A/N: All I am going to say is I'm sorry! I really hope that some of you are still with me! I definitely haven't given up on this universe, i have so much planned still that i want to get through, so please bare with me! I am so appreciative for all my favourites & followers, not to mention reviewers you all keep me so inspired to keep going I can't tell you!

So without further ado, let's get back to it!

Myles had barely gotten the group across the threshold of the line Gibbs was holding when he looked over his shoulder and saw the group of men they'd been trying to outrun come into view, crap! "Restock on ammo! Get baby from the truck!" he ordered to the entire group. He saw the ones he was most concerned about "get the civvies into the SUV's!"

Myles stopped at Gibbs, he knew the man had recognised one of the injured, but this had to come first "these guys are insane sir, we've gotta get the friendlies into the SUV's & move them out"

Gibbs couldn't help but agree, the men that he could now see weren't looking all that…. pleasant or considerate! There was just one problem as he looked the other way….

Patrik was stunned, his brother was now sitting on a crate mere meters from him, a brother he'd presumed to be dead! He really had to stare at the man, he just couldn't believe it! Looking at his brother though, he could see the man had been injured, he'd clearly received some harsh treatment at the hands of the Fielding's & Lancert's, including punches to the face resulting in the bruising already forming on his left hand cheek. He also seemed to have an injured leg, the left knee and ankle regions looked bad. He took a look to the man on the crate next to his brother, it was Michael Fielding, and he too looked worse for wear, but definitely nowhere near as bad as his brother. Just a slight tear to his pants right leg which he could tell had been bloodied.

Patrik really wanted to say something, anything really to his brother but a noise caught his attention & he turned instantly and his eyes bulged in horror. "Incoming from the rear!"

Gibbs had seen the same thing Patrik had seen, they now had a group of men coming at them from the way they came, they were out of options, out of a way out, he had no other choice in what they'd do next "get the civvies into the middle! Cast a net! Circle up around them!"

Shannon's eyes widened when she heard her husband's yell, this couldn't be a good development "let's go!" she urged instantly, she saw Harry & Marcus approach instantly.

Harry reacted instantly as he shifted his rifle to his back as he moved swiftly to the rear of the SUV, he saw he had Marcus right with him "let us carry you Nix" he looked to Shannon & Kelly "stay with us"

Tony too had reacted instantly running to his sister to cover her, he saw though that she had grabbed Jake & was heading straight for him. "I've got you guys" he remarked as he pulled her past him. He ran backwards watching the approaching men come towards them, he had to keep them covered! He saw within seconds that Ziva was right next to him, he shared a brief smile with her as they drew back to the circle that was forming.

Gibbs had moved towards his family just as Tony was doing likewise, he saw though they were already on the move, he reached for his wife & daughter and pulled them along. Once he had them and saw that the boys had his son right there too he spoke "we're going to be ok, they won't get to any of you, we're going to be ok" he focused in on his son as he cupped his son's chin "I won't let any of them hurt you son, never again" he finished as he pressed a kiss to his head.

Nix swallowed as he leaned himself into the kiss, what he wouldn't give to keep that contact with his dad, to him that was safety. He knew though his dad would be leading the defence, and that frightened him!

"I'll be fine son" Gibbs whispered into his, he'd seen the fear all over his son's face & need to sooth him "be fine" he repeated.

Shannon saw him look towards her "love you" she whispered as she leaned to rest their foreheads together.

"Love you" Gibbs whispered back, he then pulled back and gave his girl a quick kiss to the forehead "love you my angel"

Kelly swallowed, this was even more insane that their run in with Quinn! "love you dad" she whispered.

Gibbs had to use every fibre of his being to pull himself away from his family as he took a step away to take his place leading the line in protecting the group. He saw that his son was now being supported by Michael & that Ducky was attempting to further secure his injures as best as he could. Harry & Marcus were now standing on either side of his family in protection. He had Vance & Ted on his flanks, with Pride & Myles on either side. Tony wasn't far away as he & Ziva stood in front of Patricia who was holding Jake. Flashing a look behind him, he saw that he had Niall & Jeffrey right behind him. He could also see that Franks, Wu & Liam McLowry were taking charge of the other side of the circle.

Vance could see that the group who had just arrived were all restocking on their ammo, they were all looking decide ably pissed! He couldn't help but take note of the large machine gun that Myles was now sporting, it was definitely one that should stop these people in their tracks! He also saw that Montgomery had a similar looking machine gun & was standing on the opposite side.

Gibbs took a step forward, he could see the group coming at them had slowed & he wanted to bring them to a complete halt. He aimed his rifle at them "Stop where you are!" he yelled

Myles had seen Gibbs step forward & did likewise, he took the safety off of 'baby' his beautiful machine gun as he aimed it right at the men "Freeze!" he added

Montgomery had heard his LT's call & did likewise, he stepped forward aiming his machine gun at the approaching men "Stop!" he yelled, he realised he hadn't been alone though.

"Stop where you are!" Liam McLowry yelled next to the Sgt, he had his weapon aimed at the approaching men, he recognised only 1 amongst the half dozen. "David, stop! What are you doing?" it was one of Michael Fielding's grandson's.

Niall recognised one of the men in group approaching them, he had to say something "Gregory! What on earth are you doing?!" he yelled, Gregory was one of Michael Fielding's son in law's. he heard though Liam's call, seemed father & son were here together!

Gregory came to a stop 1,000 feet (300 meters) from Gibbs, he held his hand to stop the group with him. He narrowed his eyes straight into Niall "we're over talking Niall, this will be finished!"

Niall stepped forward, he felt Jeffrey come with him which he knew would happen, the one that surprised him though was that Thomas had stepped forward.

Thomas couldn't believe the situation, his father was sitting on a crate behind the protection circle as he waited for the doctor to see to him, but he had to say something. He stepped up alongside Niall, he couldn't believe which side of the fence he now found himself on! he'd never have imagined standing with a McLowry & Paddington against his own kin "Greg what do you think you're doing?! You have no right to…"

"Shut up Tom!" Gregory interrupted him "I don't want to hear anything about why I can't act because I'm not head of the kin. We're settling this, it's an eye for an eye, been like that for generations & you've got there some people that deserve to…"

"Don't!" Jeffrey snarled "don't you dare! You weren't even there Gregory!" he wouldn't let the man finish that sentence.

"But I was" Liam Fielding announced

Gibbs had been having a hard time leaving this conversation to the others, but like everyone else his head jolted to the side when he heard the voice. Approaching them from the left he saw the man, Liam Fielding, along with Loch Lancert & a women he didn't recognise. He took a stronger grip of his rifle, he wanted nothing more than to walk up to the man & rip his head off! What was it with this family that had all of their heads to be the right size for bowling balls? He'd come back to that thought because hey, it was a worthwhile exercise! The smirk that formed was not one he could control.

Niall shifted his focus on the man "Liam" he then noticed the women that was with him "Susan" she was Liam's sister, whilst he was upset she was involved he wasn't really surprised.

"Such a pleasure Niall, Jeffrey" Susan snarled, she then shifted her focus "Tom, Mark, I believe you're on the wrong side"

Thomas flashed a look to Mark, the man was married to Susan's sister Jessica, he could see the thought that was running through his mind & it was the same as his own "No, I believe we're where we should be"

"What are you all doing?" Mark added "this isn't you Susan" he finished looking at her, he was utterly shocked that she was partaking in this!

"Actually it is Mark" Susan retorted "my childhood was ripped apart because of their family's actions! We deserve retribution"

"You've caused enough grief! We will not allow you to cause any more" Jeffrey snarled in reply. This would end one way or another! Of that he was certain!

"I've only just started with the grief I want to bring you all" Liam snarled as he took a step forward.

"Enough Liam! Just Enough!" Alex exclaimed as he pushed his way through the various bodies to get out of the circle. He knew his family were undoubtedly shocked at everything & he knew he'd have a great deal of explaining to do to them. But this whole mess was his fault & he wouldn't let anyone else get hurt, never again would he let this man, this family hurt anyone! Anyone!

Alex stood beyond the protection line that Gibbs & Myles held as he focused on Liam, he knew he was hurting, but he'd suck it up! He was a royal marine after all "you have done enough damage Liam! You & your brother wanted an eye & I gave it to you, even Patty gave it to you! But you just kept taking & taking! You drove Patty to her grave! You drove us away, you took everything from us! But it wasn't enough was for you? WAS IT?!" he finished in absolute scream as he raised his arms in fury.

Liam stalked closer to him "Your actions, her actions had me loose half of my family within a matter of hours! My parents were ripped from this earth before their time! My youngest twin siblings were ripped from earth before they'd even lived! I lost everything!"

"And I didn't! I gave up everything because of you! I have had the people I care about the most suffer for years because of you & your damn bloody brother!" Alex yelled back never loosing eye contact with the man.

Liam kept his focus right on the man, the man he hated most of all "Fair's fair Alexander, we lost everything, so should you" he flicked his gaze to the woman standing a few bodies back "you should actually thank me really" he said darkly

"Why on this earth would I thank you?" Alex asked completely perplexed.

Liam just smirked "Because really the one person who was truly responsible for it all was still allowed to grow up with a caring father fig…."

Alex refused to allow him to continue any further "DON'T!" he yelled, closing the last of the gap between them & decked him. He stood menacingly over the man & looked down with utter venom "don't you dare! Don't you even speak about that! Your brother's presence was nothing but vengeful mind games! His only concern was that he was able to cause us all pain!"

Alex took a breath but never let up on his stand over the man, nor his laser focus "you took utter pleasure in the torment, threats and downright fear you put Patty through! She didn't have a single day of peace! You forced us both to give up our families! You made so many demands it was impossible to cope with & when we refused, what did you do? You threatened our families! And I haven't forgotten a damn one of those instances Liam! You and your brother, and cousin here, only cared about causing pain!" he took a further step towards the man as Liam stood up "threatening a 13 year old boy! Threatening my wife & daughter's lives on a weekly basis! Forcing Patty to give up one child & then live in fear that her other will be ripped away from her every day! Threatening to sink ship after ship of exports & ruining my family businesses and their livelihood if we didn't go along with your insanely cruel demands! None of you were anything close to caring, you were all downright cruel & inhuman!" he finished incensed right in the man's face. He wanted nothing more than to rip the man's head off right off his neck, he contemplated it was the right size to use as a bowling ball, especially down an alley full of pine cones, yea, that would be satisfying!

A/N: Well it seems that Liam & Alex are both extremely angry! but how are things panning out around the pair? And what exactly will happen when Alex finally stops to look at Shannon & Patricia?

I hope to get another chapter up as soon as i can for you all!

Please review to let me know you're still with me on this journey! They mean the world to me :)