After ALL this time…FINALLY another story down!

I know I haven't written any stories in months, but having both lost & gained new jobs this year, my morale hasn't been at its best as of late.

I wanted to delve into Eep's sister relationship with Sandy as she only interacted with her little sister once in the film & I thought they'd work off each other really well.

Now, I have no siblings so I'm not writing from experience here – just from what I imagined this sister bond might be like. I tried my best to write these sisters story to the best of my ability, but any pointers on how to improve this – I'll gladly take

Well hoping very much that you enjoy this my friends (your comments mean so much) – Best Wishes :)


Only one thing ever made ever made that sound.

'Sandy! What are you doing now?!'

Belt & Sandy's latest exploration had taken them to new heights…..literally. Ever so smartly, they'd climbed up the utmost branches of a Redwood tree, forgetting the higher the branch – the thinner it gets. I wouldn't've noticed them had they'd not been breaking off twigs with every step.

'Hey you two! You go any higher & you'll be seeing the ground a lot sooner than you'd like.'

They didn't even turn around once they were so high up. There was no other option other than climbing up myself – but the tree's trunk was too wide around & was completely smooth of crevices & footholds. I couldn't help but snigger.

'No doubt, Sandy used you as a climbing tool Belt!'

I grabbed two serrated bone knives & a leather rope with a double hooked edge made from sharpened Bunny Beast fangs out of my pouch, which I tied around my waist.

'Ugh, how long will it take for Sandy to develop some common sense?'

I started my ascent, digging my knives into the side of the tree.

Halfway up, Sandy & Belt reached the top branch – which I could tell wouldn't stay there for long.

'Please hold them until I get there.'

'Hey Eep!'

I looked down & saw Guy standing at the tree's base.

'Everyone's headed back to base, you gonna be much longer out here?'

I looked back up towards the tree tops. Sandy & Belt's branch looked okay, but I couldn't chance it for much longer. Guy followed my gaze, his jaw dropping as he saw what I was climbing towards.

'Eep, they can't stay up there!'

'I know; I'll coax them down once I'm close enough.

'Okay, but whatever you do, be quick.'

No sooner had the words left his mouth – I heard the sound I'd been dreading. The branch Belt & Sandy had been climbing, finally gave way.

Guy's expression turned dire.


Without looking down, I nodded. They flailed about, grabbing any leaf, twig or bark in desperation, but it all broke away upon contact. Climbing was pointless now – they were hurdling towards me at breakneck speed!

'Only one option then.'

I braced myself against the tree, focusing on Belt & Sandy as they plummeted closer & closer. I only had one chance to get the timing right.


I backflipped off the trunk & twist flipped around, propelling myself towards my sister & pet. Within seconds, they were in my arms. I swung my rope grappling hook over the next tree, digging my blades into the trunk as we landed amongst the foliage.

'You two still with me?'

Belt answered by hugging me around my waist, Sandy however was a little more shaken.

'Don't worry, I won't give way from under you.'

Sandy's whimpers grew a little more silent, but her grip on my neck remained. I looked down below. But no matter what way I scaled down, it was going to be rough.

'Looks as though I'm breaking my drop record again.'

Unfastening my grappling hook, I focused on the first tree…...& jumped.

'Hold on like you mean it!'

Repeating the stunt is easy. If you don't have anyone strapped to you, let alone two. I could feel Belt digging his claws into me, Sandy's face buried in my shoulder.

'Just bear with me for 5 seconds guys, I promise!'

I took aim, swinging my hook at the thickest branch I could see; felt the thrust of the rope swing us forward – before it snapped as we descended below.

Even as I fell, I could see Guy running towards us. Which gave me one last chance.

'They're all yours Guy!'

As I chucked Sandy & Belt his way, I saw Guy's expression go from confusion to surprise to frantic – all within one moment before catching them the next.

That, cost me my concentration. I looked back at the ground.

'Oh for End's sake!'

I swung my body round, but not quick enough. A popping sound rang through my head as my right shoulder hit the earth...…& then nothing.

'Eep! Eep!' The scent of grass & soil raced through my nose, mixed with blood. My head swimming, I looked up.


Guy nodded, though he looked slightly fuzzy.

'They're fine. Just some scrapes, nothing more. You have a fair few cuts, but nothing deep. Can you get up?'

I moved my arms forward, then it came back. That stabbing pain I'd felt when I'd made contact with the ground. I gripped my shoulder & found that it felt, different. Like it had changed shape.

'Why does my shoulder feel like its somewhere it shouldn't be?'

'That may be because… is.' He grimaced before continuing. 'It's completely out of place.'

I would've shaken my head, had it not hurt so much.

'So what's the best way out of this?'

Guy took a sharp intake of breath.

'It's gonna hurt even more to fix.'

After a moment, I looked him in the eyes.

'Well, don't waste time then.'

With a thick piece of bark between my teeth, Guy slowly rotated my arm back. Every centremetre my arm moved, may as well have been a dagger in my chest. I made no sound, focusing on a spot in the distance not blinking once. My vision blurred as my eyes watered.

Noticing my expression, Guy paused.

'Eep, I'll stop if you want.'

'Which means the pain lasts longer.'

I breathed hard through my nose, even talking was hurting now.

'Don't stop unless you're done.'

He nodded, but averted his gaze as he turned my arm back further. The popping echoed through my head once more. But this time, I felt nothing but relief as the water ran from my eyes.

'Dad's gonna love this.'

I looked down at my sling, binding my arm to my side. Sore as it may be, this was more bearable by far. Guy shook his head.

'Nah, he'll be fine once he knows…...what happened.'

I knew what that pause meant. We both exchanged a foreboding glance. Dad may have laid off most of his paranoid protectiveness but he was still reluctant in letting Sandy explore beyond his line of sight. Sandy had only managed to convince Dad after promising to have Belt with her any time she chose to explore. But after today, well.

I turned to my little sis.

'You know what Dad will have to say once he knows about this don't you?'

Sandy stared at the ground.

'I've been there 100,000 times so…...I'll help you the best I can, but… prepared for the repercussion.'

Her expression brightened considerably at this.

As predicted, Dad's reaction was beginning to resemble that of 'The End', but then Guy stepped in.

'What happened today, would've been far worse – had she not intervened at all.'

Dad shut up considerably after that, but his mood towards Sandy didn't improve much. Sandy was banned from exploring for 2 weeks but for once, she put up nothing of a fight.

As I retreated to my tent that night, I heard a shuffle of footsteps as I lay down on my bed mat. Not easy considering my arm's position.

I turned to my Panda Glider Cloak.

'Was that you?'

Cloak, now on my stomach –responded by kneading his paws on my chest.

'Guess not.'

I heard the rustle again, along with a whimpered growl.


A familiar pair of millipede pigtails appeared behind my pillow.

'What's the matter? Thunk sleeping on your end of the tent again?'

Sandy glanced in the direction of Mum & Dad's tent. I figured out the rest.

'Feel like keeping me company?'

My tent was very full that night.

No sooner had the sun come up, my sleep was ended by annoyingly familiar growls.

'Ugh, morning to you too Sandy.'

My little sis panted non-stop, bouncing around like a mad thing. The oddest things made me smile these days.

'Hey, let's see how fast you can catch breakfast.'

By the time I'd made it to the beach, Sandy had claimed several fish from a Sharkodile.

Several weeks later

'7 in a row. You keep this up you won't need me anymore.' Guy shook his head as he picked up yet another prize from the loaded trap.

I noticed a log strewn across the path. Guy jumped it, I followed with a front aerial. Guy cocked an eyebrow.

'Show off right?'

He grinned in response.

'Jealous is more the word. Especially having had a disjointed limb appears to have made your manoeuvres ever more spectacular. Against all advice to boot!'

I stuck out my tongue.

'Boredom can be a great teacher.'

While my shoulder no longer hurt, it wasn't up to par in strength just yet. Guy was adamant about keeping it bound whenever we hunted, sticking to methods that didn't need me to pursue prey at breakneck speed – (even though that was my favourite kind!). It didn't stop me from practicing at home. I knew plenty of moves that didn't require my arms. Guy – unimpressed as he may have been, knew interfering only made it worse. Funny, how he picked that up in a few days. Whereas my dad still fails to figure it out!

Then I heard a loud thump behind me - & saw Sandy splayed over the log. Picking her up by her pelt, it took everything I had not to laugh.

'Don't attempt what will kill you.'

Sandy grumbled in annoyance.

Guy stifled back his own giggles.

'Seems she's gone from being attached to your mum's hip to yours now.'

'Mmm hmm, though I don't see what makes me any more interesting.'

I gave my little sis a wink.

'But at least I can fix that attempt you call an aerial.'

By the end of the day, Sandy had it down pat.

'Well you certainly picked that up faster than Thunk ever could. Looks like you can fill in for me on chase hunts.'

Sandy let out an excited bark.

Truth be told – ever since I'd saved her & Belt, Sandy had started wandering further & further away from Mum…..& following me more & more. Mum was glad for the break & Guy (for some reason) found it cute. And to be honest…I didn't mind it either – much as I'd thought the opposite beforehand.

I broke away from the thought as Sandy fell headfirst into a sand pit. I couldn't help but smirk a little.

'Though you might end up as prey if you don't know the strategy.'

Just then, Guy walked over; trap props hung over his shoulder.

'Ready to set up some more?'

I looked back at Sandy, a hopeful glint in her brown eyes.

'Actually, I don't think we'll need them today. If I can't corral our prey, at least someone else should.'

Guy peered at Sandy, his eyebrow raised.

'You sure?'

I shrugged in reply.

'I may as well do something with my time other than go mad with boredom on hunts while I'm still arm bound. Loud as Sandy is, at least she's always interesting to watch, especially when she perfects it!'

Guy nodded in agreement.

'Can't argue there.'

2 hours later, we were hauling a Zebra Ostrich carcass home – Sandy pulling at the lead.

'Nice one Sandy, but save your reserves for the last stretch from now on or the tables will turn. You'll end up prey if you don't – remember that.'

As if to prove me wrong, Sandy yanked on our catch fiercely – letting out a low growl.

I cocked my eyebrow.

'Don't argue with me, you know it's true.'

Snorting with annoyance, but backing down she walked forward.

Guy looked my way, a bemused expression written on his face.

'Can I ask why; you feel the need to do that?'

Looking back over at my little sis, a smug smile spread to my face.

'You are aware I'm the eldest? Well…..end of story!'

So there it is! My most time consuming story yet!

In case anyone was wondering the injury Eep sustains is a dislocated shoulder. I've never had one but have heard MANY a time how P.A.I.N.F.U.L. they are & did my best on describing it on the minimal medical knowledge I read up on.

If I made ANY mistakes, (which I wouldn't be surprised at all if I did!) I apologise.

I felt like experimenting with how Eep would deal with a significant injury & how it would play in growing closer to Sandy. While I know the Croods are Superhuman compared to us - knowing they can hurt themselves the same way we can (just on a MUCH larger scale, hence the enormous drop to earth!) again just makes them SO relatable, which the movie already did an INCREDIBLE job on!

Now that you've read this, I hope you continue to enjoy Croods FanFiction Tales!