't know were I was. I couldn't find the opening. I started banging desperately on the frozen wall, Hoping someone was there to save me. NATSU. Yes, he would come! Then I remembered what had happened and I stopped. I had no more will to live. Why should I live when I had nothing to live for? My panic turned to peace as my body sunk lower into the water. As I dissappeared into the murky depths I thought It was all over. That I had departed from life's train. That I had no other problems and I would now live with my parents and watch over the people I love, guarding them from the creatures of the night. How wrong I was.

And there it is.

Hope you enjoy and if you did please support me.

I will be posting another chapter next Sunday so sit tight.

Again, hope you enjoyed this fanfiction

and see you next time on Sunday afternoon!

Pineapple out.