Edited: 10/29/14
Posted: 11/17/14

Title: The New - Sky Maiden's Chronicles: Book 1- Honest Emotions
Category: Anime/Manga ยป Fairy Tail
Author: Windeen
Language: English,
Rating: Rated: M
Genre: Romance/Drama
Publish Date Of First Version Of This Story: 04-03-14,
Pairings to be found in here?:
- Main Character Romance:
Wendy Marvel & Doranbolt/Mest Gryder (Mendy, West, Westy, Dorandy)
- Side Character Romance: LucyxLoke, LizannaxNatsu, LucyxNatsu, Charla(Carla)xHappy, JuviaxGray, LevyxGajeel, LaxasxCana, EvergreenxElfman, MiraJanexFreed, LisannaxBixlow, ShagottexPantherlily, EvexMerudy, ErzaxJellal,
Words: Ongoing
Chapters: Ongoing
Full Synopsis:
After destroying one of the F.A.C.E. weapons, Wendy & Doranbolt discover that they have feelings for each other and together they learn some things from Grandeeney, that neither of them could have imagined, possible, before. About themselves, and the other slayers.

Time passes after the Tartarus incident and old friends meet again to try and unravel what is keeping the dragon parents away from Wendy and her friends; Natsu & Gajeel.
On top of that, there are other revelations and secrets to sort out:
A new dragon slayer comes to be, with unstable powers and wild, uncontrollable, urges.
There is a secret between the dragons and celestial spirits, what is it?
A prophecy is discovered.

Tensions raise in this sequel to my one-shot-"F.F.-Missing Parts".
Please note- this is a redo, of my first version. This will be more detailed as well!


This takes place AFTER the events of chapter 378 of the manga. I recommend that you please read the one-shot fanfic, that I wrote based on that chapter, first. You can find it on my profile.

Sky Maiden's Chronicles starts where my one-shot left off.

There's another author's note at the end of this chapter, please read it before reviewing, or PM-ing me.

Please enjoy, and also, please review!

Disclaimer also at the bottom of this chapter.

Chapter 1: Still Alive!

The first one to come to, was Charla. That may have had to do, with the fact that Wendy, was clutching her so protectively. She may have been unconsciously healing Charla, bit by bit as they slept.

Or, perhaps, it was that they'd been out of it for so long, that her body had recovered more quickly.

She wasn't quite certain about it.

She shook her head in confusion and looked around. She probably should have thought,

'Why are we still alive?'

Instead, her first thought was,

'Why am I awake first?'

She looked around and didn't recognize any landmarks.

The first thing she did notice, however, was that there was a very high concentration of magic in the air. Charla could feel that VERY clearly.

The second thing she noticed was: Wendy was being held, and very protectively, at that.

Whoever it was, was cradling them both as if they were made of blown glass.

The third thing she noticed: Her eyes followed a pair of arms up to a set of shoulders, then her eyes saw a throat and a head, the head belonged to a man. His head was resting on top of Wendy's and his hair seemed to be covering his face somewhat, well... What part of his face, that wasn't buried in Wendy's hair.

Charla found herself very annoyed, suddenly.

Who was this stranger, to be touching HER Wendy, as if he had a right to! She shifted her weight, leaning up, and with her paw, she gently moved some of his hair aside.

Her eyes widened, her whiskers stood straight out, and, she heard herself growl faintly as her eyes landed on a scar, it was very a distinct scar at that.


She hissed softly, and just as she did; the man's eyes fluttered open.


He said, shifting, groaning slightly in some pain from being stiff for so long.

He yawned, unable to cover the yawn as he still held the girl in his arms.

"Your manners are appalling... Even Happy, covers his mouth when he yawns... Sometimes..."

She said, sounding highly disapproving. He lifted an eyebrow questioningly, at her.

"Would you have rather I dropped the both of you?"

He asked a bit dryly. She frowned in thought.

"Well... No."

She said finally, quietly.

"Didn't think so either... Could you move, so I can lay her down? My arms are kind of going numb..."

He said and she reluctantly nodded, then hopped out of Wendy's lap.

Once he had his arms free, and Wendy's head was pillowed in his lap, he started trying to work some feeling into them. After a minute though he looked over and saw Charla eyeing him strangely.

"Well? Spit it out..."

He said, sounding annoyed, as he looked at her.

"Why'd you save us..."

She said, startling herself a bit.

"I decline to answer..."

He said with a heavy sigh. There was no way he was going to try and tell her... She already seemed to think he was some sort of cretin. He saw her fist her paws, clenching her skirt as she did so.

When he looked at her face, he saw she appeared a bit flushed and tears were rolling down her fuzzy white cheeks.

"What'd I do now?"

He demanded, a bit afraid, since he still felt rather weak from the drain of his magic and hurt from being in the same position for so long.

"Thank you!"

She sobbed as her knees gave out, that got his full attention.

"Charla... Are you ok...?"

He asked and saw her shake her head, holding herself upright with her front paws, her head bowed as she cried.

"I'm just... So very, very grateful! I didn't want her to die... I didn't want my best friend to die..."

She finally sobbed. He hesitated a minute, then he reached out and gently, he started petting her head.

"I care about the both of you..."

He whispered honestly and a bit hoarsely as he heard emotions laced in his voice... It shocked him, but he didn't care if his comment seemed odd... He honestly did care.

Charla blinked and quickly looked up at him.

She really didn't understand this man very well.

Then she realized something, she saw how protectively, he still held Wendy, her eyes widened and she frowned at him.

"Ah- Are... Are you in lo..."

She started to stammer, and he gave her a pained expression.

"Please, don't ask me that now... I'm still trying to come to terms with everything that has happened... A LOT has happened lately... Please don't ask me that..."

He said with a break in his voice. He wanted to address the situation and his feelings. He did, but he had to stay somewhat focused. He was the last surviving active council member... Lahar... His best friend was dead, he'd had to bury him himself. He had had barely a moment to breath, let alone think.

She noticed how stressed he seemed, and walked over to him, as he clutched Wendy to him.

He'd lifted her slightly in-to his arms, her head was back on his shoulder, as he rubbed her bare arm gently.

Charla climbed up, she sat in Wendy's lap, almost eye level with Doranbolt, He blinked at her, she reached out a paw and gently rested it on his scarred cheek.

"I understand,"

She said her voice sounding thick with worry and emotion, she hadn't been thinking about him, what he was going through or anything like that. She could feel him shaking.

He needed a rest... He was physically and mentally at his limit, when she touched him, she could see Lahar's death, see Mest alone as he buried all of his fallen friends. All alone again...

'It must have been painful for him...'

She thought as she looked at him... Charla had been trying to learn other magic, aside from her Aero. No one knew that though, not even Wendy. She bit her lower lip in thought. She wasn't sure she could do the spell she had in mind.

It would be worth a try, though.

Meanwhile, while she was thinking, she blinked when she saw Wendy shift; suddenly the man holding her looked even more uncomfortable, she hopped down from Wendy, and, after taking a good look she knew why... Though she wasn't thrilled.

Wendy's backside was resting on his lap, or, more precisely, resting slightly between his thighs.

He had one knee bent, resting on the ground, and the other was bent, up, with his foot supporting the weight. That knee acted somewhat like a chair back for Wendy's body.

However, it left a part of him, the part that made him male, vulnerable to the girl's shifting, as she settled in.

He looked to be, in some minor, pain or discomfort.

She arched an eyebrow at Doranbolt, as she watched Wendy wiggle her bottom a bit, her head moving to rest under his chin, with her lips on his collar-bone, since his shirt was torn a bit and his throat was exposed.

She thought it was a bit disturbing, the fact that her friend felt so utterly safe in his arms.

If she didn't, she wouldn't be still asleep- her dragon senses would have woken her up.

Wendy's right hand slid up his chest, to his neck and stopped, resting with her hand wrapped around the nape of his neck a bit.

"You ok, Mest?"

Charla asked lightly, sounding a bit amused. She liked that he was in discomfort.

"Do I look ok?"

He asked, groaning slightly. This was absolute torture. In more ways than one! He hadn't slept with a woman since the Grand Magic Games, mostly due to being busy- but now that he thought about it, once he knew Wendy was alive again, he hadn't been THAT interested in any women.

Charla laughed at his comment, which had been full of annoyance.

He thought her laugh sounded a bit evil.

"You need to sleep a bit more..."

She said finally, once she stopped laughing. He paled, did she know that he hadn't had sex since then...?

"I-I need to try and get you guys somewhere safe, maybe the guild hall..."

He said, but trailed off when she looked suddenly sad.


He asked and she shook her head, as she once again, climbed up, into Wendy's lap.

It was certainly worth a try...

She reached up, pressed her paw to his forehead just between the eyes and whispered a soft spell, before he could say anything else, his eyes rolled back, and his head fell to the side a bit. He was completely unconscious now.

She rested her head on his chest, under Wendy's arm, to be sure that she hadn't killed him. Then, she sighed in relief when she heard his heartbeat.

She hopped down, and extended her wings, she looked at them over her shoulder, then around, it was getting late, she could see some stars coming out. She needed to find the members of Fairy tail.

She was really worried about them.

Also, Mest needed medical attention, as did Wendy.

They all needed to take stock of the situations, regroup and rest.

"I'll be back..."

She said softly, more to herself than to anyone around her, then took off, heading to look for Cube and the members of Fairy Tail.

They were still fighting those horrible Demons...

She didn't look back, she knew her way.

However, she should have, because, if she had, she might have seen or heard what was happening shortly after she left.

She didn't hear, Wendy whimper Mest's name, as she pressed her body closer to the sleeping man's.

She didn't feel, the magic as Wendy's body slowly started to heal the man while they both slept.

And she didn't see, a humanoid shadow, as it fell over the sleeping pair...

To Be Continued...

Necessary Disclaimers Section:

I claim no ownership to the anime, manga or the characters.

I just love the anime and the manga.

I am making no money, whatsoever off of this. This is a story by a fan, meant for other fans who love it as much as I do.

Copyright/Ownership- The anime and manga of "Fairy Tail" and it's other related animes and mangas.

Copyrighted by Hiro Mashima and all other entities that are involved with the creation/publication of the anime/manga.

Please Have patience with me, and my writing ability:

I am dyslexic. Some people, seem to be of the mindset, that Dyslexia can be cured.
That is severely incorrect.
A dyslexic, however, CAN learn to cope with whatever kind of Dyslexia he/she may have.
That person, can learn to cope with it, so well that, for the most part... it is NOT an issue.
Or at least, not a debilitating issue.
The brain would need to be COMPLETELY re-wired. To "cure" someone of it.

While I have been able to teach myself to read (able to read at the level of anyone my age without the disability/challenge), I seem to be unable to retain the info/rules of proper grammar and punctuation.
I can spell somewhat well... Minor mistakes here and there.
But, either I spent so much time forcing myself to learn to read... OR, I have some sort of a mental block. Where grammar and punctuation are concerned.

I regret that I am crappy at both of them.
Basically, I'm asking to not be flamed for this weakness and for you, the reader, to please have patients and understanding with me and try and tolerate my bad grammar and punctuation.
Thank you all in advance for your understanding.

I look forward to hearing from you!

