Hello, here is the final chapter of The Pirate's Son.

I want to start of by saying a huge thank you to all of you, without each of you reading, reviewing, favouring and following this story would not have developed into the sixty two chapters it has now. It would not have developed into a story that is now over 100k and it would not have been one of the most emotional stories I have ever written.

However this is where it ends. I have loved writing this story and getting your feedback but what with Season 5 taking rapid twists and turns and still not finished and the fact that schoolwork, and other opportunities are starting up I feel like this is the right time to stop. I can confidently walk away from this story instead of carrying on and starting to hate it for being long.

I will be back to the OUAT fandom. There is another Daddy Killian Captain Swan story in the works, there is two actually making the Liam Jones AU into a three part AU Saga. I don't know when I will next post either one of them but rest assured I will be back.

So for the final time a big thank you and please read and review this ending.

Disclaimer-Nothing is mine.

The Pirate's Son

Chapter 62-Operation Mongoose/After

The Final Chapter-Operation Mongoose, the Author changes the face of Storybrooke, Liam and Roland end up in an unexpected place and Killian and the Pirate's Son finally achieve their happy ending. First Henry's Point of View.

Henry had not expected this. He had not expected to wake up one day and realise that his entire family was gone. Both his mothers, his grandparents both the Charming's and Belle and The Dark One, Robin and Killian (he wasn't ready to call them stepfathers yet) and his two (dare he say it) little brothers were gone. As were the rest of the residents from Storybrooke.

He had not expected to care that much….

Well…he loved his family, loved them with everything he had and more but he was more concerned with how his immediate thoughts had jumped to Liam and Roland. They were so little even if they grew up so fast, faster than Henry ever had. The three of them had something in common. The fact that they were all raised by a single parent, though he suspected that Liam and Roland had been raised on a less than respectable salary.

And God forgive him but he loved the both of them regardless.

So when Henry finally tracked down the Author he managed to force him to transport the both of them to the new Enchanted Forest it was with a vicious sort of glee that not only was he ruining the Author's version of his own Happy Ending but he was finally going to a place that nearly everyone in his family had been to except him.

And then he saw his Grandfather, The Dark One come prancing in on a white horse calling himself a hero and Henry slipped into a deep dark faint.

When he woke up he realised that someone was washing down his face with a cool cloth. The gesture reminded him so much of his mother when he'd been down with the flu when he'd been five that he almost closed his eyes again and fell back to sleep when the actual reminder of what had happened crept back into his mind and he opened his eyes.

It was Belle, she was wiping down his forehead with a wet cloth but it took Henry a few seconds to understand what was different. For a start Belle was in a yellow dress that reminded Henry of the Disney film in her name and there was a baby in the crib.

"Oh don't mind Bae" Belle said helping him to his feet, "My husband the Light One" she said gushed and Henry resisted the urge to vomit "Has just gone out to get our other boys and then you can be on your way before your own parents worry"

"Other boys?" Henry asked with a sinking feeling. If Belle was talking about what he thought she was…well…he so knew that he wasn't planning to tell Killian or Robin about it.

The door opened and sure enough Liam and Roland came through laughing and chatting like they'd been doing in Storybrooke not even an hour ago. His grandfather still hadn't recognised him, or at least wasn't planning to either way. He looked at the two boys that he had somehow adopted as his brothers and wondered if they had any idea who the hell they were calling Daddy at this very moment.

And also…when had Roland and Liam ever looked that clean?

Oh Henry so had to find his mother and make this right. Either one of them would be great. But before that he supposed he might have to find Killian. Because he didn't know if the Pirate knew he had a son and then wouldn't that be an awkward thing to tell someone.

Once he bade goodbye to Belle and his grandpa he followed the beaten down path desperate to find at least one member of his family that could help him sought this shit out.

What he found was…somewhat unexpected.

When the door had finally opened Emma tensed expecting more pain. That often did seem to come with the opening of the door. It was almost like her own world's prison, along with the added bonus of not being pregnant at the time. There were meals and a window and guards and while he would happily take her eighteen months all over again rather than stay a second in this tower the mental scaring from the first time she'd been in prison was admittedly helping her.

So when the door opened again Emma paused standing up ready to face whatever horror her mother had in store next she was gobsmacked to see Henry stagger through with Killian, the latter looking rather gormless and the former looking like he needed a lie down.

"Henry" she breathed once the hugs were out of the way and they were on the way to find Regina and the Author (Emma was more than content to allow Henry to take the lead on this one it seemed like he was the one with the best idea)

"Have you managed to find Liam yet?" she whispered in an undertone because considering how Killian was acting she was ready to believe that he didn't know he had a son yet alone where he was.

Henry nodded shooting Killian (who was now invested in steering the ship in the right direction) a furtive glance.

"He, Roland and Baby Neal are all ok" he said flashing her a small smile "But when I caught up with Hook he had no idea about Liam, seemed to think the only Liam in his life was his dead brother so I thought it best not to go into anything too strenuous while I needed him to rescue you"

Emma nodded privately agreeing.

Henry paused again taking another deep breath. "He, Roland and the baby are all living with Belle and Grandpa, he's now the Light One, married and has three sons, Neal, Roland and Liam"

Emma blinked before something flew over her in a second. It was something she identified as cold fury. "Well" she said struggling to keep her tone level, "He certainly managed to do well for himself didn't he" her tone was so condescending that Henry had to fight back a shiver. He chose instead to duck his head and try not to smile.

Somehow now he knew his mother was around he had a feeling that the scales were slowly tipping in his favour. At least it gave them an edge that they didn't have before. At least…until they found his other mother.

And for a few seconds everything was alright. Until Henry's other grandpa turned up wearing black and covered in eyeliner and looking like he'd been drained of all the fight left in him, and before Henry could stop it from happening Killian had been stabbed to death in front of them.

Liam's father, his only remaining parent, gone just like that.

Henry suddenly felt sick when he thought of the boy eating stew with Roland and probably not even realising that anything was wrong, that his father just hadn't died in front of Henry. That Henry hadn't seen a man that he had known for nearly three years die in front of him.

Also Henry was pretty damn sure that the look on his mother's face as for the second time in her life she saw the man she loved die in front of her would stay with him for a long time.

God he really hoped that they could fix what was going on and get back to normal. Henry really didn't want Liam to lose his father like he had done, not remembering and hating himself for it. And also…Killian was actually quite likable once you got to know him, he wasn't Henry's Dad but the man seemed to respect that and know the boundaries that were there in a way that his Grandpa didn't. Henry knew he could blow off steam around Killian and not be asked why he needed to vent.

And he didn't know why it was only this way with Killian, he liked Robin, Robin made his Mom smile for the first time in a long time. he had no qualms with Robin and his Mom and Roland, he had accepted that a long time ago, maybe he had disapproved of Robin leaving his Mom for his Ex but the whole Zelena baby thing more than made up for that, and maybe because it was clear that Robin loved his Mom. For a while Henry hadn't been sure that Killian had loved his other Mom, hell he was a teenager (and he did know that his Moms were attractive, he didn't like it but he knew it)

But watching the man die in front of him made Henry realise for the first time in a long time that he was actually ok with Killian in the family, with Liam in the family. It was rather liberating really, all this rush of emotion, all this understanding.

That was if they could fix this. They needed to fix this.

Yeah…Henry actually wanted the guy alive, he wanted the guy in his Mom's life, Liam included. And if it had took him a while to be ok with that and then be ok with missing his Dad then so be it, point being was Henry was ready for the four of them to become a family…

God he really hoped that they could undo this damage.

And that was when his other mother stepped in and finally outside a rundown church with his mom bleeding on the ground (and that was another nightmare developing he knew) and the Author getting punched by his other Mom did they stop the latest crazy in their lives.

Suddenly Henry wasn't looking at the pen in his hands and the blood on his jeans and the sky of the Enchanted Forest. He was looking at the clock tower flat on his back. He closed his eyes trying to keep the burning behind his eyelids there, trying to keep the sheer emotion of what the last few hours had done to him both mentally and physically hidden. Taking a deep breath he finally managed to open his eyes before a voice he had honestly thought he'd never hear again came to his ears.

"Henry? Henry mate are you alright?"

Oh god, Killian was alive.

Henry accepted his hand the nausea that came from time travel making the street spin slightly. He forced his eyes open, no Killian was there. He was in one piece. Suddenly one of the strangest rushes of emotion that he had ever felt in his life threw him backwards a step. And then without knowing what he was doing (and before he lost his nerve) he surged forwards wrapped two arms around Killian and pulled him into a hug.

It took a split second before two arms were wrapped back around him. In that moment Henry found he couldn't actually remember the last time his Dad had hugged him. That thought made him want to cry again so he chose to ignore it.

"Henry" came another shout and he turned around to see his Moms come flying round the corner Robin in tow. Both of them pulled him into a bizarre three person hug and Henry just wanted to shut his eyes and keep this moment forever.

"Where's Roland?" his Mom asked looking around as they finally broke apart, "And Liam?" his other Mom asked her hair flying to look at Killian who seemed to have realised that his son actually had gotten swept up in this curse.

"They were being raised by Grandpa in the Enchanted Forest" he said catching all their attention "He was the Light One and Liam, Roland and Neal were his three sons"

If he had ever wished for a camera it was now. The look on Robin and Killian's faces was enough to make him struggle not to burst out laughing hysterically.

"The shop then" his Mom said pulling Robin by one hand and Henry by the other her mouth twitching slightly though weather that was because of the stunned look of horror on Robin's face or the fact that her old teacher and friend had been called 'Light' Henry did not know. He also knew that she wouldn't tell him.

Henry stood back and allowed the four parents to crash their way into the shop completely ignoring the unconscious Belle and his Grandpa in the back.

The baby was lying on it's back on one of the glass cabinet and his Mom swept her baby brother into her arms as Neal attached his fist into her hair. Robin and his other Mom were helping a shell shocked Roland to his feet who looked unharmed, as did Liam who was being hugged by his own Dad, however they both looked very confused. They still had the luxury of not remembering each curse, Henry thought grimly.

"Thank God were all alive" his Mom said letting go of Roland's arm to wrap one around Henry and he closed his eyes reviling in the feeling when ten minutes ago she'd been bleeding out on him.

"Mom and Dad can meet us at Granny's" his other Mom said still clutching the baby. Killian was still clutching Liam. "You wanna check on Zelena and meet us there?" she said to his other Mom.

Henry made what sounded like a highly embarrassing noise reaching out to grab his Mom's hand. He didn't know why but the thought of letting anyone in this room out of his sight even for a second made him feel sick.

His Mom looked down at him carefully. It was like she'd done when he was five and sneaking cookies or when he was seven and was pretending to be ill. Finally she shook her head her expression softening as she caught the look in her son's eyes. "No" she said finally. "I can have them ring me, let's go get something to eat" and she led the way out the door Henry still clinging to her feeling so impossibly young that he couldn't help himself from burying his face in her hair and breathing in her smell. Evil Queen or not this was his Mom…

If his Mom noticed anything (and he knew she did) she didn't say anything. Instead she sat him down got him a hot chocolate and wrapped one arm around him until the trembling finally subsided.

Taking a gulp of cocoa Henry took a moment to look across the room. His Mom had handing over his Uncle to her parents who were know evil free (his Grandpa apologising for the stabbing thing) Roland and Robin were ordering for everyone Robin looking back every so often at his Mom, Killian had his hand linked with his other Mom and Liam, the Pirate's Son was curled around his leg again his eyes dropping with the aftereffects of his post curse adrenaline rush.

Who'd have thought he'd have got this? All he wanted was to break a curse, and he had gained a family. And he supposed as the newly appointed author it was only best to say it (even if it was only inside his head)

Once Upon A Time…

…They all lived Happily Ever After.

Words cannot express how thankful I have been for your feedback. And i will see all you OUAT fans soon x.