"James will hear it first." insisted Dumbledore. He smoothed his long beard down and looked sternly at Professor McGonagall.
"No." she replied. "Lily will hear from Severus, and send one."
Dumbledore sighed.
"10 galleons." he said.

"Hey Harry," George Weasley walked faster to catch up with his brother's friend. His twin, Fred, was walking on the other side of the three second-years.
"So, George, who do you think is going to hear first?" he asked, craning his neck to see his doppelganger over the youngsters head.
Ron, his brother, flushed. "George, Fred, it was an accident. Leave him alone."
The two boys had accidently crashed a flying car into the Whomping Willow and the entire school had been placing bets on which of Harry's parent would send a Howler first.
"Well, you'll find out in five minutes." reprimanded Hermione.
The school piled into the Great Hall, eagerly talking about the latest gossip.
Everybody sat down as the flurry of owls swept into the Hall.
Hedwig landed in front of Harry and, holding her leg out, began devouring Ron's nearby bacon.
Most of the Hall went silent, as other tables stood up to see the result and the Gryffindor's leaned forward.
There was a collective gasp as Harry untied a red envelope.
There was already a clink of money as people who said there wouldn't be a Howler so early, lost their pocket money.
Quickly, Harry ripped the envelope open, before it burst into flames.
"HARRY, WELL DONE! BRILLIANT! A FLYING CAR, THAT IS AMAZING!" James Potter's voice filled the Hall, along with the whoops and groans of lost bets.
"Well done, Harry, properly taken after your father," Harry recognised Sirius' voice.
"James! Lily's coming!" Remus Lupin yelled and there was a loud slamming noise, along with scuffling and curses.
"Harry, this may be the last you see of me." came James' whispered voice.
Then, there was another bang and Lily Potter's voice came in.
"Harry James Potter! Crashing a car into a tree! How could you? You are in deep trouble young man. Severus!" the red letter turned to Snape who was sat, rather shell-shocked at the staff table.
"Detention for a month. I'm counting on you." Severus' eyes widened and he nodded fast, not wanting to be on the receiving end of one of Lily's Howler... Even if she had gate crashed James'.


The school filed out of the Hall, some with light pockets, others with heavy pockets.
Everyone was talking about the immense trouble Harry Potter was in.
So no one saw McGonagall grudgingly give Dumbledore ten galleons...