(WARNING: CUSSING, PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE. Other than that, here's chapter three!)

Tavia slid into the silent house. The room reeked of smoke. Looking around, she saw bottles of whiskey scattered on the floor and snoring was coming from the couch. He was here. She sighed and walked over the shattered glass coating the floor towards the stairs. She set one foot on the first step when a low voice rang out."Where you goin, bitch?" She stopped; glanced back at the shadow that had sat up on the sofa. She bit her lip. "You tryin ta sneak back in? Just where were you?"

"I... I was at the library..." Her voice hushed, Tavia slowly began to move up the staircase. "I... had to study... for my exam..."

The shadow stood. "I ain't buyn' it." He turned to face his 'daughter'. His green eyes seemed white in the darkness. "Where were you really, you worthless slut?"

"I was at the library," she protested, taking another step.

"Quit yer lyin'!" The shadow lunged for her.

Tavia dashed up the stairs, down the hall, and into the white door that marked her bedroom. She dashed in, slamming the door and locking it. She slid down the wall, wincing as the shadow crashed into the other side of the door. He banged on the door for three straight minutes before someone came out into the hallway and began shouting.

She pulled her knees to her chest and covered her ears, singing "London Bridge is falling down..." as she tried to block out the argument. "London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady..."

Ever since that day in the storage room happened, Tavia has been hanging around with Gilbert more often. Whenever they were together, Gil could see several other boys eyeing him enviously. Mostly he ignored them.

The two of them were at lunch, seated at a small table in the corner of the cafeteria. Gilbert had been talking on about how things had gotten tbetter for him lately, but he noticed that the girl seated next to him wasn't paying attention. She was staring at the wall behind him, as lifeless as a stone statue.

"Hey, Via," he placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, making her jump as she was brought out of her thoughts. "Are you listening?"

"Y-Yeah..." She nodded, blinking a few times as if she had been asleep. "Sorry... What were you saying?"

He raised an eyebrow, not believing that she truly was alright. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replied.

"Via, I know something's up." He met her eyes, and a moment passed before she looked away.

"I told you, it's not important."

"If it's not important," he stood; "then why can't you tell me?"

"Gilbert, stop." She didn't look up.

"Answer me, Tavia!"



She stood and slammed her hands down on the table. "SHUT UP!" She ran. And he ran after her.

Tavia slammed the door of the empty classroom, locking it as the thud of a body colliding with the wood echoed throughout the hall. She turned and slid down into a seated position, her back against the cold wall. And she sobbed. Tears burnt her skin on the right side of her face. She reached up and touched the steaming liquid, looking at her fingers. She bit her lip, drew blood. Blood. She hated the substance. When it fell down her face, when it ended up in her palm.

And it was all his fault. That goddamn man. Ever since her mother passed, he had turned her home into a living hell. Just thinking about it shook her deeper than her core.

"If only mother was still here... I wouldn't be this way..."

"... Tavia?" Arthur's voice brought her back to reality. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Gilbert rubbed his sore forehead. "Damn... Did she really have to slam the door on my face?" He stood, looking in through the window of the door. His breath stopped.

Tavia pulled her hand away from her face, and the both of them stared at the blood that stained her finger tips. "Why is there-" Gilbert stopped himself as he heard footsteps from down the hall. He twirled around and stared at Arthur Kirkland.

"Hello, Gilbert," he said. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"U-Um..." Gilbert stuttered. He shook his head. This may be something the crazy upper-classman could help with. "I... It's Tavia... Something's wrong with her..."

The blonde seemed to stiffen up at that. He nudged the albino out of the way and called into the room, "Tavia? Tavia?! Are you alright?! What happened?!"

(FINALLY DONE! Ugh... Sorry for the long wait, guys. I had to rewrite this chapter multiple times. But it's done! The next one won't take so long! Thank you for your patience!)