Author: Otaku Neko Ninja Miko Tenshi

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

—For The Dance Competition (samba); The "May The Odds Always Be In Your Favour" Challenge (3, 18, 25, 26, 40); Greek Mythology Mega Prompt Challenge (Selene); Harry Potter Chapter Competition (Luna Lovegood); Pick a Card, Any Card Challenge (Four of Spades); A Variety of Prompts Challenge (quotes, writing style, HP word); The Lolita Challenge (gloves); The Anime Alphabet Challenge (J); All Those Characters Challenge (Luna Lovegood); Pokemon Journey Challenge; FanFicWriMo Challenge; As Much As You Can Competition; The Competitions Competition; The Challenge Ticketing Challenge; The Competitions Competition Expanded.—

WARNINGS: character death, worm-eating and witch-burning.

(Sometimes she could hear a clock in her head:

Tick, tock, tick, tock...)

She'd always loved bonfires,
The wood-smoke smell
And how the embers are lifted
In an upward swirl
Like a cyclone of autumn leaves.

It's raining, it's pouring...

Those odd muggle cathedrals as well,
Now that she thinks about it.
Daddy had such a fondness for them
The architecture
Such a silly-billy daddy he was, bless him
There's more to life than art.

London Bridge is falling down...

She was hiding in one now, a church that is
A pretty little holy building,
Tucked away in a corner of the woods somewhere
She talks to it on the occasion;
Nobody, nobody, can find us now...


She misses her papa, Xenophilius Lovegood,
Even his love of quirky magicless churches.
He's gone now, to see Mama, or so he had said
But that was all okay-
"Soon," he'd promised "Then we'll see Pandora."
Although, how long is 'soon'?

Men, men, men, men-men-men-men...

Got to stay productive though, she reminds herself
Cleaning the church from top to bottom
Though a little damp, the tree leaves work really well!
She treats herself to a bout of exploration
How she had missed such small, yet priceless activities.

Ten green bottles...

She's tired of eating worms for breakfast
They're good for nutrients and all,
But not so much for taste, nuh-uh, not at all
She misses her wand
Poor worms. She buries their heads.

Raindrops on roses...

Soon there are no heads left over
So she mourns them
Survival of the fittest, as they say
Slipping them down her neck,
She continues to whisper, "I'm sorry,"

Lala, la la, lalalala, l-lala, la, la la, la laaa...

Her time has come.

She's been expecting them for some time
The muggles from the village nearby,
All pointed pitchforks and flaming torches
Not unlike an animated bonfire wave

They don't come inside,
But still she stays,
A jump, preening, pirouetting
A tiny ballerina.
"We're friends," she tells the church
"And friends stick together."

It takes some time, but the curses
They melt away at last
Fading into the background
As fire licks at the walls,
She weeps the loss of the structure.

Perhaps she's more of a pixie at heart,
She muses as a gale sweeps past
Her robes are alight with phoenix colours;
Regardless, she rides the wind
"So this is the soon I've waited for, then?"
"Goodbye, my friend."

(The clock strives on:

Tick, tock, tick, tock...)

(Word count: 438)

*Chosen prompts: write about a lively character in poetry form; Epica's song "This is the Time", write about someone savouring a moment [dancing], Luna Lovegood, write about a conflict in which one person does not seem to care about the topic at all [hiding], jump); write about Luna; alternatively, write about Luna Lovegood; "I don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things, could be bad." inspiration, poem, wand; write about someone hiding something [herself]; write anything; write about Luna Lovegood; write about someone doing their favourite activity (exploring)*

Author's Note: I quite enjoy writing Luna, just as much as I do Ginny -hum-. The bonfire reference alludes to what my mind was sketching on the fifth of November (Bonfire Night) ^_^