A Fight For Freedom

Chapter 1: I'm pregnant

It had been about a year since Rea had been left to Chihiro, he managed to cure her and they now lived together. Neither of them continued school, with Dan'ichiro still in America looking for a cure for Rea, the two were free. "Chihiro, I've never had a boyfriend before," Rea had said. Chihiro made them official. Rea remembered something that had happened a few weeks ago after she suddenly threw up.


Rea and Chihiro, now official, were drowning in happiness. "Chihiro, remember how you said you'd always wanted to do it with a zombie girl? What about and ex-zombie?" Rea said mischievously. Chihiro smiled, "why not?" He said, closing his bedroom curtains and locking his door. He gave Rea full control in her undressing, something so very new to her. She undressed to her underwear, Chihiro doing the same. They lay on the bed kissing, Chihiro unstrapped Rea's bra while Rea traced his boxers and started to remove them, still kissing. Chihiro removed her underwear and saw Rea's reasonable sized opening, Rea stared at Chihiro's large erect penis, she had never been so amazed in her life. Chihiro smiled, tracing Rea's breasts.

The two rolled over, so Chihiro was on top of Rea, he entered her and thrusted, gently at first. He thrusted harder and harder and quicker until Rea climaxed, he repeated this and then finally finished. The two got dressed again and went for a walk.


Rea said she needed fresh air and left Chihiro's home, she went to the store and picked up a pregnancy test, "just in case," she said to herself. The man at the till gave her a look, "you're Rea Sanka, right?" He said, Rea didn't reply. She paid the man and left, heading for the mall's bathroom, she slipped into one of the cubicles and used the pregnancy test, she decided to walk away before she found out, since it would take a while. She went to another bathroom and checked the test when she was in a cubicle. Startled, she dropped it, quickly picking it up again and stuffing it into her bag, she ran back to Chihiro's.

She acted casual when she returned, smiling like nothing happened. Gladly, she found Chihiro in his bedroom. "Chihiro, there's something you should know," Rea said, she handed him the pregnancy test and he gasped, dropping it. "Rea..." He began, "don't worry, your father won't touch you without having to go through me," he said, Rea was going to cry but instead she hugged Chihiro gratefully, "so, are you keeping it?" He whispered, Rea broke the hug and nodded, "my father cannot control me, his family did not control him, I was born into a young mother too. The woman I call mother is far from my real mother," she said, Chihiro just smiled.

The two went back downstairs to find Mero still cleaning the spot where Rea had thrown up, "I'm so sorry!" She said when she saw Mero. Mero looked up at her, "you couldn't help it. Did you eat anything new recently?" She replied, Rea shook her head, Mero just shrugged and went back to her work. Chihiro and Rea went for a walk, "we need to go to someone for advice, do you know anyone?" Chihiro said, Rea shook her head. "I doubt grandpa will be any better today, and my friends will be even worse. Maybe Ranko?" Chihiro said. Rea thought about it and shook her head.

"The Internet?" She suggested, Chihiro snapped his fingers.

"Bingo! The Internet!" He said.

The couple tried the Internet but there was no advice. The two knew the information would reach Dan'ichiro if they went to a doctor. Chihiro wanted to ask his father, but the reaction was far too risky, considering the fact that they were sixteen! Mero wouldn't fully understand and Babu, now cured too, could no longer communicate with Rea. They had no options left. "My dad is the best we've got," Chihiro spoke up, the two agreed to tell him.

"Dad," Chihiro said. Chihiro's father turned to the couple, "there's kinda something you should know," Mr. Furuya didn't like where this was going.

"Please, it's my fault, don't put any of it on Chihiro, I... I'm pregnant, and we wanted your advice." Rea said. Mr. Furuya simply smiled.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" He replied, startling the two.

"You're not mad?" Chihiro said.

"You were born when your mother was that age, I wanna give you the same freedom." He said. "We'd like to know pretty much everything." Rea replied. Mr. Furuya went to a bookshelf and pulled out five large books, handing them to Chihiro. "Read these," he said, the two thanked him and ran upstairs..

"Let's see... Girls' names, boys' names, what to expect during pregnancy, all about birth, and..." Chihiro said, picking up a book in his hands like it was a diamond, "mom's diary... It's from before I was born..." He said, handing it to Rea, "it's half full, you fill the other half." He said, writing in print like his mother's 'and Rea Sanka.' Rea held it like it was the most fragile thing in the world, placing it in her purse gently. "Okay, first I'll read what to expect during pregnancy, and you look for names." She said, gently pulling out the diary and neatly writing an entry.

'I found out I was pregnant today. That's right, a little bundle of joy inside of me. The best part is, it is Chihiro's. That most of all represents my freedom, so I'll write my journey in this diary.' She wrote and slipped the diary back. She and Chihiro then began to read. They read peacefully for hours, losing track of time. "Chihiro!" A loud voice called, interrupting the two, "get your ass down here!" It was Ranko. Chihiro sighed and went downstairs to Ranko, leaving Rea to read.

"What do you want, Ranko?" He said grouchily, Ranko noogied him.

"That's no way to treat your cousin," she replied. "What and you doing, anyway?" She asked, releasing Chihiro. "I'm busy, just go away and I'll see you tomorrow." He said, starting to walk back towards the house. "Hey! Chihiro!" She called after him, he ignored her.