Thank you to everyone who reviewed!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or The Darkness Within

I am sooo sorry for such a long period of absence. I had serious writer's block. But I am back now so hopefully it won't happen again. Expect lots of corniness in this chapter. You have been warned…

Chapter 3: Puppy Love

Damy's POV

My hazel eyes pop open with a sudden jolt. The first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that I am lying on the cold, hard ground, surrounded by trees. I lean up to rest on my palms when I realize that I don't recognize my surroundings.

As my eyes search frantically for any trace of something familiar, questions start circling in my mind. Where am I? How did I get here? Was I in any danger? Before the last question had entered my mind I hear a faint weeping sound. It sounds so familiar, yet not, almost as if I've heard it somewhere before, a long time ago, ages ago.

I stand up and brush the dried leaves off of my clothes. The weeping sound begins to grow louder and somehow more sinister. The sound begins to deepen and echo. I can feel my heartbeat thud loudly in my chest. It begins to pick up when the sounds grows even louder. I jump when I hear a slight rustling in a near by bush. Slowly, I reach forward and push the bushes aside. The weeping is still going strong when it stops as I pull the bushes back to reveal a waterfall. I look towards the right of the waterfall, where a dark figure stands, with their back facing me. The entire forest seems unnaturally still, and all sound ceases completely.

"Who are you?" I shout uneasily towards the figure. Slowly, the figure turns to reveal a pile of grotesque and mangled corpses, I shutter violently as I recognize my parents among the bodies, and next I see Ron, Hermione and even Ginny, all dead. I gasp loudly and stumble backwards. My frantic gaze meets blue wide eyes gazing at me with curiosity. With a jolt, I realize who the dark figure is; Mery. But this is not the women I saw recently. She is not The Dark Lady, but young, sweet, and innocent Mery, My Mery. Blood drips from her hands, face and robes. None of this seems to affect her as she continues to smile up at me. She steps forward with her hands gesturing towards me.

"Have you brought another game to play?" She asks cheerfully. My eyes widen as I stumble backwards right into a strong chest. Strong arms grip my fore arms, and a familiar voice sounds right in my ear.

"Damy, now you know. She's not that little girl anymore. Everything about her is different. The monster lies just beneath the surface. Don't let it fool you." The voice whispers. The hand grips mine, and suddenly something cool drops into my hand. I lift my hand to see the object; A jagged looking dagger comes into my vision. I turn my head slightly and my startled hazel eyes meet emerald green. Harry looks towards the group of corpses on the ground, then back up at me.

"She has to die."


I sit strait up with a jolt and realize I'm in my dorm. My frantic heart beat takes several minutes before slowing down to a normal pace.

It was only a dream. Well, dream isn't what I would call that. A nightmare, more like. I shake my head a bit as I try to forget the whole thing. It won't come to that, I promise myself.

I walk down to the great hall in a daze when I realize that someone is calling out to me. I turn slightly when I see Ellie jogging to catch up to me. I stop suddenly so she can reach me more easily. She stops when she nears me and smiles brilliantly. My heart speeds up at the sight of it and I fight off a blush threatening to stain my cheeks.

"You must be very tired, Damy. I called your name six times before you noticed." She says, a little out of breath.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I am." I say awkwardly, trying not to think of my horrible nightmare. Her eyes meet mine and for a moment she looks concerned for a moment before returning to her usual cheeriness.

Well, I just came over to say that we were planning on leaving directly after breakfast."

I look up at her in surprise, and suddenly remember that I made plans to go with her to Hogsmeade. I sigh in defeat as I remember the letter mum sent me last night forbidding me from leaving the castle. I look up at Ellie with a dejected expression and her face falls.

"What's the matter?" She asks.

"It just that…" I pause for a moment to think of an excuse. "I'm sorry Ellie I really wanted to go with you. Umm, and your friends, but I kinda got in some trouble with my parents last night. I'm not allowed to leave the castle for a while." I look up to gauge her reaction and am surprised to see a smile on her face.

"Well, then I suppose I will just have to stay behind so that you don't get into anymore trouble." She says mischievously. I give her a disbelieving look.


"Don't worry, Damy. My friends will understand. I can't just leave you behind, by yourself. Besides, I am sure we can find more fun things to do here instead, just you and me." She blushes slightly at the last part, but continues, "What do you say?" She asks hopefully.

I smile brightly and say, "Sounds brilliant."

Lily's POV

I walk down the stairs to head towards the Great Hall with an expression of worry plastered on my face. I do hope Damy listens to me and doesn't try to go to Hogsmeade today.

"Lily, worrying will forever be etched on your face if you keep making that face." I turn around to see Sirius smirking down at me and I give him a stern look.

"What do you want, Sirius?" I ask impatiently.

"What I want is for you to take five minutes from your worrying schedule to spend time with your husband." My emerald eyes widen in surprise as I give him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?"

"Lily, I know that you are stressed and I know that Prongs is stressed, Hell, I know that everyone is stressed. But what I also know is that when the stress is down, the intelligence is up. We could use some intelligence so, I propose you spend the day with your hubby and have a fun stress free day."

I look up at him and scoff loudly before turning around and walking away. I hear footsteps behind me and suddenly Sirius grips my arm and spins me around to face him.

"Come on, Lils."

"No, Sirius, there is simply too much going on. Even you must understand that."

"What are you going to do? The Dark Lady has fled, and it's very unlikely that she is going to return anytime soon. Now is the perfect time, and besides it is much too late to back out now."

"What did you do?" I shout angrily.

"I simply sent Prongs a little message from you. It expressed an urgency to meet with him at Potter manor. But, when he arrives he will find a very romantic setting awaiting him, along with a wife who adores him."

I lift my eyebrow with stern look.

"Oh come on!" he shouts. "Harry will be fine; I've set him up for the day as well. Damy won't leave the castle. It seems he will be quite preoccupied today as well."

"And just how do you know that?" I ask disbelievingly.

"Well, for one Damy wouldn't risk your wrath by leaving and two I may have overheard him and a pretty young Hufflepuff talking about spending the day here."

"Okay, but what did you do to Harry."

"Oh, I won't be doing a thing to Harry, but the same can't be said about his pretty little red head." He says mischievously. I look up at him disbelievingly. He only smirks in return.

"Everybody knows that sometimes, you've got to stop and smell the roses, and your name is Lily. I say that that's close enough." I smile up at him disbelievingly, and shake my head.

"Alright, I'll go, if only to stop those awful jokes."

Harry's POV

"Come on Gin, I'm serious. I can't be gone long. Can we go back now?"

"Come on Harry, I only want to get out of the house for dinner." She says as we walk down across the second muggle street to reach our destination. I have been researching the Dark Lady all day and have come up with nothing. It's around dinner time that Ginny pulled me away. I sigh audibly and take her hand in mine.

"Gin, I would love to do this, but I have to research-"

"Do you honestly think you're going to find anything now, if anything, it will be even harder to find any info on her."

I stop for a moment and turn my gaze on her. Emerald green meets golden brown.

"I have to try." Her gaze softens.

"I know you do. But, I'll I am asking for is a small break. Give me the rest of tonight and I promise you I will help you with anything you want tomorrow." Her sweet look turns flirty and she leans forward to whisper in my ear. "I promise to make it worth your while." She whispers and I feel my breath catch in my throat. She leans back to look at me and I nod with a sly look entering my eyes.

We begin to walk forward hand in hand.

"Okay, so, where are we going exactly? Let me guess; is it something Italian with little heats instead of dots on the I's?" I ask with humor.

"Actually, were going to a muggle bar." She looks up at me and I stop short in surprise.

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Have you never been to one of those?" She asks with a humorous smile. She flutters her eyelids, trying to look innocent. She lets out a surprised yelp when I grab her by her waist and trap her in my iron grip.

"Alright smart arse, show me." She gives me a cocky smile as she leads me to the muggle bar.

Damy's POV

Ellie and I have had a fantastic day. With every gone to Hogsmeade, Hogwarts is practically a ghost town. We had lunch and dinner in the great hall and I have spent most of the day showing her all of my pranking secrets. We have even set up a few together. Now we are heading down to the Quidditch pitch to do a bit of flying. We are almost to the pitch when I feel Ellie's Hand on my arm and we stop. I look up at her with a questioning glance.

"So, I have a confession to make." She says nervously.

"What is it?" I ask nervously. Her hand is still on my arm and I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest.

"Well, I uh, I've never actually played Quidditch before. I've never even ridden a broom. Since I exchanged last year I never had any flying lessons. I don't even own a broomstick." She drops her hand and head, ashamed. I put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, that's okay." She looks up with hopeful eyes.

"Really?" She asks.

"Of course." I say with a laugh. "That means I get to teach you.

Her hopeful expression changes to one of fear, and my face falls.

"You're not scared, are you?" I ask. She gives me an embarrassed look.

"What if I fall"? She asks in a small voice.

"I'll catch you." Her head snaps up at my words, and suddenly she jumps into my arms. My breath catches in my throat. She pulls back just as abruptly, our faces are inches apart. "Thank you." She nearly whispers. I can feel her breath sweep across my face. And my heart rate sky rockets.

"Y-you're welcome." We stand there for what feels like forever. When we finally pull away, she looks up at me.

"I don't have a broomstick, Damy. What am I suppo-".

"Use mine."

Lily's POV

Our wine glasses clink for about the sixth time that night.

"Well, I hope you have enjoyed your favorite meal Mr. Potter."

"I surely have, Mrs. Potter, but I think I am going to enjoy dessert even more."

"I haven't made dessert." He leans in closer and whispers, "Honey, you are dessert".

I slap his arm, and giggle drunkenly. "Oh James!" I shout, while continuing to giggle loudly. James begins chuckling flirtatiously. I stand up suddenly, while looking down at him.

"Well, first I think I am up for a game of Quidditch." I say proudly. James stops short and looks up at me in utter shock.

"But, Lils, you hate Quidditch."

"Yes, but I love you." James stands up abruptly and kisses me fiercely. For a moment we are both lost in each other. When we finally pull apart, I look up at him in surprise.

"James, you haven't kissed me like that in-"

"Far too long." He says lovingly. "I love you so much, my Lily flower." Tears begin to pool in my eyes.

"Oh James I love you too." We stare into each others eyes for what seems like forever. "Are we going to be okay, James?"

"We always are, I don't see how we can't be again. I promise that one day we will all know peace, I swear it."

"I believe you." I say, with my emerald eyes shining brightly, "Now, how about that game?"

Harry's POV

"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!" I shout with a group of random muggles as my girlfriend downs another bottle of alcohol, while sitting on top of the bar. I smile brightly as she finishes and a group of drunks applaud her. She looks up at me with cheer as she hops off the bar to give me a sloppy drunken kiss. She pulls back after a moment.

"Let's go play some darts," She suggests.

"You'd never stand a chance, Gin. That just wouldn't be fair." She glares at me with an expression that could kill.

"Try me." She dares, "And if I win you have to do the laundry for a month.

I smirk up at her, "And what do I get if I win?"

"Anything you want." She states with a flirty smile.

"You're on, Weasley." I say with a smirk.

One hour and three drinks later I am sitting at the bar with a dejected expression on my face. Ginny walks over with a swagger in her walk. "I hope you like laundry," She states with her hands on her hips. "I hope this teaches you to never underestimate me again, Potter."

"You played me," I accuse. She nods.

"You really made it too easy."

"How did you get so good at that muggle game?"

"Oh right, that. Well, you know how my dad loves his muggle contraptions. He brought it home one day after work and I loved it. I'm very good at aiming." I chuckle drunkenly and lean up against her. "You never cease to amaze me.

She leans forward and whispers, "I have a surprise for you when we get back to the house."

"Lead the way." I say with a cocky air to my voice.

After we leave the bar, Ginny stops to pull something out of her pocket. She produces two vials with a green liquid inside, she hands one to me and drinks the other. I look up at her questionably.

"Sobering potion. You're going to need it." She says flirtatiously. I smirk at her and down my bottle. Suddenly my world seems much clearer. I look up at Ginny with a smirk.

"Why am I going to need it?" I ask. She smiles at me for moment before disapparating on the spot. I chuckle lowly before doing the same. I appear in my cottage in the living room with a slight pop. I look around and Ginny is nowhere to be seen. I call out her name a couple times with no reply. I'm starting to get worried so I head down the hall towards the bedroom we share together, wand in hand. When I open the door with a creak my wand nearly drops out of my hand in shock of the sight before me. There are floating candles everywhere. The lights are turned off, so the only light in the room are from the candles glow. Rosebuds absolutely cover the bed and a light music is playing in the background. I look to the bedside table to see champagne on ice and two wine glasses, next to that are a box of chocolates. This room just screams honeymoon, it's almost funny. Suddenly the ensuite bathroom door opens slowly, and I'm so shocked by the sight that appears in the doorway that I do drop my wand in shock.

Standing there in the glow of the candles is Ginny wearing nothing but skimpy red lingerie that fits her in all the right places. She smirks up at my shocked expression and leisurely makes her way towards me. I want to grab her and shove her against the wall but I fight the urge back.

"I did say it had to be special, Harry. So, I went all out," She laughs nervously before meeting my gaze once again, "I love you, Harry and I don't want anyone else, so I thought, Mhhh-" I silence her by capturing her lips in a fierce kiss. When we finally pull apart I look down at her lovingly. "There is no one as beautiful as you, Ginny Weasley." Her eyes light up with joy, when I reach down for another passionate kiss. Our moves start getting desperate as we pull at each others clothes I reach down to pull her legs around my waist. We barely make to the bed when we start to tear each others clothes off with a mad haste.

Damy's POV

We circle around again to meet at the goal post.

"Merlin, you're a natural. I've never seen anyone pick up on Quidditch so fast." I state, astounded. She smiles up at me and lets off a soft giggle.

"Maybe it's because I have such a great teacher." I smirk back at her as lean backwards on my broomstick.

"Well, I wasn't gonna say anything but I am pretty great." She giggles in response.

"So now that I'm a professional and everything, do you think I'm up for a race?"

I smirk at her and say, "Only if your prepared to lose."

"Bring it, Potter." She says with a laugh.

We circle back around to start on the ground. "3,2,1!" I shout as we both sky rockets towards the pitch. We start by going around each goal post. I realize I am at a slight disadvantage because she has my firebolt, and I am on a school cleansweep. Nevertheless, I keep pushing we pass the first goalpost neck and neck. Once we get to the second my broom begins protesting at the breakneck speed I am trying to push

it. By the third goal I become concerned at the shuddering movements my broom is making. I am starting to lose control of my broom when it suddenly swerves into Ellie's broom, and we go crashing to the ground. I realize at the angle we are at that I am going to crush her so I switch our positions as quick as I can. I close my eyes in anticipation for the harsh, hard ground, when I suddenly feel as if we are slowing down instead of speeding up. I look around in surprise to find us suspended five feet in the air, when we suddenly drop. I look up to see Ellie's terrified face directly above me. When our gazes meet, she slowly leans forward to give me a gentle kiss on the lips.

She slowly pulls back, her eyes light up and she whispers, "You saved me."

Okay, finally I am back. Thank you to all of you who have stuck with this story, and I hope you will continue to do so. Now, I know this chapter was all lovey dovey, but don't worry, there will be lots of action in upcoming chapters. Thank you for reading and please don't forget to leave a review!

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