A little something I came up with. Let me know if you want more!

Here's a better summary.

Ana is fresh out of college and ready to start her life but the day that is suppose to be the happiest day of her life turns into the worse. Heart broken & humiliated Ana makes the decision to leave Seattle. Two years later she's ready to return & be close to her loved ones, especially Kate who's her cousin but they're practically like sisters. When Kate tells her something important it makes returning to Seattle even better. She ends up meeting Christian Grey in NYC since Kate is dating his brother ;) what she didn't plan is to have Christian come into her life turning everything around.

Today is the day. I can't believe I'm getting married. Seems like only yesterday I was on my first date with William. I was a senior in high school when everything happened, he was a college freshman. Now here we are, me fresh out of college, him with a job at a junior high school and us tying the knot. He proposed about a year ago and promised we would get married right after I graduated.

"Come on Ana we have to go." Kate says.

Kate is my cousin but we're practically sisters. My Dad is her moms brother. Growing up with Kate had its good and bad times but I wouldn't change it for the world. She's been there for me every time I've needed her and I'm forever grateful.

"Let's go then" I smile and take her hand walking towards the limo.

Once we arrive to the church my brides maid and maid of honor, which is Kate, exit the limo first.

"Honey, stay here." My aunt says before I exit the limo myself. Why is her voice full of panic?

Minutes pass by and I begin to get anxious. The ceremony is about to start and no one has come to get me. I exit and walk over to my dad, who also has a panic look in his face.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Sweetie, we can't fine William anywhere" dad says.

"WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YA'LL CANT FIND HIM?" Is this some type of joke? The ceremony is suppose to start any minute now and the groom is missing. This cannot be happening.

"Honey relax, he'll show up" my aunt speaks up.

"Aunt Linda how can you possibly know that!?" I begin to pace around but that just makes my nerves even worse. Damn it William, where are you?

Ten minutes later Brandon shows up.

Brandon is a close friend of ours and William's best man. Kate and I met Brandon freshman year of college he was Will's roommate, yes we all went to the same college. Anyways we all just clicked and since then we've been inseparable. By the look of rage and anger on his face, he doesn't have good news.

"Ana.. This is for you. I found it on my bed its addressed to you by William. God I'm going to fucking kill him." I've never seen Brandon this mad.

With trembling fingers I take the letter from his hands. If I thought I was nervous before I'm definitely nervous now. God, don't let it be what I think it is..

My lovely Anastasia,
I'm so so so fucking sorry for doing this. Yes, I chickened out. Yes, I'm an asshole for doing this but I can't marry you. I think I'm in love with someone else. By now you must be cursing me out and I don't blame you. I do owe you an explanation so here it goes. It's started about six months ago, when I finally got a teaching job at a junior school teaching English. I met Tara there. She my age and just landed her first teaching job too, she's a math teacher. We started eating lunch together and then after month I started dropping her off home. Each day our encounters became longer and feelings began to rise. One thing led to another. I was so confused I knew I loved you with my all but my feelings for Tara were just too much and I think I fell in love with her. I know.. I know I'm a fucking douche. But marrying you didn't feel right. Marrying you wouldn't be fair to you. I'm sorry for hurting you. But I really can't do this. Maybe someday you'll be able to forgive me.


I read the letter about three times before looking up.

"The wedding is off" my cheeks feel wet, I hadn't realized I was crying.

"What..?" Kate ask.


"I swear to god I'm going to strangle him. Who does this, especially to Ana. She's been nothing but good to him" Brandon says.

"Get me out of here I want to leave I need to get out of this dress. NOW!"

"Come on my car is around the corner" Brandon says and I begin to follow him. Thankfully Kate follows behind.

We arrive at Kate's place in record time. I didn't want to go to my place since I shared an apartment with Will. I can't be there right now. Kate and I change into jeans and t-shirt. I'm so glad I leave clothes in her house.

We're all sitting in the living room now. Kate and Brandon are scared to even speak up. We hear Kate's door fly open with an angry Ethan rushing in.

"What the fuck did he do? I arrive at the venue and mom tells me its off? I swear I'm going to fucking kill him" Ethan fumes.

"Get in line pal" Brandon tells him.

"He stood me up, he thinks he's in love with someone else.. I should have seen this coming. He would come home late sometimes and others he was grouchy. There were times he wouldn't be affectionate with me. God! How could I be so stupid?"

"You're not stupid" Kate holds my hand, "he is."

"Yeah, you didn't do anything wrong. He did" Brandon agrees with Kate.

"Who even does this? Who lets their fiancée continue with wedding preparations knowing they might chicken out. You know what? He isn't a chicken he's a fucking coward! A bastard!" I feel tears stream down my cheek again. I've never been so hurt in my life. Will and I were together for over 3 damn years! The least he could have done is be honest with me. Break everything off before today!

"Yes, he is. I can't believe he did this." Kate says in almost a whisper. "But look, we can go away for two weeks. Go on vacation just the two of us and we'll be back before you have that interview in that publishing company"

"No" I state.

"No?" Kate says.

"Ana, a getaway might be good for you" Ethan speaks up.

"Don't get me wrong, a getaway vacation is just what I need but no. I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to take the offer I was given on graduation"

"Ana, that offer is to work in New York! You really think moving so far away is going to help?"

When I graduated two weeks ago a lady approached me with a job offer. Turns out, she's friends with one of my professors and was asked to come by and see what she thought of me. She works for human resources at a publishing company in NYC. At first the idea didn't sound too appealing since I was getting married but now it sounds perfect.

"I was just stood up on my wedding day, Kate. The day that was suppose to be one of the happiest days of my life turned into my worse. Moving away and starting fresh is just what I fucking need" I snap at her and she flinches.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way"

I sigh. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I know you mean well". I didn't mean to be rude to her like that. She did mean well. Always have and always will. "I have until Sunday to accept the offer. I'm going to call today and accept it. But that means I'll have to be in NYC by next week Friday. That gives me a whole week to sell the apartment and pack"

"What about living arrangements in the city?" Brandon asks.

"I have a small apartment waiting for me in the Upper West Side. All I have to do is say yes to the job and the place is mine" I reply.

"Looks like you have it all figured out" Kate half smiles.

"Come with me Kate, the place has two rooms. You can stay with me for a week or more. You know to help me move in."

"Sure things." She nods.

"As a matter of a fact, Brandon, Ethan come with us. Kate can sleep with me you two can take the other room"

"As much as I would love to, I leave to Europe for my own vacation in two days" he smirks.

"No way! I'm jealous!" Kate says.

"Damn it Brandon why didn't you take me" I whine.

He laughs. "Alright next time"

"As much as I want to say yes, I'll be in Florida for a month starting Monday. Plus, I think it's best if you and Kate have alone sister bonding time" He smiles at us.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kate looks at me making sure I'm positive about doing this.

"Yes" I nod.

"Alright. Start with that phone call and then we'll continue from there."

I grab my phone and walk on over to Kate's room. I hesitate but still dial the number.

"Melanie Crawford speaking"

"Hi, this is Anastasia Steele"

"Miss Steele, I was hoping to hear from you soon. I hope I'm receive good news."

"Umm yeah, I want to take the job."

"Great! You'll be getting an email tonight with paperwork that has to be filled out and you'll have to be get to NYC by Friday as well. I will be signing your two year lease apartment later on today and I will email you a copy of that paper work."

"Alright, thank you so much"

"No problem, don't hesitate to call me if anything. Bye."

"Bye" I hang up.

"Ana?" I turn and face Kate. "Mom called, she said she's taking care of everything at the reception and what not"

"Tell aunt Linda I said thank you for everything." She nods and walk away giving me a few minutes to myself.

I take a deep breath and throw myself on Kate's bed. Not sure if moving so far away is going to be easy but it's definitely what I need. Getting away from what happened will be good for me. A new start. At least I'll have Kate to help me.

Let me know what you think.
Yes there is a reason Ana's mom wasn't mentioned lol.
Any questions?
Hope you guys liked it.