Disclaimer: This story is purely original, except the titans, which I take no credit for.

His cropped hair was whipped by the wind as he soared through it, like a boat whose sail was being buffeted in all directions. Armin could see his target with its ridiculous grin, toddling towards their squadron, who, in turn, spun as fast as they could towards it.

This is the last titan. The last one. This is the last Titan, was all he could think. It pulsed through his mind like a drum, like his own heartbeat. Even though there were five others there, each was locked away behind these same thoughts, wondering what lay ahead for them.

Would humanity even survive without the common goal of the Titans to fight against? Surely there'd be a civil war over leadership- already arguments were starting between the politicians, starved of power for years, and the generals, who were being accused of knowing nothing except combat, not true leadership of a nation.

And isn't it ironic, thought Armin dully, that the very last Titan should be simply a normal two-metre class? Nothing compared to the battles we've won before? No glorious ending...just an extinction of a species...

Wonder how Eren feels about that.

The small squadron fanned out quietly into a circle around the Titan, without a single order from their leader. It was almost ceremonious. The titan, silly thing, just kept on smiling, waving its stubby arms about. Childlike in appearance. So much so that, in the half-moment before he could remember the friends he'd lost, the families they'd destroyed, the bloodstained towns left to rot, filled with endless piles of discarded, flesh-coloured toys, Armin thought, does it really eat humans? Can it really kill?

He watched, numb, as Eren shifted, and obediently kicked the Titan down, rolling it onto its back and pinning it with his foot. He watched, too, as Mikasa, a Thumbelina-girl compared to the ogre beside her, drifted silently down to the titan's neck, and raised her sword.

There are no more titans. None at all.