Hi there!

For those who waited patiently for this last chapter – I can't thank you enough! I had busy time at my University and I wanted to write this chapter after my trip to Warsaw. I went there to see a concert but more important thing was that I went there with my "music soulmates". We had a blast at that day! I couldn't be more happier and that's why I waited with this chapter, I felt maybe I can pass my happiness and excitement on the characters. I don't know if it worked, cause then I had a week with exams and I'm extremely tired. But Chicago PD always brings a smile to our faces, right? ;)

Enjoy the last instalment of the story!

„Why did you drag me all the way here, Erin?"

Halstead and Lindsay entered a pub in the downtown.

"There's no way you're spending the evening alone in your apartment!" he looked at her suspiciously "Yeah, I know your habits." Another questioning look "Don't ask how did I know."

A joyful smile was what she saw in a response.

"So tell me again, who's gonna perform today?"

"It doesn't matter, we're here to have fun, that's all that matters. Chill, have a drink, spend the time with friends, feel the music live. You'll see, it's going to be good."

When they reached their table, Antonio, Adam, Alvin and Nadia were already halfway with their drinks. They greeted them cheerfully.

"Actually, thank Antonio for organizing this evening's fun."

"Antonio, you impress me every day, man. Wondering what's going to be next." Jay laughed teasingly.

Dawson wag his finger at Jay "It was not my idea! I'm not the partying type of guy!" Everybody nodded their heads smiling ironically.

"It's all on Gabby. Her new roomie likes that kind of fun."

"Wait, new roomie? Wasn't she living with Casey?" Adam asked.

"They decided to deal with their problems by themselves, they need some time, you know." Adam looked in the direction of the small stage. Just next to it, there was Kim chatting with Gabby and Sylvie.

"It's not a rule, that working together messes things up." Dawson patted Adam on the back and the kid done his 'I don't know what you're talking about' face.

"So, anyway" Antonio continued "Gabby called me that she needs some backup here and I thought it might be fun and a good way to chill out after this rough couple of days."

"Speaking of" said Jay "how did the Matthews' interrogation go?"

"It was weird, this guy is totally creepy."

"How's that?" Adam leaned forward to hear Alvin better.

"He said that he had killed these people for his higher purposes."

"Damn, I could have stayed. I missed helluva fun, I see."

"Voight wouldn't let you in." Alvin responded "You've had enough."

Alvin stopped talking to take a sip of his beer. Everybody still waited for some interesting details.

"Even though, he claims that the first kill was random, he kind of claimed his reason."

"What was it?"

"A few years back, Matthews was driving a police car that was founded by a benefactor, just like Green was. The car was flawed and it caused an accident. He was driving his wife home. She died in his arms."

Everybody looked shocked and was just staring at their glasses.

"So he's gone crazy." Erin broke the silence.

"It's not on us to judge him. We did our job, now it's all done, let's drink for that." Jay raised his glass dropping the subject.

Making a lot of noise, they raised their glasses.

Trust, commitment, dedication, friendship, love. These are only a few words that came through their minds.

It doesn't matter how long do they know each other or where they come from. They all have different experience in their lives, they all have some mysteries hidden deep inside, but all in all, they finally have around people who can always listen and help. That can be truly called a family.

From the other side of the bar, Hank Voight was looking at his team. It's not a secret that the foundation of the finest team is trust. This people were the best example for that.

He smiled a bit. Maybe he wasn't personally the most trusting and sociable person on Earth, but he cares for each of them.

The barman gave Hank his drink and the man walked.

"… you should have seen Platt's face when she saw what the guy did with the patrol car!" Everybody busted into a loud laugh after Nadia finished telling her story from the other day.

Antonio brought some more alcohol but Nadia said she's going to join the girls, cause the concert is starting any minute.

"So, this is how it is. Men's drinking and watching women have fun." Antonio winked as Lindsay resented.

"Excuse me! You're saying I'm not female enough?"

"I'm saying you're just like us, no one can break you, you tough woman." He friendly patted her on her shoulder but she still pretended to be mad at him.

"Just for your information: women are like that, tough and strong but you, men, are too afraid to admit it."

The 'fight' would surely continue if an unexpected guest wouldn't join them, just in that moment.

"She's not going to let it go, Antonio. She's too stubborn for that."

Voight put his hands on Lindsay's shoulders making her smile. She was happy that Hank decided to join them. He wasn't doing this often. It felt good to have the complete family to chill with.

"Hey boss, didn't know you're coming. Glad you did." Said Adam and handed a beer to the newcomer.

"I didn't know you kids listen to good music. I thought you're all about loud noise and electronics sounds."

Hank took a free chair from a table next to theirs and joined his team.

"How did it go?" Alvin referred to their case that Voight was finishing when they left.

"You know the feds, they always have to be sitting on the top of the world all the time."

Olinsky nodded "Yeah, pretty much."

"But as long as this bastard gets a life sentence, I don't give a damn what's in the files or whose name is written in there."

"And let's drink for that! Intelligence above all!"

Voight looked at Adam interrogatively "Should you been drinking?"

The kid showed him his glass "Only an orange juice, promise!" and smiled brightly.

"And Jay" Voight looked at his detective "expect a call from Melanie."

Jay looked like he just woke up, surprised and confused. He was clearly too tired but having fun with his friends made up the need for sleep.

"Cops found her and Nadia's friend Liam." Hand explained "They are fine and already back at their homes."

"Small victories can sometimes bring more smile than the big ones." Erin said and looked at Jay who finally grinned and breathed in relief.

"I hate to say that and break this moving moment but we are run out of liquids and it looks like it's your turn, boss." Antonio used a moment of silence amuse the people. And he succeeded causing everybody to laugh at Voight who put his hands into his pockets.

"You're sure you didn't make a mistake while counting?"

"Well… If I think about it right now…. Wait… No."

That was the fun they needed, to clear their heads and be back at work ready to face another difficulties, another crimes and another choices.

The concert finally started and the heroes of the day continued their celebration.

A/N: And this is the end! I don't know if I did my best, there's always a feeling that I could write some parts differently, another ideas pop up, but well, too late :)

I want to honestly thank you for reading the story. Some of you (who publish as well) know how fantastic feeling is to read the reviews, to have followers or observe how the amount of viewers increases after posting a new chapter. It motivates me strongly! Big, big thanks again!

And I have to say this – I'm so excited because of the news about possibility of making Chicago Med! I hope NBC will come to decision and we will have a chance to watch another spin off of our favorite show! Since PD started, me and my sister have been waiting for that opportunity (manly because we want to see more Alec Willhite), so let's keep our fingers crossed!

Sorry for sooo long A/N but I really want to express my happiness over my readers and the news! So, thanks again and have a nice day!