Chapter 4 reassurance from Tadashi

It had been a while since Hiro had talked with Aunt Cass. He'd started to feel a little better about Tadashi since then but it was difficult none the less. Go Go and Honey seemed to notice he was still a little off and often tried to take his mind off of his brother. Hiro appreciated their efforts but after his conversation with Aunt Cass he wasn't sure if he wanted to take his mind off of Tadashi.

He looked over Tadashi's workspace with a sigh. The university had given it to him following his brother's death but even though it was his now Hiro had trouble recognizing it as his own. He'd left many things in place and hadn't given a lot of thought to personalizing the space. He didn't have the heart for it. Maybe after a while he'd be willing to change it up but for now seeing everything as Tadashi left it gave him comfort.

Honey patted his shoulder with a small smile. "Have you looked through his computer yet?"

Hiro shook his head. "I don't know if I should."

Honey laughed a little. "I'm surprised Hiro, you and Tadashi were very close. He wouldn't mind. In fact I think there might be something on there he wants you to see."

Hiro looked back at Honey Lemon with a curious expression. "Did he tell you that?"

Honey smiled sadly. "Not exactly, rather I overheard him talking about it to Baymax. I'll give you some privacy."

Hiro nodded before sitting in front of Tadashi's old computer. It had been a few months since it had been booted up so some updates had to be applied but Hiro didn't mind waiting. After all at the end of those updates he'd get to see something from Tadashi.

Once everything had been loaded Hiro looked through some of Tadashi's most recent files. One labeled video diary caught his eye.

There were 4 videos each relatively short in the file. Hiro opened the first one with a bit of reluctance.

Tadashi's face appeared on the screen. He looked tired. He looked younger though too. Maybe it was his freshman year? "I've been doing some psychology research as of late. A number of the resources I've looked into have stated that keeping a diary can be good for mental health so I figured I'd try it."

Tadashi paused for a moment. He almost looked like he was reconsidering but shook his head and kept on with it. "I.. I guess the real reason I'm trying it is because I've been having some trouble sleeping lately. I thought maybe this might help. My younger brother Hiro…"

Hiro leaned forward as he watched the video. He was intrigued. Why would he keep Tadashi up at night? He was usually pretty respectful when Tadashi wanted to go to bed.

Tadashi started fiddling with something on his desk. "Hiro is a really smart kid. He worries me a lot though."

Hiro sighed sadly. That would be just like him. He always worried.

"Hiro had a nightmare last night. I don't think he remembers it because this morning he seemed perfectly normal but it shed some light on some oddities I've noticed ever since he started high school. He was muttering in his sleep and seemed distressed so I got up since I was still awake. He didn't say a lot but he mentioned enough to where I could pick out he was doing some less then reputable business with people in the slums of Sanfransokyo."

Hiro furrowed his brows. It was his own guilty conscience that had tipped Tadashi off to his bot fighting?

Tadashi tried to laugh off some discomfort. "I think he's bot fighting. I smelled cigarette smoke on him too. I don't think he took a cigarette from anyone but enough people down there smoke to where keeping the scent off yourself is darn near impossible. That's why I'm pretty sure his nightmare had some basis in reality."

Maybe it was a good thing Tadashi picked up on his bot fighting like that. If he hadn't Hiro wasn't sure he would have made it out of a few of those scrapes alright.

Tadashi shook his head. "I'm going to keep a closer eye on him. For now that should be enough. I'll put in a new entry later. Taping this has helped me work through my thoughts a bit. I don't think this is such a bad idea. This whole video diary anyway.."

Hiro sighed. That was very much Tadashi. Hiro clicked on the next video.

In this one Tadashi looked a little less tired. "I picked Hiro up from a bot fight today. The darn kid wastes his talent almost every night now doing that stuff. He's actually earned himself a nickname believe it or not. I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing but I know who the little badger is if I hear the name around. I guess it's because people think he's tenacious but I'm not sure."

Hiro laughed he remembered bragging about that to Tadashi. He was less than thrilled.

"I think I'm going to try and introduce him to Callaghan. Maybe once he sees his idol at the university he might change his mind about attending." Tadashi quickly turned off the camera. He seemed eager to set his plan in motion.

He planned it. Hiro grinned with a little annoyance. Tadashi knew him to well. It worked. After all he was attending wasn't he? "Maybe you should have been a recruiter Tadashi. You would have been good at it."

Hiro clicked on the third video.

"It worked. Hiro is working on his project for Callaghan. I have no doubt he'll win an invitation. I think mom and dad would be quite proud. I've been thinking about them a lot lately and it lead me to thinking about how their loss affected Hiro and I. It made me want to make a special entry. Their loss was unexpected. I was thinking maybe I should prepare a little just in case. I would have wanted a message I could replay when I lost them so that's what I'm going to do for Hiro. It'll be here in case something happens." Tadashi looked sadly at the screen. "If you are watching this Hiro, I'm sorry. Go to the next video.."

Hiro blinked back tears. He was talking directly to him. It was overwhelming. He took a moment to steady his emotions before clicking the last video.


Hiro sat watching intently.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. The promise I made you after they left. You were very little at the time. You may not remember but you had a nightmare and asked what would happen if the same thing happened to me. I promised it wouldn't."

Hiro bit his lip and tried to choke back his tears.

"I want you to know I love you and there are others that love you and are here to support you as well."

Hiro looked behind his shoulder towards the shared lab the others were working in and nodded.

"I'll always be in your heart your mind and part of me is in Baymax. Partially I built him for you. Baymax can be there even I can't. Remember that Hiro."

Hiro nodded.

"You have a lot to live for Hiro. Look through my computer some more. I have some blueprints in case you feel lonely sometimes. I think working on one of my ideas might help."

Hiro nodded again. "I will Tadashi."

"Tell Aunt Cass I love her too Ok?"

Hiro smiled. "Yeah I will."

Tadashi clicked off and Hiro dried his eyes. Tadashi had piles of blueprints and ideas worked up. If he couldn't have his brother, Tadashi was right, at least he could have part of his mind…

(I think this is a longer chapter. Sorry for taking so long. This is the last chapter. 99% sure. I have some cute ideas for other fics though watch my page for more stories soon. Weak ending? I'm not sure.)