Chapter 13

-A/N- This is the final chapter! :) Hikaru and Kaoru are in their first year of high school and they are official members of the host club. This chapter takes place a couple days after Haruhi says that she is able to tell them apart.

-Warning- There is a lot of lemon in this chapter. You have been warned. XD

Hikaru and Kaoru were on their way to Music Room 3. They were freshmen in high school and were officially part of the host club. The twins were actually happy that they had joined the club, because they were more outgoing and had made friends with the other hosts. There was one person in particular that fascinated them, though. Her name was Haruhi. She wore boy clothing and didn't exactly care what other people thought. That is not what fascinated the Hitachiins, though. The thing that made her special to them was that she was able to tell them apart. Hikaru and Kaoru had always believed that nobody would ever be able to see the differences in them, but Haruhi was able to and it made the twins very happy. The brothers were not in love with Haruhi, though. They only saw her as a special friend. The "devilish" twins had noticed that Tamaki had taken a liking to Haruhi, and they found it fun to tease him when he was around her.

When the two boys had made it to the abandoned music room, they opened the doors and smiled. The inside of the music room was stunning. It had fancy furniture, beautiful chandeliers, and huge windows decorated with long, flowing curtains. All of a sudden, they heard Tamaki start to talk. "Okay, everyone! The host club is now open for business!" Hikaru and Kaoru got into their places and saw a few girls walk through the doors of Music Room 3. Haruhi went up to them to offer them some tea while Tamaki was already busy flattering them.

After a few minutes, a lot of girls had piled around Hikaru and Kaoru to see their well known "brotherly love" act. They were already squealing and the twins hadn't even started their routine yet. Hikaru and Kaoru glanced at each other and smiled, then they stood up from their seats. The girls got completely silent and their eyes grew wide in anticipation. Hikaru's heart started to race as he pulled his identical twin close to him. "I don't ever want to let go of you, Kaoru! I could search the entire world and never find someone as important to me as you are."

Kaoru could feel himself start to blush as he looked up at his brother. "H-Hikaru...we're in front of all these people..." Hikaru put his index finger under Kaoru's chin. "I'm sorry, Kaoru. You're just so adorable that I have to show my affection..." Kaoru desperately tried to cover up the growing bulge in his pants as his brother leaned in close to his face and looked into his eyes. All the girls started screaming and jumping around. While the girls were busy squealing, Hikaru noticed Kaoru adjusting his pants. Hikaru smiled and chuckled quietly. "Its okay, Kaoru. I'll help you with your "problem" when we get home." He whispered. Kaoru smiled at Hikaru as his heart started to beat faster.

-A Couple Hours Later-

After all of the girls had left Music Room 3, the hosts were ready to call it a day. Hikaru and Kaoru were very excited to get home, but they wanted to do something first. Tamaki was busy telling Haruhi about how he was her "daddy" and that he would protect her from the dangers of the world. The twins looked at each other with a devilish grin and stood by Haruhi. "Gee, Boss." They both said to Tamaki simultaneously. "It seems like you're very protective of Haruhi!" They both got very close to her and looked Tamaki in the eyes. It didn't take long for him to become overly dramatic. "Haruhi! Get away from those shady twins! I don't trust them!" He yelled. Haruhi rolled her eyes and walked away. Hikaru and Kaoru burst into laughter as they started walking to the doors. It was time for them to head home.

The Hitachiins stepped out of the school and waited for their chauffeur. The boys could not wait another minute to get some alone time, so they were glad when they finally saw their limo pull up in front of them. They got inside the vehicle and the chauffeur started to drive.

Kaoru looked out the window of the limo. The sun was already low in the sky, causing everything in its path to have a reddish orange glow. All of a sudden, he felt Hikaru's hand on his upper leg. Kaoru turned his head and looked at his twin. Hikaru smiled. "Kaoru...all the things I said to you at the host club today were true. It wasn't just part of our routine. Nobody is quite as important to me as you are." He whispered. Kaoru smiled and felt himself start to blush. He was about to say something back, but he felt the vehicle stop. They were finally home.

The twins got out of the limo and walked up to the mansion. They stepped inside and were instantly greeted by a maid. "Hello young masters. Did you two have fun at your after school club?" Hikaru and Kaoru nodded. "Yes, we did." Before the maid could say another word, the twins were almost halfway to their bedroom.

Once both boys got inside their bedroom, Hikaru quietly shut the door and turned the lock. Kaoru could feel his pants start to get tighter as he thought about what was going to happen next. Hikaru walked closer to him. "I promised I would help you with you're "problem", Kaoru. Do you want me to?" Kaoru felt himself start to blush for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. "Y-Yes, Hikaru." Hikaru smiled and gently pushed Kaoru into a sitting position on the bed. Kaoru watched his twin get on his knees in front of him. He held back a moan as he felt Hikaru unbutton his pants.

Hikaru slid his twin's pants down to his ankles and slowly pulled his boxers down. Kaoru whimpered when he felt the cool air hit his pulsing erection. Hikaru wrapped his fingers around the base of the member and bent down. Kaoru moaned when he felt Hikaru's tongue on the underside of his erection. After a few more seconds, he could feel his hips start to buck. "Mmm..." He moaned again, wanting more. Hikaru could tell that Kaoru was close, so he pulled away and chuckled. "Not yet, Kaoru." He stood up and playfully pushed Kaoru into a laying position. "Do you want to go farther, Kaoru?" Kaoru looked up at his twin and nodded his head.

Hikaru slid his blue school uniform shirt over his head while Kaoru kicked his pants and boxers the rest of the way off. The slightly older twin started unbuttoning his own pants. He slid them off, leaving him in his underwear. Kaoru pulled his uniform shirt up and over his head. Hikaru crawled over to his "mirror" and got on top of him. "H-Hikaru..." Kaoru moaned when he felt Hikaru start to kiss his neck.

While Hikaru continued to kiss Kaoru's neck, he moved one of his hands down to his brother's hard member. He stroked it a few more times and then moved his hand much lower. Kaoru was squirming and moaning quietly underneath him. Hikaru pulled away from his younger twin's neck and put his finger on the outside of Kaoru's entrance. Kaoru gasped and Hikaru could feel him tense up. "Relax, Kaoru, its okay." He said quietly as he gently pushed his finger into his entrance.

Kaoru's eyes widened. The feeling was sort of painful at first, but then it started to feel good. His back arched and he moaned. "Mmm...Hikaru..." Hikaru's heart started to beat faster as leaned closer to his twin. "Do you want to keep going, Kaoru?" Kaoru nodded and whimpered when he felt Hikaru pull his hand away from him. The older twin slid his own underwear off and felt his member start to throb as he thought about what he was going to do next.

Hikaru looked down at Kaoru and coaxed him to roll over on his stomach. Hikaru's hand went back down to where it was before. Kaoru softly moaned when he felt Hikaru put his finger there. After a few seconds, though, Hikaru took his finger away and replaced it something else. Hikaru moaned as he gently pushed his member into Kaoru's entrance. Kaoru felt a lot of pain at first, but then it started to feel very pleasurable. The twins had never done this before, but they were absolutely shocked by how amazing it felt. Kaoru moaned, his fingers gripping the bedsheets. Hikaru kept thrusting and started to stroke Kaoru's erection at the same time.

The older twin knew that he wasn't going to last much longer. He gave one last thrust and felt nothing but good sensations. He moaned in pleasure and came. Kaoru could also feel a familiar sensation start to build up as Hikaru continued to stroke him. After a few seconds, he came and let out a long, satisfied moan. The Hitachiins sat on the bed in silence, trying to recover from their pleasurable moment.

After a few minutes had passed, Hikaru scooted closer to Kaoru and wrapped his arms around him. Kaoru smiled and could see his twin leaning in even closer to him. He could feel his own cheeks start to blush as he felt Hikaru's warm lips touch his own. After several seconds, they pulled away from the kiss and looked at each other.

"I love you, Kaoru." Hikaru said, hugging him tighter.

"I love you, too, Hikaru." Kaoru said, smiling.

-A/N- Ahh! Asdfghjkl! :D I hope you guys liked reading this story as much as I liked writing it! Anyway, that was my first fan fiction on here. Did you guys like it? Also, thank you to all of you that have reviewed. Reading your reviews made my day. :)