*clears throat* Hello, I am very new here at FanFiction and everything so please take care of me

"Come on, Jaune, wake up... You'll be late." a female voice pleaded, shaking a teenage boy's body off the bed.

"I don't want to go, sis." he replied sleepily, covering his entire body with his blanket.

"I know it's hard, Jaune, it has been, even for us." she replied, still fresh on everyone's mind that they no longer have someone to call 'Mom' or 'Dad'. Luckily for the siblings three of them are already working, their salary combined is more than enough for the rest of them. But that wasn't the issue, the issue is that their parents died on a horrible plane accident, just because of one pilot's laziness.

He groaned, he didn't like it one bit when he's always being told about his recently deceased parents. He's seventeen years old, the rest of his sisters would soon graduate and finally go to work. Thankfully for him, his grandfather adopted all of them, well by 'adopt' meaning he let them live on his house while they sold their old house just so they could have enough money for everything. Sure their salary is indeed enough but not right now, her sisters are the ones who paid for the hospital bills and for everything. So, as of now their salary isn't sufficient, yes... just for now.

"Fine..." he sighed, he really didn't have a choice after all. "I'm going" he said, it's his first day after all. New school means new friends, and he didn't liked the feeling leaving his old friends back home.

Her sisters smiled, gave him a hug and patted his back "Who knows, maybe you'd finally get a girl this time, and not stutter so much?" she teased, the last time Jaune asked a girl out he stuttered, the sight was so funny the people around him began on watching. Well, the girl turned him down, not because of his stuttering, somebody just had gotten her first before him.

But his act scattered throughout their little town, that their 'little' Jaune is all grown-up. Well, he had to live a year with that embarrassment, though like everything else it's devoured by time. Then just a few months later, just before school ends, the accident with his parents happened. They've been through a lot this entire summer, luckily enough he didn't go insane from all the mix feelings quelling inside of him.

"Beacon Academy, uh." he mumbled, looking over the sign of this too good to be true school. "Well, gramps did said that they have everything." adding to his mumble, all the talks of his grandpa attending Beacon High once, that it was the most enjoyable experience of his life, besides marriage of course. But he didn't believed the part where they had an Arena where students can fight to have better grades, that's just against the law.

"Excuse me!" he turned his gaze behind him only to find a young woman just inches away from him. "Uwaah!" they both fell with a loud thud, the boy groaned, though the woman was already up and already running.

"Geez, not even a sorry, why was she such in a hurry anyway? It's still ten minutes before classes starts.." he tried to stand up only to see another hand offering him up. That girl better say her sorry, besides, he already saw that tint red on her jet-black hair. "Thanks, um..."

"Ren." the other boy replied, he seemed to be the quiet type for Jaune though. "Freshman? You look older to be one." he said.

"Transferee, and no, I'm a Junior" Jaune replied, "Oh! Jaune Arc, that's me." showing a bit sign of confidence. The other boy nodded and walked straight to the Academy. So much for his first meeting, so awkward. Why did he even allow his grandfather and sisters to enroll him at this school, it's just not his thing. Then a few girls were staring at him, the starry-eyed type. He gave a confused look but maybe it's just his charm. Maybe not.

Getting his locker and his papers are easy, and unlike most of the students here, he gets to go home and have his own 'Jaune' time.

"Okay class, I'll be your teacher for this year. I'm Miss Glynda, as long as your not doing something illegal that's fine with me." she said, the students reaction were like 'Come on, teach, do we look like those kids who use drugs?'. She cleared her throat "Now, most of you already know each other, but today we have a transferee student, please come in." she motioned her hand for Jaune to come in.

"Hello, my name is um.. Jaune Arc, please to meet you" he greeted them, timidly if one should say. There were whispering and giggling from the girls and some 'Yo, what's up' from the boys. Well he didn't looked bad at all, he's fit, he's into sports but doesn't really play for a team, just for fun you know. So, he's guessing some of them would probably ask him to join their club.

"Alright, sit between Dove and Yang" she said, pointing to the empty seat between a guy who's hair was light-brown, and a woman who's hair was the same as his.

He nodded and began making his way towards his seat, the seat where he'll sit for the rest of this year. "Yo!" the woman greeted "I'm Yang, what's your name?" she asked, the blonde boy just felt like this woman can pack a punch. And by pack he means he can kick anyone's ass in this room.

"J-Jaune" he answered, shaking his hands with her.

The class then started, it felt like just his old school, except he knew no one, and that this school is freaking HUGE! How come he never heard of this before? Surely, some guy from the media would do an interview at such prestige school like this. No, this is the first time he heard Beacon Academy, and the first time to see such marvel. He literally walked pass a swimming pool just before the hallway he'd turned in to.

"Hey man, what's up? Name's Dove, and boy aren't you lucky." he said, smirking at the now confused teen.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Dude, our class has every famous person in the school." he whispered, though he could barely contain his excitement. "There's Yang, the fiery schoolgirl, don't let her beauty deceived you though, she can kill you." Jaune gulped, even though it felt like it's a bit stretch, it's really not far from the truth. "There's Blake, she's a mysterious one, but I've heard she once brought a blade and tried to slash the guy who's stalking her." now that really was a stretch, how can she even be here after doing that? "There's Mercury, Emerald, Weiss, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, and Cinder" he whispered, pointing at each and every one of them.

"Um..." Jaune pointed at their teacher, Glynda, who's now glaring at Dove.

"Mr. Dove, don't bother our new student too much, or do you want to fly like a dove?" the students laughed, making the boy quiet.

"Move!" a larger man angrily shoved Jaune, not even saying sorry for what he's done.

"Great, first day and I get this.." he mumbled, picking up the books that fell from his hands.

"Don't worry about him, he's the school bully, but he's never hurt anyone though. He just likes to shove people off, showing his strength." a female tried to help him pick up his books.

"Thanks, um..."

"My name is Pyrrha, nice to meet you, Jaune." she happily introduced herself. "Oh, and if you want to get to know some of our batch go to this site." she said, giving him a piece of paper. "It's a... uh... site, where you can register your own year and get to know our classmates and some people within our year." she added, just as Jaune was about to say something "Don't worry, it's purpose is to help people who's shy enough to introduce themselves, plus people won't know who you are there, well unless you tell them" she said winking at the boy, then finally leaving after somebody called her.

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