AN: This is set after s1 finale, so early s2, with Usagi and Mamoru without any memories. Luna hasn't awakened Usagi yet so she and Mamoru are unaware of them being Moon and Tuxedo Mask. It's the last chapter so do enjoy this. I've loved the reviews. I will be adding a sequel, as this is part of a series of 'Time Eternal'. The next one on the list is 'Yet To Be' where Pluto will be taking both Tuxedo and Moon in the future. Not a continuation of this story though, but basically all stories in this series will have one or both of our couples travelling in time. And I'll also publish 'Guardian Angel' so keep your eyes out for them all and I hope you enjoy this epilogue.

The title of this epilogue is based on the Christina Perri's Twilight song.


A Thousand Years

Mamoru sighed as he looked at the rain pouring outside of the doors. The arcade itself was fairly empty, understandably as the weather was horrendous. The only reason he was still in was because Motoki had asked him to cover his shift in the arcade as he had a funeral to attend to. Mamoru had agreed, but then it started storming outside after Motoki left. He shouldn't have even bothered finding anyone to fill in his spot as with the weather outside, he doubted anyone would come here at this time. Still it was only 8.30 pm so he'd wait until 9 to close it. He was only thanking god that he had brought his car instead of his bike today.

So alone, he stared at the rain outside the windows. His mind was wandering around. Ever since he woke up in the hospital, once again two weeks ago, he had felt as if he was missing something. Something important. He could recall things, most of his memories, it wasn't a direct amnesia as it was when he was younger, yet there was something which was missing. And it was nagging him. Has been. And the thought of missing anything, any more memories bugged the life out of him. He tapped the table impatiently as he willed for time to go faster. He was so lost in his thoughts that he jumped when the arcade doors suddenly.

Shocked that even anyone was coming in, in this atrocious weather, he looked at the doors and raised his eyebrows. Standing there, dripping wet from head to toe was Usagi. She was in her normal school uniform with her hair in its normal odangos. Something about the school girl drew him into her, its why he found any reason to talk to her. And that usually let to more arguments. Seeing her this late, in this weather surprised him but he was actually happy to see her. He actually enjoyed his time around her.

"What are you doing here at this weather Odango? You should be at home?" he retorted while staring at her, regardless of the fact that he was pleased, she shouldn't be out in this weather.

Usagi didn't reply, she instead sat on the seat beside him, not even looking at him. He then heard her sniff and immediately concern ran through him when he saw the tear tracks in her face. Unable to stop himself, he walked closer towards her.

"Are you okay?"

She sniffed again and looked at him.

"I'm afraid of storms okay! So go ahead and make fun of that," she said it mournfully.

He blinked at that. Yes he found the fear childish but he had no reason to judge. He just didn't like seeing her this sad.

"I'm not, I won't. I mean I have random fears too," he spoke it while staring at her, hopefully that his tone would be enough to make her open up.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" she asked while staring at him in disbelief.

"I'm afraid of needles…and zombies" he said it while staring at her, weighing her reaction. He didn't go around telling people as they found it ridiculous. He was training to be a Doctor for Christ's sake and zombies didn't even exist, but still the fear was there. Usagi, though didn't laugh, she looked confused and then looked at him meaningfully.

"Really?" she asked, unsure.

"Yep, it's irrational so I wouldn't pick on yours" he said it while staring at her, weighing up her reaction. She smiled slightly, seeming elevated at his admission but didn't laugh at him outrightly which he appreciated. He saw her sigh and look ahead. It was then he noticed that her odangos was very down, full of water. Without even thinking about it, he reached out and pulled out the pins which were holding her hair up.

"Wha-hey what are you doing?" she asked, staring at him with confused and wide eyes. He didn't answer though, his eyes were on her silky hair which were down. There was something familiar about this. The niggling part, which had been annoying him, tripled. Her eyes held confusion but he got the feeling she could see the confusion in his eyes too. The little part inside his head was budding. Without even thinking about it, he leaned forward and closed the distance between them. She squeaked in surprise but he muffled that with his lips while wrapping his right arm tightly around her waist. He pulled her flush against him, while fisting his other arm in her hair. When he felt her tense body relaxing he growled in delight as he didn't want her to be uncomfortable. He felt her small hand running through his hair which made him purr.

It was just then the dam broke.

Memories, two sets of memories which he had no idea about unleashed inside his mind. His kidnapping with Beryl. The brainwashing, her poison words and then dying. Dying in her arms, Usagi, his Sailor Moon. He also remembered his unlikely trip to the future, his future. He had remembered it while dying during battle with Metalia and Beryl, the future he had seen. Whatever Saturn had done, she certainly hadn't erased them. They had been hidden which he had accessed before dying again due to Beryl. He remembered being heartbroken about dying then, for he knew that the future he had seen, that he was on the path too, it wouldn't come. Once again it would be thwarted due to Dark Kingdom. But here it was. He was here once again. He pulled back and looked at her. Her eyes were wide in confusion, obviously no memories of their past, both of their pasts and encounters. Yet she was here, alive and so was he. Somehow they got a third chance in life again.

"Wha-what the hell was that for Mamoru-baka?" Usagi stuttered it out in an indignant tone but he could tell that she was only saying that in nervousness. He could see how flushed she was and her hand was still around his neck, not having moved at all. She may not have the memories but she certainly had the feelings and that made him smile. He leaned forward and nibbled on her earlobe which caused her to gasp and her arms around his neck tightened.

"My Odango" he said it while pulling her closer.

He didn't know how they were alive again but he would certainly make the most of it this time round. She didn't have the memories but still he'd make it work. For it gave him another chance to achieve the future he had seen.