An alarm blared at too-early-in-the-morning, Rick groaned and sat up. It appeared that too-early-in-the-morning was a quarter after six, and Kate wasn't very fond of the early hour either. She mumbled some incoherent words in her sleep and snuggled deeper into the fluffy mountain of pillows.

"Hey Kate, it's time to get up," he said softly.

She let out a soft mutter, "I'll be up in a sec."

Rick smiled and kissed her head. "I'll be in the kitchen."

Kate rolled over and groaned, today was not going to be her day. She didn't feel well at all, in fact, she felt awful. Her head was cloudy and her nose runny. Everything hurt. Kate wouldn't have objected to staying in bed all day if it wasn't for work. Unfortunately, criminals don't take your health into consideration when they go out and do stupid things. So, rather reluctantly she threw off the sheets and shivered. Drowsily stumbling into the kitchen.

Rick looked up from the coffee he was making and kissed Kate before slipping out of her way.

As he sat on the living room couch Rick watched Kate, his stunning new bride. He observed her for a moment, she seemed to dance around the kitchen as she made a cup of coffee, her hands moving purposefully, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Good morning!" He chirped.

Kate looked up, a small smile played across her pale face.

"Morning." She replied, her voice raspy and soft.

"You okay?" Rick asked.

"Mmhmm, I'm fine." Kate said as she slipped out from behind the counter and joined Rick on the couch.

He still couldn't believe they were married, it'd taken years but they were finally together. He tried to memorize her exactly as she was at the time with her "sick-but-not-wanting-to-admit-it" attitude. Kate was wearing his gray t-shirt, making her tan, lean legs look even longer. Her chestnut waves cascaded down her back. She tucked a thick strand behind her ear but it slipped out and covered her face. Kate huffed and twirled her hair up into a loose bun, deciding that she would deal with it later.

Rick laughed. "Better?"

"Much." She grinned. "Is it hot in here?" Kate asked, just seconds ago she was freezing. Fever time, was it? Oh joy. She thought sarcastically.

"Not really." Rick said from his place on the couch.

Groaning, Kate plopped down next to him.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You seem sick." Rick pointed out.

"Well I'm not"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Kate remarked as she snuggled closer into Rick's side. Her eyelids felt heavy, like trying to trudge through mud and struggling to keep your feet up. Kate glanced at the clock. It was only twenty after six, she still had time.

Sunlight peeked through the curtains of the Castle household, scattering through the living room and casting an orange glow over the area. Kate opened her eyes; the room around her appeared hazy. She pulled a red blanket tighter around her body and sat up slowly - delayed by a sudden sense of dizziness and piercing headache. She squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose, forcing herself to take a slow, deep breath.

"Castle?" She called out.

"Yeah?" He asked, walking toward the couch.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost 11:30."

"11:30?!" Kate cried frantically. Ignoring her pain as she jumped up. "Castle, I'm late for work! Why didn't you wake me?"

"It's fine. I've got you covered, I called Gates earlier and told her you'd be out sick today."

"I am not sick!" Kate insisted as she stormed into their bedroom; shedding her pajama shirt and slipping into the first pieces of work attire she found.

Rick attempted to reason with her, "Come on Kate, Ryan and Esposito said they'd call if anything important happened. At least wait until then..."

"I can't, I'm not just going to skip work."

"You're obviously not feeling well, stay home for today. You can go to work tomorrow when you're better," Rick said.

Kate huffed and slipped on her shoes. She pulled on her coat, ignoring the dizzying sensation in her head.

She was halfway through the door when she glanced back, her waves bouncing around her face. "You coming?" She asked Rick.


Kate sneezed in reply.

Rick chuckled. As he closed the door, he received a hit to his chest. "Hey!"

"You deserved it," Kate laughed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I did not," Rick said as he wrapped an arm around her thin frame, pulling her closer. "I love you," he said.

"I love you more," Kate whispered.


Kate rolled her eyes and nestled her head against his shoulder.

Kate slipped her hand into Rick's as they rode the precinct elevator. She pressed her head against his arm, hoping to make the pounding go away. Rick squeezed her hand. Kate's eyes began to close slowly, as her body relaxed against his. Her figure jolted up as a jangling sound blared from Rick's pocket. She sleepily opened her eyes as Rick fished his phone from his pocket. Kate winced at the noise.

"Oh, gosh. Sorry, Kate."

He clicked the green answer button.


Kate wrapped her arms around Rick and snuggled against him just as the elevator doors opened. Rick led Kate next to the elevator as he finished his phone call.

"Does it have to be today?" Rick asked Gina.

He sighed into the phone. "All right… yes, I'll be there in twenty minutes. Bye."

Rick shoved the device into his pocket and pulled back from Kate so he could look her in the eyes.

"Gina just called and said I have to be at some meeting for my next book, it'll probably take an hour or two. Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

Kate forced a smile. "Never better."

Rick looked at her oddly. His voice fell softer, "Kate, I know you're feeling bad right now, and I know you don't want to admit it, but there's nothing wrong with being sick and having to take a day off. It's not too late to go home if you want."

"I'm fine, really, Castle," Kate assured him, squeezing his hand. "I appreciate your concern but I'll be okay. I'll see you in a little bit, all right?"

Rick gave her a small smile. "All right."

He kissed her cheek quickly before disappearing through the elevator doors.

Kate instantly felt a lack of warmth in his absence. A shiver shook her body as she walked down the hall.

"Detective, what are you doing here? Castle said you were sick."

Kate spun around at the sound of Gates' voice.

"I'm fine, sir. Castle was exaggerating."

Gates rose her eyebrows in dubiousness. "All right, but if you're ill, Detective, please do go home. I wouldn't want the rest of the precinct getting sick."

"Yes, sir." Kate said.

"That's all."

Grateful to leave, Kate quickly slipped away. Down the hall she found Ryan and Esposito at their desks, crumpling paper into balls and trying to make baskets.

"Productive day, huh, boys?"

They simultaneously turned around in their seats to face Kate, a smirk adorned her paling face.

"Hey Beckett, we thought you weren't coming in today?" Ryan said.

"Yeah, Lover Boy called and said you were sick."

Kate rolled her eyes and stifled a cough. "I'm fine."

Esposito and Ryan eyed her doubtfully.

"You don't look fine," Esposito said.

"Well I am."

"Maybe you should go home, you seem grumpy," Ryan added.

Esposito faced Ryan, "Really, bro. Grumpy? That's just…" He shook his head.

Kate laughed. "Anyway, if I went home you guys would be playing basketball with the trashcan all day..."

Esposito shrugged. "Fair enough."

He tossed another paper ball and missed, both Ryan and Kate scoffed.

"That was weak," Ryan said.

Kate was suddenly overcome with fatigue. She swayed slightly and both men jumped up to support her. They walked Kate to her desk.

Esposito's voice was stripped of its usual humor, "Beckett, are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I just a need a minute."

She collapsed into her seat and rubbed her palm against her forehead, breathing slowly.

"I'm gonna call Castle," Esposito murmured to Ryan.

Kate glared at them. "Don't."

Ryan looked at her, "Beckett, we're only trying to help you."

"I don't need help."

"Okay, okay," Ryan said, "We were just about to go grab something for lunch, you wanna come?"

"No thanks, I think I'll just stay here and get some paperwork done."

"Do you want us to bring you back anything?" Esposito asked.

"I'm fine, thanks though."

"Anytime, Beckett. We'll be back in a bit. See ya."

"Dude, we need to call Castle," Esposito said when they returned to the precinct an hour later.

Kate was at her desk, shoulders hunched, head resting on her hand, eyes closed.

"I'm on it," Ryan said as he pulled out his phone.

Rick was there in fifteen minutes, his eyes full of worry as he rushed from the elevator.

"Where is she?" He asked Ryan as soon as he saw him.

"At her desk. Esposito's there right now just to make sure she's okay. We didn't want to wake her."

Rick saw Kate at her desk, she looked miserable even as she slept. He took a step toward her.

"Hey, Kate," Rick said softly and rubbed her back gently, "I need you to get up, okay?"

She stirred pitifully and murmured, "Okay." Her eyes opened slowly like a sun inching over the horizon.

"Castle?" Her words were slurred, "What're you doing here?"

"I'm taking you home."

Kate nodded, the fight had slipped out of her and she wanted nothing more than to burrow in a nest of blankets and sleep. She stood up and stumbled across the floor, caught by Rick just before she fell. He swept Kate against his side and held her up.

"Thank you," he mouthed to Esposito and Ryan as he walked to Gates' office.

"Captain," Rick called through the door.

Gates looked up from her work and gazed at Rick.


"Is it all right if I take Beckett home?" Rick asked, pointing to the very sick looking detective leaning on him.

Gates nodded. "Keep her home as long as it takes. Feel better, Detective."

Kate mumbled a nearly inaudible 'thanks' as they left the office.

When they reached the loft, Rick guided Kate into their bedroom.

"You need to rest," he instructed.

"Don't want to," Kate mumbled into his chest.

Rick laughed quietly. "Come on," he said and scooped her up.

"Put me down," Kate whined.

Rick gently lowered Kate onto the bed. After he helped her change into more comfortable clothes, he pulled the sheets over Kate and disappeared from the room before returning with a glass of water and two pills. He offered them to her.

"Take these, they'll reduce your fever and should help with your headache. I'm going to make you some soup, okay?"

"I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat something, Kate."

"I'll do it later," she said and curled into a ball, pulling her legs up to her stomach and closing her eyes.

"Can I get you anything?"'

Kate shook her head.

"I don't feel good, Rick," she said so quietly he almost didn't hear her.

"I know," he said and brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

Rick changed his clothes and slipped under the covers. He gathered Kate into his arms and pulled her toward him, kissing the back of her head softly. He ran his fingers along her back, rubbing soothing circles. With his other hand he reached for hers, lacing them together. Eventually, Kate's breathing steadied and grew consistent, like an ocean tide. Rick felt her muscles relax against him, he could feel the heat radiating off her body.

He was sure she'd fallen asleep when a voice drifted from her drowsy form, "You stayed," she breathed heartbreakingly, as if she hadn't been quite sure that he would.

Rick was taken aback by the statement, it was then that he realized how alone she must have felt after her mother's death, how even now she was still struggling with her past.

"Katherine Beckett," he whispered into her hair, "I love you. I love everything about you. We're married now. Marriage doesn't change how I feel about you, it only magnifies it. I'm in love with you, I have been since the very first day. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here for you, whenever you need me. Always."

She turned to face him and sniffled in reply, "I love you, Castle." She paused for a moment and then said, "I hate to admit it, but you were right, I am sick." She pouted.

"I know," Rick smiled and kissed her nose, "Now get some sleep, I'll save my bragging for later."

Kate rolled her eyes and nuzzled against Rick as they fell asleep, hand in hand. Always.