I want to take this opportunity to firstly thank Jamie (jscat2 if you wanna read her stuff, she's great). She has been with me since the beginning of this story, encouraged me to post it originally so thank you so very much my love, I couldn't have done this without you!

Secondly, I want to thank each and every one of you who had reviewed, both those who have signed in and guests, without you all I don't think I would have been able to continue this story the way I have but I am so proud of it and love that you have all enjoyed it.

Thirdly, when I started out with this idea I my head, I never though that I would be a) writing 51 chapters! And b) getting over 800 reviews for, you have all truly amazed me and I thank you so very much for that. You have all blown me away with your support.

Writing this story has been an amazing experience and I am so thankful that you all have taken to it the way you have!

Also the links to the dresses now work if you wanna check them out on my profile :)

I love you all more than you could possibly know!

Ash xx