Just Another Zero/X fic

Zero and X, the two greatest Maverick Hunters and our heroes, stood before the mouth of a gigantic cave. X stood behind Zero, gazing into the massive entrance.

"It looks scary…" X whimpered and hugged Zero's arm, uncharacteristically girlish. "Oh Zero, we should wait for the others. Those big mean mavericks could have an ambush waiting for us!"

To those words the crimson hunter licked his lips in anticipation, thinking of all the mavericks he could slaughter, "C'mon X! Lets go in and kill some mavericks!"

X stared at his friend in shock, "Zero, killing people isn't nice!"

"It is if they intend to kill you," Zero attempted to explain his bloodlust with a wave of his hand. "Think of it this way, my dear. Mavericks have the maverick virus, right?" The smaller robot responded with a vigorous nod of his head. "And the maverick virus has no cure, right?" Another nod. "Well then, wouldn't we be doing them a favor by killing them? Wouldn't you want to be killed if you were a maverick?"

"Oh, Zero!" X said, his eyes shining, "You're so smart!"

"Yes, I know," Zero responded arrogantly, passing one hand through his golden hair. "Now lets go kill some people!" With that he dashed into the cave, eager to carry out the death sentence he himself bestowed upon anyone who happened to be in the cave.

"Wait for me!" X cried, running in after his friend…

Inside of the cave stood the infamous and mysterious Vile, waiting to ambush the ambiguously gay--I mean--heroic duo. As he waited, his glorious scheme replayed in his mind. He planned to abduct X and kill Zero, and once that was achieved, he would show his manliness to the young blue robot. Once X had seen just how manly Vile was, surely he would want to go to the violet robot's room with him and have wild passionate nookie. How exactly reploids can have wild passionate nookie was beyond Vile's knowledge, but nevertheless they will have nookie!

Vile waited patiently for their arrival initially, but eventually grew bored and took off his helmet to shine it. Once he had shined the helmet enough to see his own reflection in it, he began to make his meanest "grr" faces that he planned on presenting to Zero and X once they finally arrived. He wasn't smart enough to realize that they would not be able to see his "grr" faces with his helmet on. Eventually he too grew tired of that and started making silly faces into the reflection of his helmet. He was crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out when Zero and X walked in.

"Um…wait, hold on a sec…" Vile swiftly placed his helmet upon his head and glare menacingly at his adversaries.

"Oh, it's just you!" Zero said with a wave of his hand.

"Vile…!" X whimpered, once again holding onto Zero's arm.

Vile blanched, "What do you mean it's 'just me'?! Grr! It is I, Vile! Zero, fear me! X, want me!" He struck a pose with the intent to strike fear and awe. However, with his hands on his hips and his chest pushed forward, he looked quite…

"Gay!" Zero laughed hysterically, gesturing at the smaller robot. "Don't drop the soap around you! Bwahahaha!!"

"You're one to talk! With your long blonde hair and green boobs I thought you were a chick when I first saw you!" Vile screeched.

"No you didn't just insult my beautiful, gorgeous, flowing blonde hair! Blasphemy! Die bitch!" Zero cried as he pulled his arm out from X's grasp and charged at his nemesis, beam sabre in hand! Vile responded by firing his shoulder canon. Zero dodged around the beams and upon reaching Vile proceeded to beat the crap out of him. After a pathetically easy battle, Zero stood over Vile's twitching corpse. "No one insults the hair and gets away with it!"

"Zero!" X cried, running to his best friend's side. He grabbed Zero's sword arm, where there was a small cut with sparks shooting out. "You're hurt!"

"It's nothing, X," Zero waved his other hand. "A minor scratch, it'll heal on its own." X shook his head stubbornly.

"You could get infected by the Maverick Virus!" X cried, "You gotta go to the repair center immediately!" With a frustrated growl, Zero pulled his arm out from the smaller robot's grasp.

"I'm fine!" Zero roared. "Now lets get out of here."

With a small injury like Zero's, the chances of getting the Maverick virus was pretty slim, but of course Zero ended up getting infected by the virus anyway. However it was difficult for the crimson reploid to even know he had it. The symptoms of the Maverick Virus included a sudden bloodlust, hatred of the world and the impulsion to kill anything moving around him. But Zero felt this way normally, which was why the virus was so hard to detect in him.

The infected hunter was walking down the hallway, looking for something to kill when suddenly…

"Hi Zero!" X said cheerfully while skipping down the hallway.

"Hey X!" Zero called back in mock cheerfulness. As the smaller robot skipped by, he turned and looked at X's ass. "Mmm…X…"

"What?" X turned to face his friend, completely oblivious to the lust in persimmon hunter's eyes.

"Oh, uh, nothing!" Zero quickly said, one hand behind his head. He suddenly laughed maniacally and ran away.

"That was weird…" X scratched his head with his arm canon. "I'd better tell Dr. Cain about this!"

"It looks like Zero's got the Maverick Virus…" Dr. Cain concluded with a shake of his head. X was sitting in a chair before the professor's desk, dressed in a black dress and veil as if he was in a funeral.

"No, my poor dear Zero!" X bawled. A sweat drop formed on Dr. Cain's brow.

"Um…there is a way to save him!" Dr. Cain said.

"What is it?" X asked, raising his head to regard the decrepit old man…

Zero was walking down the hall when suddenly a little boy came out of nowhere and walked up to him.

"You're my hero! Will you sign my autograph Mr. Zero?" the little boy asked pleasantly. Zero whipped out his beam sabre and sliced the boy's head off. He continued to walk down the hallway when a little puppy came from nowhere. The little pooch rubbed up against the robot's leg, its tail wagging happily. Zero promptly kicked the puppy out of the way and proceeded down the hallway.

"Zero!" the crimson maverick turned to face his emasculate partner. "Zero! Listen to me! You've got the Maverick Virus!"

"What?!" Zero snarled. "I do not!"

Upon reaching Zero, X grabbed onto his hands, "Yes you do, and there's only one thing that we can do to save you!"

Zero groaned, but decided to humor the younger reploid, "What is it, then?"

"We must have wild sex!" X said. Zero suddenly smiled.

"You're right, X. I have been feeling a little more…excited then usual…" Zero led X to his bedroom, where they proceeded to have bestial, erotic copulation in eight different positions - some including whipped cream, chocolate fudge and rice crispy treats. After their twelve hours of screwing like bunnies, they laid in afterglow. Suddenly, Vile blew a hole in the wall with his shoulder canon and jumped into the room.

X screamed like a little girl and ran around the room, still butt-ass naked. Zero growled and called his armor. Vile noticed X running around the room in the buff and proceeded to drool until he drowned in his helmet. Zero took this time to beat the snot out of the snot-less android and once again leaving his twitching corpse on the ground. The crimson reploid then grabbed onto the still screaming X and teleported out.

They teleported into a lush forest just on the outskirts of Capcom. X looked around for a second, dazed by the sudden change of scene, then threw his arms around Zero. "You saved me! My hero!"

A blushed crept into the taller robot's cheeks, "Uh…y-yeah…well, you saved me too, in more then one position too!"

X let go of his friend and realized that he was still in his birthday suit, "Oops, I guess I should have called my armor, huh?"

"Well…I certainly don't mind, and you gave Vile one hell of a shock!" Zero commented. "Since we now have nothing better to do, wanna have more nookie?"

"Oh Zero," X purred, "You're so romantic!"

And the two proceeded to have wild, passionate coition in four different position with the forest animals eventually joining in.

The End.