It was the middle of the night but Kagome was no where near tired, she was looking up at the full starlight night while a single tear went down her check. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo were looking sadly at Kagome for they knew why she was sad, Inuyasha again, though she no longer loved him like she used to but she did have this sense of duty towards him, like family wise.

While Kagome was silently crying over the hurt that Inuyasha had once again caused she couldn't help but wonder if there was anyway for her to have her happiness's, just as she wiped away her silent tears both Sango and Miroku just couldn't take it anymore they were tired of what Kagome went through day by day.

So they then decided that she shouldn't have to stay and before Kagome knew it both Sango and Miroku got up from the floor and began to pack her things, Kagome was more then confused as to why they were packing her things and just before she could ask what they were doing Kilala transformed into her bigger form.

"Um…guy's what are you doing?" Sango went to Kagome and grabbed both her hands and said to her "Kagome we are tired of seeing you sad. Both Miroku and I think that you should probably go home for a while. And once you are rested and have things back in order for yourself, come back okay?"

Kagome was beyond surprise for her dear friends who she thought of as family were so worried for that they couldn't stand to see her hurt any more, she was beyond moved by their kindness and thoughtfulness. Kagome nodded at them and as Miroku handed her pack she hopped on the fully transformed Kilala and was soaring through the sky.

It took a while but they soon made it to the bone eater's well and once Kagome hopped off of Kilala's back she gently scratched behind her ear, Kagome then made her way to the lip of the well and before she jumped right in she gazed down at the dark awaiting well. She closed her eyes and prayed out loud to whatever god that was listening to her. "Please…I just want someone to love me for me."

Kagome then opened her eyes and jumped into the well expecting to feel and see the familiar blue lights that she is used to, but that didn't happen no instead of the blue light that she is used too whit and gold light shined instead. This confused Kagome but the light felt safe and warm thus calming her down.

Kagome then landed at the bottom of the well with a light thud and once she was on her feet she looked up towards the mouth of the well and gasped as she saw that there was no wooden roof but open sky, it was still dark out but it was obvious that she wasn't in the future.

Kagome looked to see if the vines were still there and sure enough they were she thanked her lucky stars and began to climb out of the well, once she was at the lip of the well she lifted herself up and swung her legs over until they were both touching the soft earth floor.

Kagome looked around to see if maybe the well kept her in the feudal era but as she gazed around she saw that some of the tree's looked a bit...young? That was impossible but the more she kept of gazing the more she started to wonder, it wasn't until her eye landed on a specific tree that made her eyes go wide.

The God Tree. It was a bit smaller and looked younger then the tree that she knew in both her time and in the feudal era. Kagome's mind began to go a mile a minute. When was she? How far in time did she go? Would she be able to return? Too many questions and not enough answer's.

But she did wonder if she would be able to go back to the feudal era, she had to try. Kagome faced back towards the well and was about to jump in until she felt a strong yoki energy coming her way and it wasn't the only one either.

Kagome cursed her luck and reached for her bow and arrows, just as she notched an arrow and was about to point it towards where the energies were coming from. A yokai bursted threw the tree line and stopped near the well, Kagome could see that it was a female yokai and she was hurt, badly.

Kagome lowered her arrow and just as she did the female yokai lifted her head up towards her and began to growl at her while clutching closely a tiny bundle, Kagome wanted to tell her that she wasn't going to hurt her and that she wanted to help her but before she could some more yokai's burst threw the forest.

Kagome could see that there were at least about six yokai's and the biggest of them had blood dripping from its right claw, Kagome then glanced over at the female yokai and saw that on her left side there was a gash that was bleeding...a lot. It didn't take Kagome that long to figure out that they were the ones that attacked the female yokai.

Without even thinking Kagome jumped in front of the injured female and pointed her arrow at her the group of yokai's and yelled at them, "Not another step! Any closer and I'll shot!" they looked at her with smirk's on their faces. Just when they were about to take a step forward, Kagome released her spiritual pressure that made them stop right in their tracks.

Kagome smirked at them but she too heard the female yokai move a bit, Kagome peaked over her shoulder and saw that the injured female had pressed herself a bit more closer to the well. Kagome wanted to help her and so she sent soothing waves over towards the injured female, she saw her looked a bit confused but before Kagome knew it one of the other yokai's had jumped at her.

She let loose her arrow and the moment it made contact with the yokai it reduced him into nothing but ash's, Kagome was then trying to keep the other yokai from reaching the injured female. While she was fighting Kagome had failed to notice that the leader was making his way around while the other's attacked.

Kagome was too preoccupied by trying to make sure that none of the yokai's made it anywhere near the injured female, just as she got rid of the last of the yokai she felt herself being pushed to the ground. When she managed to peak over she saw that it was the biggest one, the leader who had knocked her to the ground.

"It look's like your not so smart girly." "Go to hell!" He laughed at her comment and raised his clawed hand, "You first." just before he could being down his claw to finish her off there was a bright green light, he howled in pain and before Kagome knew it he was lifted off of her and thrown across the field.

Kagome lifted her head and saw the demon that was once on top of her was across the field...dead. Kagome then turned her head where the green light had from from, it was the injured female...she saved her. Kagome got up from the floor and made her way towards the injured female who had helped her.

When Kagome reached the injured female side she began to try and heal her wounds but was stopped when the injured female grabbed her hand, "Let me help you." "" "Because you injured!" "But jumped in...why protect a yokai...miko?"

Kagome understood what she meant, why was a miko helping a yokai who was suppose to be her enemy? "Because I help all and every single life form. Wether they are yokai, hanyou, or human I will always help those who need my help."

Kagome saw the smile that the female gave her and was a bit confused, before she could do anything the injured female yokai gently held out the tiny bundle towards her. "Please...hold my baby..." Kagome was shocked that it was a baby rapped up in that tiny little bundle.

Kagome gently took hold of the baby and looked over at the injured mother, "Please...protect my pup..." "B-but, I could help you. I could heal you! please let me-" "No...I am at the end...please protect my pup..." Kagome felt sadden, but she would do what the mother is asking of her.

"Okay, I promise that i'll protect your pup." "You mean your pup..." "What!?" As Kagome was about to question the injured mother, the female yokai raised her hand and slit her wrist. She then raised her wrist towards Kagome and said in a weak voice but strong voice. "Drink my blood..."

"W-what! B-but why?" "If you drink my blood he would recognized as his would be able to live just as long as a full-blooded would also have some yokai traits..." "Some yokai traits? Like what?" "Your hearing, sight, smell, strength, speed would be just like that of a full blooded yokai...please..."

Kagome hesitated but realizing that if it was the only way then she would gladly do it, she gently took hold of her wrist and began to gently drink the mother's blood. After a while she then let go of the her wrist and looked up towards the dying mother. Kagome then looked teary eyed at the dying mother, the yokai just smiled and gently wiped away Kagome's tears.

"Please don't cry..." "B-but, you are dying a-and..." Kagome felt some tears fall and wiped some away, the dying mother just smiled at her and gently said, "You will make a wonderful mother..." and with that she closed her eyes and took her last breath. Kagome then cried for the dead mother and for a while just stayed there.

After a couple of minutes Kagome gently got up from the floor and used her spiritual abilities to burry the dead mother, after she buried her Kagome made her way towards the God Tree. Once she was at the tree she gently sat down on one of the roots and gently held the baby close to her.

For a while Kagome didn't move, she just sat there taking everything in and allowing herself some time to absorb everything. While she was allowing herself to take everything in she was pulled from her thoughts when a cooing noise caught her attention, Kagome looked down at the tiny little bundle in her arms and she soon found herself curious.

Kagome then reached her hand up and gently moved the blanket to the side, when the blanket was no longer covering the baby's face she gasped at what she saw. She couldn't believe it, she just couldn't believe it. Well at least now she knew how far back she was.

"Well...I made a promise and once I make a promise I keep to it." Kagome gently stroke the baby's check as she gently said in a motherly voice, "I will protect you Sesshomaru."

So what do you think, like it or not? Review and please nothing negative. Enjoy! ;P