"Lily-" Severus started.

"Don't talk to me." Lily hissed. "Not after what you've done!"


Lily shoved Severus away from her. His grovelling disgusted Lily. Honestly, he had told her so many lies about how she was equal to him. In the end, it seemed, he saw her as below him.

"I love you, Lily." Severus said. "As in more than a friend."

Lily stared at him in a pitying fashion. She had suspected it, but pushed it away. Lily only saw Severus as a friend. Or, at least, had seen him as one.

"Sorry Snape, but I don't feel the same way. Not after what you said." Lily said, before walking away.

Severus grabbed her wrists, furiously. A cold feeling had nipped at him when Lily had called him by his last name. Why wouldn't she just listen? He had told her he loved her! She should love him back.

"Get away from me Snape!" Lily snapped. "Let go!"

Fear was laced in her voice, but Severus glared at her in anger. Finally, he let go, but not after throwing her on the ground. Lily let out a cry of pain. Severus almost froze where he was, but not before talking to her, anger zipping out at a quickened pace.

"Fine, mudblood." he snapped. "I can't believe you don't want to heighten your status."

Tears that flowed in Lily's eyes were enough to stop Severus. He bit his lip, and turned his face away. He had just done it again! Severus had called her a mudblood! He wanted to bang his head on a wall. This wasn't the way to 'charm' someone, was it?

"At least." a voice spoke softly, and calmly. "She goes for a pureblood, and not a halfblood."

Severus whirled around, with an immediate scowl coming into place. James Potter in all his glory knelt before him, helping Lily up. James was glaring at Severus.

"A pureblood who is a blood traitor." Severus snarled.

James rolled his eyes, and turned to Lily, whispering quickly in her ear. This caused Severus to be consumed by a sudden roar of jealousy. He whipped out his wand, wishing to destroy James Potter's very existence. James, unbeknownst to Severus, had Sirius and Remus down the hall, keeping an eye on the three. As well, James had snuck a wand into Lily's hand, and held his own, hidden in his robes.

"It's clear where you stand on muggleborns." Lily said, next to James. "I'll have you know, I don't want any relationship with you."

"And she means romantic." James spat out.

"I do mean that, but friendship as well." Lily told Severus. "I don't want to talk to you again."

"This is all Potter brainwashing you." Severus snapped bitterly. "Lily, you don't want this!"

"I'm Evans to you, Snape." Lily snarled. "And I am fully capable of making my own decisions."

Severus glared in response. It was all James Potter's fault!

"You said you hated him. Now you are changing your views?" Severus asked. "Are you really that-"

"Just shut up." Lily snapped. "I'm not naive, you know. People change, and you are a fine example as much as James. James has changed, for the good. Rather unlike you."

James beamed at Lily's praise.

"This is all-"

"Brainwashing?" Lily asked, sarcastically. "I suggest you think more about what you have said."

With that, James and Lily walked away. James threw his arm around her shoulders, glancing back constantly, glaring at Severus. The Slytherin did the same. When they had left the hall, Severus stared at his wand. He was angry, yes, but the overwhelming sadness had stopped him from casting a spell.

A.N. Written for Happily Never After on the Hogwarts School Of Assignments and Challenges or something like that. Anyway, I chose my least favourite pairing! More to definitely come! :D This is to break up pairings, and squish those shippers to pieces. Not really entirely for that, but something to destroy the ship. It's fun :)

Sorry if it's a slight bit OOC, something I quickly wrote.



P.S This is unedited.