
That's really all I can say - the response to this fic has been amazing, and I've loved each and every favorite and comment you all have left for me. I feel like this has been a collaboratory piece, with all of you as co-authors. If you're not reading this as a WIP, I highly recommend going through and spending some time delving into the comments sections of each chapter - everyone there will be able to give you a much better impression of what it felt like to go through in "real time" than I ever could.

I had originally intended to leave it here, with John withdrawing himself from the dating pool the next morning, but I find myself wanting to figure out what happened during some off-screen moments, too :-) There will be three follow-up works (not letters): The Hiatus, The Date, and The Apology. And since we're already here and I do love writing smut, I'm going to do them in reverse order. Favorite me as an author to get updates as I finish them - I'm not planning on quite such a frantic pace as I've set here, but I promise they are all on my to-do list for the near future. I'm also on Twitter as wendyqualls - I don't often post about fanfic, but I do update on my "real" writing.

This has been an amazing ride, thanks largely to all you wonderful people who have turned Dear John into an actual community of readers. It's what every writer dreams of - and not a scathing review in sight! I've got plenty more Johnlock (smut and otherwise) up in my other fics here and on AO3, but this experience has been unique and I will always cherish it.