Oh, don't get me started on how much fun this collaboration is, J. Anyway, I'm a little scared on how this will turn out... Oh, and we have some punctuation errors, we know we do. But if you want to tell us that anyway, that's okay, too, but we do know. -M

"Let's go boys," Cam commands. "We have another body."

"Again?" Dr. Addy sighs.

"You wanted to be an anthropologist, Zackeroni. No backing out now," Cam says with a small laugh.

"Yeah, and you have amazing colleagues, too. Don't get scared just because we now have two bodies instead of one, Zack," Hodgins says calmly.

The three of them leave the Jeffersonian Institute and make it to the second bodies dump site — an amusement park called The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

"Oh my god... I made it to Diagon Alley!" Zack squeals. "Oh my god!"

"Do you ever stop squealing, Addy?" Hodgins asks, putting on his white gloves. Cam, Hodgins, and Dr. Addy meet up with Angela, Booth, and Brennan.

Cam, Hodgins, and Dr. Addy stop in their tracks as they meet the rest of their team. "Two bodies?" He asked.

Eyebrows were arched as Dr. Brennan started to explain. "Yes, except we can't do anything with the second body because it hasn't decomposed..."

"What do we do then?" Cam asks, hesitating.

"Well we—"

"The BAU's FBI team is on their way for that body," a worker from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter interrupts Brennan.

"FBI? That'd be me," Booth says, rather loudly.

"Well, more are on their way. Sorry, pal."

"Pal? I'm certainly not a pal, more of a buddy," Booth mutters to himself.

Two hours later the FBI team that the worker was talking about made it to the dump site. With the time span Hodgins was able to collect samples on the first body. Angela took photos, and Brennan and Dr. Addy went over the corpse. The corpse itself was covered in something sticky, something that Hodgins seemed to be familiar with.

"Hello, I don't think you were expecting us, sorry for that," A tall man with combed back black hair spoke as his team follows him toward the others.

"Excuse me, but who exactly are you?" Booth spoke up from the back. He had his hands on his cocky belt buckle.

"Oh, my apologies. My name is SSA Aaron Hotchner, and this is my team." He pointed at a tall, well built man and said,"This is SSA Derek Morgan." Moving his hand down the line he pointed at a rather skimpy looking man with a brown satchel bag,"He is Special agent Dr. Spencer Reid." Then he pointed at a woman with black mid-back length hair," She is SSA Emily Prentiss." And he finally mentioned the last two members of his team. "This is SSA Jennifer Jareau, our media official, and the one with pink highlights is Penelope Garcia. Our technical analyst."

When he finally stopped speaking, booth took this time to continue talking. "As you were saying, no. We were not expecting-."

"But since this body has no effect on our job abilities, it's all yours," Cam says quickly, interrupting Booth.

"Thank you. . ." Aaron pauses, unaware of anyone's name.

"Camille Saroyan, forensic pathologist, and the head of the forensic division at the Jeffersonian Institute." Cam says.

"Nice to meet you, Camille." Hotchner says in a quiet, but deep voice.

"We'll try not to interfere with you, or your team," Cam says and flashes a warm smile to Aaron and his team. Some of his team smile back, some just look a little too scary to the forensic scientists.

"As will we," Aaron says as he, and his team, move closer to their body.

"Garcia," Aaron pauses looking to the tall woman with pink hair extensions. "What do we have on him?"

"His name is Henry Laughlin. He's twenty-two and has a younger twin brother. His mother is deceased, and his father works. . . Here," Garcia says, reading from her laptop.

"Okay. Anything else?" Aaron asks, observing the body.

"Not yet, sir. I'll keep on task," Garcia says and walks into one of the amusement park's tiny shop.

"Reid, Prentiss, and Morgan find his father and have a talk with him. JJ interrogate the people who saw the body, and the worker who found it," Aaron says, his team nods and do as he says.

"They got you beat, Booth," Hodgins whispers.

"Shut up, Bugboy," Booth says, irritated. He punches Hodgins's knee a little harder than he had meant too.

"What do we have Dr. Brennan?" Cam asks, glancing at Booth and Hodgins before looking to Brennan.

"By the pelvic girdle the man seems to be white and in his twenties," Dr. Brennan says, examining the pelvic girdle.

"Better get an ID on him, Ange," Cam says, looking to Angela who's snapping pictures of the corpse.

"I will, Cam. Just gotta work on – uh – getting a proper facial reconstruction. The body is covering something sticky and smells like... Butter," Angela replies, sniffing the air.

Dr. Addy's face lights up at the word butter, but nobody notices and everyone keeps on working with their body.

Ok, this chapter took a while longer to get out than planned. But J will be working on getting chapter six up soon! Please Review. We haven't gotten many reviews and they make us feel much better about our writing! -M