Hiro was still upset, but his grief became manageable when he looked across his room over at the robot Tadashi had left behind. Baymax was just a robot. He didn't have feelings or independent thought but if Hiro could forget those things for even a moment it would feel like his brother was there with him again. Small nuisances of Tadashi's personality played in Baymax's programming. He didn't understand sarcasm or vocal expression very much but under the slightly bumbling processes there was a goal and a dream to help people. This was the part of himself Tadashi had put into Baymax. To some degree it was the thing Hiro respected most in Tadashi as well. His selfless nature always felt like something Hiro couldn't attain. It was also the thing that had made Tadashi such a good older brother.

"You're emotional state seems to have improved. For future reference may I inquire as to what has made you happy Hiro?" Baymax tilted his head to the side slightly in question.

Hiro glanced up at Baymax with a somber smile. "It's nothing really, you just remind me of Tadashi a lot. Having you here makes it easier to deal with well.."

Hiro drifted off he didn't really want to say Tadashi was dead aloud. Doing so would make it seem more real. Hiro didn't really want to give it so much thought.

"I'm glad I could help ease your burdens. I just performed another scan it appears you have a small laceration on your leg. My recommendation for treatment is an antibacterial spray and a bandage. May I see your injury?" Baymax inquired.

Hiro cringed slightly. He'd been a little off lately and managed to trip on his way home earning him a small gash. He'd forgotten about it until Baymax had brought it up again. He let out a breath before pulling up his pant leg.

"It might be a good idea to wipe it down a little first.." Hiro muttered.

Baymax nodded. "After visually assessing your injury I would agree with you. First rinsing the injury with lukewarm water would be beneficial. One moment please."

Baymax tottered off for a moment to go gather the materials he needed. Hiro laid back on his bed with a small sigh. Now that all of his problems with the university and the professor were over keeping his mind of his brother seemed to get much harder. Hiro opened his eyes a moment later when he felt Baymax gently cleaning the small cut on his leg.

"Did you perhaps receive this injury because you were distracted Hiro?" Baymax asked.

Hiro looked away from his leg for a moment to address Baymax. "Uh yeah actually…"

"Were you thinking about Tadashi?" Baymax paused for a moment in his work.

Hiro swallowed and nodded. It was hard not to. Even though he knew Tadashi wouldn't want him to be thinking like he was he couldn't help it. Memories and his final moments with him kept playing in his mind. He constantly wondered that if he had said or done something different would have Tadashi still been alive?

Baymax blinked processing the information. "Perhaps I should contact your support group for assistance?"

Hiro shook his head. "No, that's alright Baymax. If you could just finish bandaging me up that'd be fine."

"I must insist that action be taken to help control you're emotional state. By not doing so you're risk for future injury increases." Baymax appealed as he tied off the bandage on Tadashi's leg.

"No, Baymax really I'm ok. You can go back to your charging station now. I'm satisfied with my care." Hiro said quickly. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with this right now.

"If I leave now I would be neglecting my programming. Your psychological needs have not been addressed." Baymax pressed.

Hiro sighed. "Fine, how do you meet my psychological needs?"

Baymax sat on Hiro's bed. "I have a video of Tadashi singing a lullaby in my data banks. Would this perhaps make you feel better?"

Hiro nodded. It was probably the song he sang sometimes when Hiro was sick in the past. Hiro bit his lip as a whole new set of memories came rushing back. It was difficult to keep his emotions in check when the video started to play. Tadashi was working at his desk at the university. He probably didn't even know Baymax's camera was on. The gentle melody finally broke Hiro. Silently tears started to fall.

"It's ok to cry Hiro. It is a natural response to pain." Baymax gently hugged Hiro offering physical reassurance.

They sat like that for a good while. The video was left on replay the whole time.

When Hiro's shuddery breaths finally eased Baymax finally pulled away. He took out a tissue and wiped Hiro's face clean of his tears and gave him a warm drink to help calm him down.

"Thank you Baymax. I think I feel a little better now." Hiro said softly.

"Are you satisfied with your care?" Baymax asked.

Hiro nodded. "Yeah. I'm satisfied with my care."