Eren and the Three Bears

Once upon a time, there was a boy whose name is Eren. He was famous for his ability to make mischief anywhere, out of anything. But he also possessed the love of all nearby neighbors; for he had a set of such beautiful green eyes the people couldn't help but fall in love with the darling little boy. So, you can guess that he was a pretty spoiled child; he always got his way.

One day, while playing with his best friends Armin and Mikasa, Eren eyed the forest which was near his house. The forest was off-limits, told by adults that big, scary bears lived in there and the children would get eaten if they dared to enter. Only Hunters with their big, heavy rifles were allowed to go in, but they always came back empty-handed and the bears were never caught. Eren was suspicious. Why couldn't the Hunters catch the bears with their big, heavy weapons? Why, because there is no bears! That must be it! The Hunters must be having some kind of party in the forest, and they're keeping the kids out because they don't want to share the fun!

"Armin, Mikasa, let's go into the forest!"

Eren pointed toward the big, looming trees, his voice laced with excitement just at the very thought of stepping through the branches, the grass, joining the fun the adults were having.

"But, Eren, it's too dangerous! The adults said that big, scary bears live in the forest! They would eat us alive if we even dared to take a step!"

Armin chirped worriedly, shivering at the notion.

"Yes, Eren, it's too dangerous."

Mikasa agreed. Erenilocks stared at them, disappointed.

"Owww, c'mon, guys! It's all lies; the Hunters never catch the bears! They must be lying to keep us away from the forest. They are having parties and other fun games in the forest and don't want us children to join!"


Armin looked uncertainly toward the forest. What Eren had said was true; the adults never managed to catch the bears. But what if they weren't lying…? What if there were actually big scary bears in the forest, too dangerous for even the Hunters to kill it?

"If you guys aren't going with me, I'm going there by myself."

Eren announced, and began sprinting off into the edge of the woods. Mikasa, without any hesitation or whatnot, immediately began following him, while Armin tittered nervously on his toes, looking towards the village and the forest. After a minute, Armin finally managed to make up his minds and began running.

"There's nothing, nothing but big, huge trees for the miles, oh miles around! There are no big, scary bears, nothing that can harm me, and I will have some fun!"

Eren sang giddily as he got closer and closer to the heart of the forest, with Mikasa following him closely. He was having the time of his life; he swung from the tree branches, he splashed in the babbling brooks, and he frightened a cove of birds from a bush. He popped wild, juicy strawberries and blueberries into his mouth and caught bugs he had never seen before in his little palm. However, despite the jolly time he was having, Eren couldn't help but be a bit disappointed. There were no bears anywhere just as he thought, but there wasn't anything else exciting in there either; there was no parties, no games, no feast Eren firmly believed the adults were having without him! Oh, what a bore! Just as Eren was about to give up his little search for fun and go back to the village, he spotted a house, cleverly hidden into the leaves and the grass but not cleverly enough to escape Eren keen, curious eyes.

"Aha!" Eren cried out triumphantly.

"I knew the adults were hiding something! See, Mikasa? See? There's a house! In the forest!"

Whooping with joy and excitement, Eren ran towards the little house, pushing the door open. However, the little Eren discovered that much to his dismay, the door was locked, and all the windows, too.

"Get out of the way, Eren."

Mikasa quietly instructed the green-eyed boy and began pumping her arms, getting ready to break down the door. Eren, realizing what Mikasa was about to do, grinned widely and stood a safe distance away, clapping his hands with delight when Mikasa's iron fist punched right through the door and slammed it open.

"Yes! Thanks, Mikasa!"

Eren ran inside the house and began exploring immediately. However, he discovered that much to his disappointment, the house was just like any other house in the village, except for the amazing cleanness. The floor was sparkling save for the spots where Eren's mud footprints were imprinted, and the fireplace in the living room was scraped clean with no ashes nor grimes stuck on them. And the kitchen…had not one, not two, but THREE pots of…stew! Three pots of amazing, delicious, steaming hot stew! Stew with beef, potatoes, onions, and other spices! The soft, seductive aroma of the stew gently, teasingly tickled Eren's nostrils, until, not able to win out the temptation, the green-eyed boy dragged himself to the table and began tasting the stew one by one.

"Uh-too hot!"

Eren cried out it pain as the boiling hot stew touched his tongue. Cooling his burning throat with water, he went to the next stew, cautiously dipping his spoon into the creamy liquid.

"Hm….better, but still too hot!"

He announced, and then moved onto the last one. By the time Eren was dipping his spoon into the third stew, Mikasa had caught up to him.

"Eren, what are you doing? Don't eat the stew! It might have poison in it!"

Mikasa chastised, horrified, but Eren paid no mind, dumping the spoonful of stew into his mouth.


He declared giddily, once again dipping his spoon into the stew.

"This stuff is good, Mikasa! Something this good can't possibly be poisonous. And even if it was, it's good enough that I can happily die to eat it!"

His spoon was dunked into the stew once, twice, three times, and soon it was scraping the bottom of the bowl. Eren licked up the last droplets of the stew, groaning with disappointment when he finally realized that there was no more.


Eren yawned widely; his beautiful sea-green eyes blinking slowly as sudden sleepiness came over him.

"Mikasa, I'm tired…I wanna sleep…"

Eren complained, and then tottered over to the door that connected into the bedroom. There were three beds in the room. Eren climbed up the first one, but it was too high. When the tried the second one, it was smaller than the first one but still too high. When he tried the last bed, he found that it was perfect for him. Sighing in relief, Eren burrowed into the sheets and drifted off to sleep. Mikasa, who followed Eren into the room, decided that she, too, was tired, and she went over to snuggle up next to Eren and closed her eyes.

Levi was in a very, very, very bad mood.

He had went out for his daily scouting around the edges of the forest with his comrades Hanji and Erwin, and Hanji thought that it would be funny if she 'accidently' pushed him into a river, when she knew the fact that Levi couldn't sleep very well. Then, he came home, which he shared with the S***ty Glasses and Eyebrows, and discovered that his perfectly clean house had been ruined with mud footprints all over the floor, his bowl of stew that Erwin had earlier made for dinner before they left had been eaten. He would have thought that Hanji had pulled a trick on him if there wasn't a brat sleeping in his bed.

Well, two brats actually, but only one of them had mud on their feet and soup mustache around their lips.

"You snarky brat…"

Levi picked up the nasty, thief boy by his collar, shaking him awake. The boy startled himself into awakening, widening his beautiful turquoise eyes and screaming,


The boy kicked and screamed, struggling so bad that Levi was forced to drop him onto the floor. As soon as the brat hit the ground, he scrambled to stand and ran over to the bed, shaking the other brat awake.

"Mikasa! Mikasa! Wake up! There's a bear…!"

"I'm not a bear, you stupid brat!"

Levi roared, his annoyance gage reaching the highest point. The boy nearly jumped out of his skin, and then sheepishly turned around.

"Oh…sorry…I was dreaming about the bears and you woke me up…and I thought you were a bear for a sec. But bears can't speak, can they?"

"No, they f***ing can't. And you should know that you kids are not allowed to enter the forest, isn't that so?"


Eren mumbled, shifting his weight nervously from one foot to another. If it was any other adult, he would have retorted back or replied with sarcasm, but there was a certain aurora to this man that made Erenilocks certain that he would die if he disobeyed.

"Eren…What's the matter…?"

Right at that exact moment, Mikasa rubbed her eyes and awakened. Erenilocks, bursting with relief, hugged her fiercely, just thankful that there was a person who could help him there.


"Explain to me why you two brats have trespassed into my house, eaten my bowl of stew, and sleeping in my bed."

Levi stared at them coldly, his grey eyes glinting dangerously with anger and annoyance. Eren cowered in fear; however, Mikasa stood defiant, meeting Levi's sharp gaze with a look full of determination.

"I'm sorry that we have used your properties and eaten your stew without your permission, sir. And I'm also sorry that we have entered the forest when we were forbidden to."

Surprisingly, the words that left her lips were an apology. Levi raised an eyebrow, softening his mind a bit. But her next words made it immediately scowl.

"But we were curious. Why do the Hunters always go in to the forest they forbade the children to go into so strictly, but always come back with nothing? It must be because there are no bears at all, isn't it? The adults must be having some kind of secret in the forest, and we wanted to join. And we have found that it was true by discovering this cabin."

"You are right." Levi calmly replied back.

"There are no bears."

"There aren't?" Eren exclaimed in surprise.



"There are only three bears. But that may as well as count as thirty. Actually, even if three hundred bears attacked that three bears, the bears would still kill them all and feast on the carcass."

"Really?! It's that dangerous? How big are they?"

"Levi~ Who are you talking to? Why is the house such a mess? And-oh, who are those kids?"

Erwin, who had been cleaning up the dirty house and had eaten his share of dinner, entered the room, wondering what Levi was doing and why he was taking so long.

"Erwin, these brats are the kids who had broken the rule and entered the forest, broke down our door, ate my stew, and slept in my bed. Where's Hanji?"

" Hanji ate her stew and decided to go out for a bit longer. And now, why would you do that, kids?"

Erwin gently knelt down until he was eye-to-eye level with the children. He smiled comfortingly, and Eren, not less frightened and coming back to his old temper, began spewing out words.


"We were curious about the forest and wanted to explore, then Eren found the cabin and decided to enter. And he loves stew so he couldn't resist but to eat it, then we got tired so we decided to sleep."

Mikasa succinctly explained Erenilock's incoherent speech.

"Oh, okay. Now I know why you are here, would you guys introduce yourselves? I'm Erwin."

"I'm Eren, and she's Mikasa. Is the bear as big as you?"


Eren's ears became bright red with embarrassment as he realized that he had just blurted out a question with no explanation.

"Well, when you came in, the man over there was telling us about how dangerous and how big the bear was, and I was curious about exactly how big it was, and I saw that you were really big…"

"Hm…" Erwin tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Yes, the bear would be about as big as me. Maybe even bigger."

"Even bigger?! Then would be as big as this room? This house? Maybe-"

"Erwin, the sun's setting." Levi cut in the flow of excited Eren's questions, pointing his chin towards the dusk. He licked his lips casually, maybe because his lips were dry, but also maybe because he was hungry. For whatever reason, that quick flick of tongue gave Eren chills and suddenly, he didn't want to be here anymore.

"The sun's setting…alright, kids, it was nice meeting you all, but it's getting dark and your parents would be getting worried. Let's go home, shall we?"

"Y-Yes, sir." Eren nodded, and was ushered to the door by Erwin. Levi's grey eyes bore down to his head, and Erenilocks was very glad that he was out of the house. Erwin escorted them to the border of the forest.

"Mr. Erwin, why don't you come with us?" Mikasa asked.

"Oh, I would love to, dear, but I have to stay in the forest. Somebody has to stay and watch out for the three, big, scary bears, you know? Now, just follow down this path and you'll see the village."

"Thank you, sir."

Eren and Mikasa waved their good-byes and walked down the path Erwin had pointed to, where they soon met Armin with Mr. Hannes, one of the Hunters who resided in Erenilocks' village.

"Armin!" Eren called out in delight. He waved his hand frantically in the air until he caught his blond friend's attention, who rushed over to him.

"Eren! Are you alright? Mikasa, are you harmed? Mr. Hannes and I searched for you for the whole day but couldn't find you! Where were you?"

"Yes, where were you two kids? And I told you guys that the forest was off-limits! The bears could have gotten you! Thanks goodness that you came out before it was dark, or you would have been killed for sure!"

"Oww, don't be so nervous, Mr. Hannes!" Eren laughed mischieviously, delighted.

"Nothing happened! We found a cabin in the forest and slept there for a bit, that's all. A nice adult called Mr. Erwin, who was the owner of the cabin with another man, took us back!"

"Mr. Erwin?"

"Yes, Mr. Erwin! Don't you know him? He's really tall with blonde hair and muscles…I thought he was one of the Hunters! He told me that he stays in the cabin to watch out for the three big, scary bears in the forest!"

"Eren," Mr. Hanne called quietly,

"There is no scouting Hunters in the forest right now. And there is no such man called Mr. Erwin."

Levi sat, perched up on his tree, watching silently as the sun's last rays disappeared over the horizon.

"Next time he enters the forest, he's mine, Erwin."

"Of course, Levi. He had been warned. Anybody who is foolish enough to ignore that warning does not deserve to live."

"He's mine."

Levi slowly licked his lips. He was sure that the Eren boy would come back. Oh, such one filled with curiosity and arrogance will not resist his pull to the forest. And Levi will eagerly wait for the moment when Eren enters the threshold and Levi is allowed to sink his fangs into the soft, white flesh.

The sun set. The moon rose.

The small man's body began to shudder and tremble, his hands and spine rapidly being covered with fur, and his neat, clean teeth sprouted into savage fangs. His grey eyes became metallic and narrow, and a malicious howl tore his throat, and now, where the man had stood, only a bear stood in his place, hungry, ready to hunt.

"Oh my, it's going to be a long night." Erwin sighed.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! And no, I'm not going to continue this one, cause it's a oneshot, feel free to make up your own endings! I was originally going to name Eren Erenilocks (Goldilocks, Erenilocks, got it? Hahaha) but then decided against it. You can see my typos in the story...which I'll fix later. I was also originally going to make Levi take Eren and Mikasa back and on the way they meet the bears, and Levi kills it but Eren still gets scared out of his pants and he's a good kid afterward, but I decided that the Werebear idea was for reading, please review for Levi the Bear will come and get you!