Chapter 6

Nitori flung his Samezuka jacket aside and stepped onto the starting block. "Takashi-kun!" he yelled. People immediately looked up.

"Ai. . . ?" Toru looked in confusion at Nitori. The Samezuka students were beginning to whisper to each other in confusion. "Ai-kun, what're you doing? Uh, aren't we supposed to start the meeting?"

"I have business to settle, first." Nitori looked about at the sea of Samezuka swimmers. "Takashi-kun!"

Takashi walked up and faced Nitori, standing at the edge of the pool. Even though Nitori stood on the starting block, Nitori was barely an inch taller than Takashi.

"I'm here," Takashi said. "What do you want?"

"I'm calling you out because you're the ringleader of this troupe," Nitori replied, glancing momentarily at the third-years that supported Takashi. They were looking at each other in confusion. Nitori turned back to Takashi. "And I want everyone here to know that I've had enough of your attitude."

"Is that so?" Takashi was sounding more curious than hostile. "What're you planning to do to get my respect, huh?"

Nitori nervously bit his lip. "I-I'm challenging you. To a race." Apparently the news had spread to the locker room, and everyone was rushing to come to see the action. Nitori could see Momo towards the back of the group, looking just as surprised as the rest of the swim team.

Trying to ignore the background noise, Nitori held up a hand. "But since this is my game, you have to play by my rules."

"Ryuki-kun, hold my jacket." Takashi tossed his jacket to the second-year and stepped onto the starting block next to Nitori, casually stretching his arms. "Fine, then. No matter what, you'll only be embarrassing yourself. What do you propose?"

"We'll race 200 meters, freestyle." Nitori adjusted the goggles around his head. "Swim whatever stroke you want."

"200 meters? Interesting." Takashi nodded. "Then I'll be swimming butterfly; it's my fastest stroke." He put on his goggles and prepared to dive. "When I win this, the Samezuka swimming team'll know that I should've been Captain all along, so I won't even ask you to put your title on the line."

"We'll see about that, Takashi-kun." Nitori looked at Shouta, who was nearby. "Shouta-kun, could you please give us the start signal?"

Shouta was still looking bewildered by the sudden turn of events. "Ai, wha. . . Are you sure about this?"

Nitori snapped his goggles elastic and leaned into a starting position with a teasing smirk. "You don't have faith in your captain?" Shouta stuttered and quickly shook his head. With a newly resolved stance, he faced the two third-years.


The Samezuka swimmers were muttering excitedly. "Come to think of it, I've never seen Captain Nitori swim at a meeting before," a first-year said. "He's always doing management or coaching work." There was a murmur of agreement.

"My money's on Takashi-senpai," Ryuki whispered. "Have you seen his butterfly stroke? It's ridiculous!" Momo wormed his way to the front of the crowd. "You can do it, Captain!" he yelled, shoving Ryuki aside.

"Set. . . Go!"

The two swimmers vaulted powerfully off the diving boards into the water. The water churned as they surfaced and began to stroke.

But Nitori wasn't swimming breaststroke.

"Freestyle!?" the first-years exclaimed in confusion. Even some of the second-year students were mystified.

Toru laughed. "Didn't you see Nitori swim during the traditional third-years' send-off race? Both years Nitori swam freestyle; it's his specialty. Usually he swims his weaker style, breaststroke, to force himself to become stronger."

The two swimmers were coming out of their first turn, and although Takashi was ahead, it looked like Nitori was keeping pace right behind him. Ryuki's eyes were wide in shock. "He—he's fast?!"

Takuya and Kazuki nodded proudly. "Of course," Takuya said, "His time is nothing compared to Rin Matsuoka, but people like Rin are one in a million."

Kazuki added, "His secret is in his pacing," Nitori neatly somersaulted into a turn, pushing off the wall, heading back towards the middle of the pool. "He may not have spontaneous strength, but once Nitori sets a pace, he keeps it consistent for the rest of the race."

Sure enough, Takashi was starting to tire, his every stroke lagging the slightest bit slower. Slowly, Nitori moved closer and closer, until they were neck and neck, and then he pulled ahead, entering his final turn before Takashi. He glided into the timer pad, and ripped off his goggles. "Uaagh!" Breathing heavily, Nitori watched Takashi finish the final few meters.

Takashi surfaced, heavily gasping for air. "Takashi-kun. . . Nice swim." Nitori tentatively patted Takashi on the back. Takashi eyed his captain with a newfound respect. "You, too. . ."

"Captain!" Shouta helped Nitori out of the pool. "That was great, Captain Ai!" The Samezuka swimmers were talking excitedly, drowning out Takuya's voice.

Momo whooped. "Sugoi, Captain Nitori! That was awesome!"

"Yeah, I picked up a few tricks here and there," Nitori said casually. He grinned. "Rin-senpai and Yamazaki-senpai showed me a few of their secrets."

Nitori looked back at Takashi, who was dripping wet. He was still eyeing Nitori, not saying anything. Neither affirmation nor apology was coming from his lips. Behind him, the third-years that had supported Takashi were now giving him condescending looks. Nitori sighed. This wasn't what he had wanted. "Get a towel, Takashi-kun. We wouldn't want you catching a cold."

Takashi ducked his head and rushed off to the locker room. "So," Nitori said loudly, trying to take the attention off of Takashi. "Who's next? Isn't there anyone here who can beat me?"

There was a chorus of laughter. Toru offered Nitori a towel. "Take it easy, Captain," he chortled. "I think you've proven yourself for today."

"Yeah. Let's start practice. I'm sorry for wasting your time, everyone." Nitori, still trying to catch his breath, roughly toweled off his hair and then faced the Samezuka swimming team. "Let's focus on our swimming and work hard today!"

"Hai, Captain!"

Nitori gave a single nod. As the team dispersed, Nitori glanced again at Takashi's friends. They lingered for a beat longer before joining the rest of the team - no taunting today. It was a small change.

Well, change wouldn't come quickly. Of all people, Nitori knew that the most. But he would be patient.

After all, he wasn't just an ugly duckling anymore.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading my first fanfiction, 'Tribulation'. Actually I don't really have any good ideas left, haha, so I guess the story ends here. Please send me your opinion; comment and review, and if you'd like to see some more Nitori love, I'll be willing to hear your prompts. Thanks again!