First In Our Hearts

A Big Hero 6 FanFiction

Hey guys! So, I don't normally update stories really fast because I have some sixteen active stories, but I got so much support for the first chapter that I had to update again.

Also, I just got a haircut, and the guy cut my front layers a little too short for my liking, so I won't be able to sleep anyways, and I thought I would put my time to use.

Thanks to the reviewers! Answers: yes, this takes place before the movie, by about two years. Feel free to ask any questions you have!

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Hero 6, only the plot.

Chapter Two

Tadashi's POV

I walked into the room, feeling immensely proud of myself.

I was finally here, despite what everyone said, despite my circumstances.

I had done it.

Grinning, I took in the lab. Brightly lit, there were clear, separated work stations for everyone, but it was clearly one of those spaces that was everybody's and nobody's at once. Various tools and mechanical parts were scattered everywhere. Also among the mess were half-made products: half a bike here, a busted up turbine there.

To my surprise, Sayuri went immediately to the bike. She bent down, pushed her short hair out of her face, and began examining it for who knows what.

"Interesting," she mumbled. "You know, with a little tinkering and some maglev suspension, this could have done potential..." She kept muttering to herself about upgrades, speed, and friction and the like, while I gazed at the paradox of a girl in front of me. Her outer appearance did not in any way scream "nerd" to me, but she was clearly smart enough to be here. There has to be some kind of story behind that.

Suddenly, a man called out from behind us, "Heads up!" I whirled around to see an apple flying towards us. Quickly, I reached out and caught it, smirking as Sayuri whipped around just in time to see me grab an apple that was inches from smacking her dead in the nose.

I gave her a lopsided grin. "I just saved your life."

She rolled her eyes and replied sarcastically, "My hero. I am forever in your debt."

"Hey man! Nice reflexes!" We looked up to see a tall man jogging towards us. He had dark skin and hair, with a small bit of facial hair. "Name's Ben, but everyone here calls me Wasabi. Sorry about the near death by apple. My bad."

I raised an eyebrow. "Tadashi Hamada. Is there a story behind that nickname?"

Wasabi looked embarrassed. "You'll hear it sooner or later. No need to waste time on it now. So, Tadashi, huh? You the new kid?"

I shook his offered hand. "Yep. Sayuri and I will be joining you guys," I responded, drawing his attention for the first time to the girl still crouched over the bike.

Wasabi glanced over her and froze in shock. "She..."

I nodded. "Yep." I understood his reaction; she certainly did not look like your typical engineering major. Deciding to draw Wasabi's attention away from her, I asked, "So, how did an apple end up flying towards my head at seventy miles an hour?"

The poor guy looked sheepish. "I've began trying to make it laser systems more efficient, you know, cleaner, quicker cuts and the like. I've been failing quite spectacularly, as you can see," he said, gesturing to the apple that was still in my hand.

I glanced down at it, then did a double take. It was half melted. That's weird...

"I might have a suggestion. Mind if I look at your system?"

Wasabi looked surprised, as if he wasn't used to help; then he shrugged. "Why not?" He turned to lead me to his work station, but a voice behind us made him pause.

"Hey Wasabi," Sayuri called out. "Can I have this bike? And where are the personal offices?"

He looked startled to hear her speak. "Sure. No one's touched that thing in ages. Individual offices are located along the back hall; initials are on the door."

Sayuri nodded, popped a bubble in her gum, hauled the bike over her shoulder and left. "See us layer, Tadashi, Wasabi," she called out arrogantly.

Wasabi shook of his confusion. "Alright, so I work over here..." He carefully lead me through the maze of tables and tools to a neatly organized space. Every tool had its place, and not one was out of it.

Dominating the area was a thin, two-pronged structure. This was clearly the laser in question. Humming lightly to myself out of habit, I carefully looked at the structure without touching it; one could never be too careful with lasers. Suddenly, something caught my eye, and I stopped the tune abruptly at the climax.

"Wasabi, are you just using the LEDs in the room as your light source?"

He scratched his head. "Umm, yes?" I nodded; his answer had confirmed my suspicions.

"LEDs aren't strong enough to adequately power a laser of this voltage. I would recommend using direct sunlight instead. After all, it's the purest source of light we have here on earth. It'll be just pure enough so that you end up with apple slices instead of sauce." I tossed the melted apple to him, and he turned it over in his hands, looking thoughtful.

Finally, he looked up and offered me a small smile. "Tadashi, that might just work."

Sayuri's POV

I trudged down the long hallway, not really taking in my surroundings and not really caring. My mind was preoccupied enough as it was.

So many problems, so little solutions...

Finally coming to a white door labeled neatly with a "KS", I opened it dropped the bike, and immediately walked over to the window. It looked out over the bay, granting me an amazing view of the blue water and white sails.

It looked so peaceful; gently swaying waves, soaring seagulls, seals splashing in the shallows, sails billowing in the wind...

I felt the sudden urge to yank a curtain over it. There was no place for the gentle in my life.

I have had to work for everything in my life. I work for food and clothing. Making friends has never come easy to me. I have even had to work at being a nerd.

Which is why I have been so thrown off by today. Everything has been relatively easy, from the tour to getting the bike. And that guy, Tadashi...

Something about his easy going nature, his warm caring eyes made him seem sensitive and strong.

My whole life I have had to work at letting people in, but this time my instincts were telling me that I would have to work to keep him out.

I had learned long ago to never trust a guy.

Time to woman up.

Yeah, not super long, but I'm starting to get tired.

See You On the Other Side, by Shaun Canon. Look it up if you want a song that totally reminds you of Hiro and Tadashi and makes you cry. Don't be thrown off if it says Mormon Channel; it has nothing to do with church or religion.

Love y'all!

~ Boogalee