Once, in a land not so different from our own, a powerful government collapsed, leaving a reign of chaos that lasted many long years. Its people were scared, and though they clung to the remnants of the lives they had lived, slowly, they lost everything that had once defined them. Their old communities fell, and from the rubble emerged fourteen powerful city-states that came to exert influence over all of the once-great nation. But these city-states were not created equal, and eventually, two great powers developed. But power breeds greed, and these states would not be content for long.

One came as friends to the other states. They offered opportunity to their new allies, an opportunity for trade and specialization. For, they argued, from specialization comes productivity. From productivity comes wealth. From wealth comes comfort and security. In a world as unstable as their own, it was little wonder that they willingly accepted the seemingly kind offer.

The other power, though, had little use for friends. Having inherited the secrets of terrible weapons from their forefathers, this state expanded through war. One by one, the nearby city-states fell under its rule. With each conquest, the ruling state became more powerful and more greedy.

But the two powers could not expand forever. Eventually, neither could grow without infringing upon the territory of the other. And so the two powers circled each other as if gladiators in ancient arenas, each waiting eagerly for the first opportunity to strike. The people waited with bated breath for the war they all felt was coming.

And war would have come, if not for a clever man in the western power. He approached the warlike East with a novel suggestion: the two city-states could rule the continent together in peace. Neither had to die so that the other could thrive. The East agreed, and for a time the new nation of Panem prospered in peace under its two rulers. West and East ruled as crown and scepter, equal in their power and influence.

But it could not last, for peace saw no use for the East's weapons of war. Their power declined, and the West emerged as the one true Capitol. It began to treat its former ally not as an equal, but as simply another of the once-strong city-states. The East chaffed under this new arrangement, and resentment simmered. It urged the Capitol's other districts into a rebellion that they could not win. The Capitol used Thirteen's own weapons against them, and when that failed to destroy their enemy, they banished their former ally.

For seventy-five years, the East waited for an opportunity to strike back at their old rivals. When their leader watched a Girl on Fire ignite the nation, she knew their time had finally come.


A/N: Thanks for reading! As mentioned in the summary, this will be a collection of oneshots from before the 75th Games - anything that would be considered 'history book worthy' is fair game. They will all be compliant with this chapter, which provides the background for the entire story. Feedback is much appreciated!