Disclaimer: I do not own Okane Ga Nai.

"Ayase," Kanou called out while taking off his shoes.

"Ah. Welcome home, Kanou-san." A boy rushed over to him. "Dinner will be ready in a moment, Kanou-san," he said quickly before scurrying off to the kitchen.

Kanou only gave him a slight nod and made his way to the living room. He took off his suit and sat down on the sofa. The cute angelic smiling face of Ayase almost made him lose control again.

No! I must restrain myself! I cannot take him right away each time I see him! Kanou shouted in his head. But that was something easier said than done. He clenched his teeth.

"Self-control..." he breathed out slowly. The conversation he had had with Someya earlier that day was still nagging him.


"Hello~ there~. My dear Somoku~ I'm here to see you~" Someya sang as he barged into Kanou's office.

Kanou's eyebrows bumped together in a scowl at the intrusion. "What are you doing here? You damn OKAMA!" he barked at the man, this time, dressed in a frilly maid uniform instead of his usual kimono. The man was even holding a long mop!

"Ara ara. With that bad attitude of yours. No wonder Aya-chan would be scared of you," Someya shook his head in disapproval. He just knew too well what words were needed to be used against him to make him all speechless. Someya's eyes gleamed with deviltry as he watched Kanou's face become thoughtful.

"What? Ayase is scared of me?" asked Kanou, dumbfounded, but deep inside he was not that surprised. He already knew that Ayase still feared him even if it was just a little bit.

"Who wouldn't?!" gasped Someya.

"I know about that already." Kanou admitted softly as he averted his gaze.

"You need to lighten up a bit. And your eyebrows…" Someya poked his own in between his eyebrows.

"What my eyebrows?" Kanou glared at him.

"Yeah. Geez. That piercing glare of yours. Do you think that you're Superman or something like that? That laser will come out? Stop frowning like that. That ugly frown of yours. Here." Someya long and slender finger poked him in between his eyebrows. "Relax…" he whispered, face dangerously close to the man.

Kanou's nostrils flared at the closeness and pushed the man away abruptly. The latter stumbled backwards a bit and nearly fell down but he skilfully regained his balance on his high black heels shoes.

"Ne! That's rude you know! Continue with that attitude of yours and Aya-chan will definitely start TO. HATE. YOU!" Someya yelled at him, pointing the tip of the mop he was holding straight at Kanou's face. "I doubt he is already," he added. "Well, he'll just hate you even MORE!"

Kanou's entire body stiffened and his eyes widened in shock at his words.

"Bah! That's not surprising at all." Someya shrugged. "You're mean, possessive, abusive and harsh with him. You also make him stay ALL day ALL alone in that super clean apartment of yours! My poor Aya-chan~" Someya cried and turned to ran out of the office passing by two stunned Kubas.

"What happened?" asked one of the twins.

"Dunno," the other one answered. They both shrugged and carried on with their work.

#end of flashback#

The words of Someya's still echoed in his head. YOu're mean~ pOOOOssesive~ AbUsive and HAAAARSH~~~~ Aya-Chan will Haaaate you even mooore~ he HAAAATES you~ hates you~~~~

"ARGGGGG!" Kanou cried out in frustration while exploding out of the sofa.

"A-ano. Ka-kanou-san. Dai-daijoubu?" Ayase asked worriedly from at the door. The man looked at him and saw that he was gripping the door frame rather tightly and did not seem to dare to approach him.

Damn it! He's scared…

Kanou sighed and sat back down on the sofa. "Ayase." The said person jumped slightly. "Come here." Kanou patted the sofa beside him. The boy slowly inched his way and sat down far too far from him according to his taste but said nothing.


"H-hai." The voice of Ayase trembled slightly.

"Do you want to go out during the day?"

"Hah?" Ayase cocked his head in confusion.

"Do you feel lonely when I'm not here?" Kanou continued.

"E-eto…" Ayase struggled to find a reply. He didn't want to be a bother to Kanou.

"Answer me!" Kanou shouted in frustration when Ayase did not reply. The boy shocked at his outburst, instinctively shied away from him, shielding his face with his arms. Kanou regretted immediately for raising his voice.

"I-I'm sorry," he apologised. Getting up on his feet, he said, "You're free to do whatever you want tomorrow."

"I-I'm free?" asked Ayase, not sure if he had heard him well.


"I can go out?"

"Yeah." Kanou gritted his teeth. "But-" he held Ayase's gaze. "-you must make sure to come back here!"

Ayase smiled at him. "Hai! Ah! Kanou-san, dinner is ready!" with that said he hurried off into the kitchen.

He's way too happy. Kanou chewed on his chopsticks while he watched the cute face of Ayase eating. I can't let him go out! he thought but said nothing.

#the next day#

I wonder what's gotten into Kanou-san's head. He was acting so strange yesterday and he didn't even touch me.

Ayase glanced up at the clear blue sky. The weather is nice today. But is it really okay for me to go out? I only cause him troubles whenever I'm outside. Kuba-san isn't with me either. Ayase sighed and walked sluggishly with his slumped shoulders.

Little did Ayase know that there was a black car following him not too far away.

Passing by a shop that he recognised, he stopped and decided to go in. Maybe I'll buy one or two clothes for me…maybe for Kanou-san as well? he thought.

The woman at the counter greeted him politely. "Good morning. Ah! It's Ayase-chan. It's been so long. What do you need today?" Ayase just flashed his smile at her and followed her around the shop.

After that, Ayase went for a little tour around the area, going in and out of shops and had had lunch. He patted his pocket and noticed that there was still a lot of money left from what Kanou had given him to spend.

There's still time before I need to get back, maybe I'll go to my apartment to have a look.

As he turned around, Ayase bumped into someone and fell down on the street.

"Ouch. That hurts." Ayase looked up to find a group of four men hovering above him.

"Oh, isn't that a cutie we got there?" said one of them. The man who had spoken looked like in his early twenties and had dark haired, dressed in cut off jeans and a jacket over a sleeveless shirt.

A shiver went down Ayase's spine as he gripped the strap of his shoulder bag and prepared to run.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you!" apologised Ayase and with that he ran away as quickly as he could. However, he could still hear the men laughing at full volume behind him.

"Hey wait!" one of them called after him but he kept his head down and continued to run, not paying too much attention to his surroundings. The only thought in mind, that is, to escape from these men clouded his mind. Hearing the footsteps of the men running after him, he turned round a corner and entered a gloomy alley. Oh no! Ayase stopped in front of a wall. It's a dead end. Why must it turn out like this? Just like in movies…

"There you are!" the booming voice of the dark-haired man made him jump.

"Stay away from me!" he warned in a voice that was supposed to sound fearless.

"Aww, don't be like that sweetie!" he said and the group burst into a raucous laughter.

"Leave me alone!"

"Oh what a tigress! " the fat boy sneered while he advanced towards Ayase and grabbed his chin.

"Look at her shaking!" one of them chuckled and the others laughed with him. Oh no! They are mistaking me for a girl!

Ayase whimpered as the grip on his chin became tighter. He tried to held back his breath as he could smell the horrid breath thick with the scent of cigarette of the man since his face was only a few inches away from him.


"You're mis-mistaking. I'm not a girl!" the voice of Ayase trembled.

"Oh yeah? We'll be checking that out immediately." The one holding his chin let him go and he backed away into the wall behind him, legs shaking with fear.

They are going to- rape me?! Ayase gulped. How many times had he being surrounded by filthy men like them and been mistaken for a girl. Ayase felt suddenly very weak and collapsed on the cold, hard and rocky ground as his legs became so numb.

"…kanou-san…" Ayase prayed with his eyes shut tight while the hands of the men touched him all over his body. Too weak and too outnumbered to struggle, Ayase never felt so disgusted under the touch of these men's hands.

"Oi! What are you doing to Ayase?" boomed an angry voice.

Ayase's eyes snapped open on hearing his name called out and his heart leapt. "Kanou-san?" he asked, not sure of himself as he thought that he was done for. At that moment, tears welled up in his eyes as he felt so relieved.

Eyes bulging wide and filled with pure fury, Kanou stomped his way towards the thugs looming over his lover in a flash. Grabbing the back of their necks and smashing their face into the hard concrete wall one by one.

Ayase had to cover his eyes to not watch the atrocities that Kanou was inflicting on them. The dark alley was filled with cries of pain as Kanou spared no one. When he was finally done, four beat up and moaning bodies were laid down at his feet, all bloodied and disfigured. Kanou crouched down and picked Ayase up who flinched at his touch. But once he was in his arms, he held onto Kanou's neck like for dear life.

"Why are you here?" the voice of Ayase trembled.

"Tch. Did you seriously think that I would let you go out alone like that?" Kanou's expression was murderously angry as he spat out the words.

"Thank you Kanou-san." Ayase buried his face into the crook of his neck as he breathed out the words, relieved and happy that Kanou was always by his side.

"You're so going to get it once we're back!" Kanou threatened and Ayase shuddered slightly in fear as he thought of what was awaiting for him at home.