A/N: First of all, I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my stories, whether they are full stories or short one-shots. I am still a newbie, so my writing may not be perfect . I am learning as I go. This next Smythberry story is going to be a full story, but unsure how long it will be. I'm guessing it will depend on response to it and time factor. This will be my main project for now though.

The story will be AU. I am a huge fan of Glee, and have nothing against Finchel at all. I miss Cory Monteith, may he rest in peace. I am a smythberry shipper though, and that's okay. And its okay whoever you choose. Please no bashing while reading my stories. The story takes place senior year, and Rachel and Sebastian are both currently single, sand both would like to find that special someone but who they are and personalities seem to keep them from finding that special someone. They slowly discover that they each are perfect just the way they are. Smythberry romance and you know I have to throw in a little angst and drama.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or song lyrics in the story. Just the storyline. Happy Reading!

❤ Bernadette