I don't own Criminal Minds! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 7

Our sense of worth, of well-being, even our sanity depends upon our remembering. But, alas, our sense of worth, our well-being, our sanity also depend upon our forgetting.

Joyce Appleby

"Can we talk Jay?" asked Emily claiming a spot on the hotel bed, "What happened?"

She had observed the younger agent's behavior through out the day; how her mind seemed to be miles away, probably back in that basement with Hastings. The concern was latent but after a brief conversation with Hotch, her concern grew. How can I help her if she won't tell me what's wrong?

JJ didn't answer immediately; she rummaged through her go-bag a little longer before turning to look at the other woman. Too many things had happened, especially in the last three days, it's been longer than that JJ, her subconscious supplied.

The pause in conversation was necessary, it bought her some time, once you open these doors there'll be nowhere else to hide. It was a complicated question, and Emily had been very patient. Taking a deep breath she braced herself, start at the beginning but right now, don't say too much, she told herself.

"It was personal with Hastings, something happened that I never told anyone," she paused reining her emotions in, "there was an explosion that caused me to miscarry," she said without thinking, this was something not even her husband knew.

Emily sat stunned, you asked for it, she wanted to get up and hug the blonde, but her body wasn't responding. JJ's tone wasn't a grieving one, she said it as someone says, "the sky is blue," there was no emotion, there was no visible pain, it was a mere fact.

Finally some of the shock wore off, "When did this happen?" asked Emily, walking closer to the shorter agent, "Hastings? What does he have to do with this?"

"He was the mole, he worked with al qaeda to orchestrate the ambush, he knew I was pregnant," replied the blonde, looking at the clothing in her hands, "we'll talk more tonight Em, I can't do this right now."

Emily didn't hesitate in taking JJ in her arms, "I'm here Jay and I'll be here from now on. You don't have to carry these burdens alone," whispered the brunette, brushing her lips against JJ's cheek, "let's get ready for this dinner, tonight we'll talk," with one last squeeze Emily went back to the bed and picked up her previously discarded outfit.

JJ spared the older woman one last glance before walking to the bathroom. On the sink she noticed two toothbrushes, thank you Emily, thank you for coming, thank you for staying, she smiled at the thought. The two women had come to an unspoken agreement; Emily would stay in JJ's room for the remainder of their time in Wyoming. No one else seemed to care that they left the same room in the morning and all the other agents were more than happy to ignore Emily's empty room down the hall.

It was only a few minutes later that a text summoned the two women downstairs, to the hotel lobby. Emily's hand never left the blonde agents lower back as they made their way there, the older agent needed the reassurance only physical contact could provide, while JJ appreciated Emily's brand of comfort.

"I've asked Alex to stay back and help Garcia set up. They're both at the station going over Speer's testimony and follow those leads," Hotch said putting his coat on, "the address Sheriff Kinney provided is about 25 miles out of the city limits, Garcia already programmed the GPS. Be careful driving, the snow is much heavier, meet you there," he finished walking out of the lobby, Reid and Rossi trailing close behind.

"Why couldn't I stay?" mumbled Emily, sharing a playful look with Morgan.

JJ silently took the back seat, she heard to other two agents chatting in the front, but her attention was focused on the falling snow. It was hypnotizing, numbing, exactly what I need. They hadn't even left the town before the blond fell into a light slumber.

"Pain, blood, cold," she repeated to herself. Feeling something meant she was alive. That first feeling was the strongest, to the point of hallucinating

"Daddy?" she mumbled seeing her father standing in the basement next to her broken body.

"Shhh honey, we have to be quiet," said her father.

"Dad you have to get out of here, Hastings will come back soon," she pleaded.

"Don't worry Jenny, you know what you have to do, they'll never find out I was here if you don't tell," he whispered caressing her face, "you know how to keep a secret right?"

"Yes daddy," she replied obediently.

"Good, Jenny we have to keep our secrets, don't tell him anything sweetheart," he said walking away.

"I won't," she promised.

"Remember you'll always be daddy's little girl," he said before shutting the basement door.

The safety of her father's presence was short lived, "your daddy isn't here," chuckled a familiar voice before she felt the electricity coursing through her body, "wake up sweetheart, wake up," he said before punching her.

"Jen, please open your eyes," pleaded a second voice. The blonde woman found herself wrapped in Emily's arms, tremors still running through her body.

"Emily?" asked JJ a little disoriented.

"I got you sweetheart, it was just a dream," whispered Emily pulling her closer, "you fell asleep and had a nightmare," she said ignoring the very concerned glance Morgan was sending their way.

Pull yourself together, she told herself, her father had never been part of her recurrent nightmares, you talked to him today, he was on your mind, she tried to reason, this dream was different, it felt different. Emily looked at her with deep concern as a million emotions flashed across her face, "I'm good Em," she said, but instead of pulling away from the embrace she held on tighter.

"She's ok Morgan, lets keep going," Emily said to the male agent sitting in the driver's seat, pleading with her eyes to not ask any questions. He did as told and put the car on drive. She'd take care of the younger woman later, right now they had a case to solve.
